Under normal circumstances, there is congestion and blood accumulation in the brain. Surgery is required in the hospital. The health center in this small town has poor conditions and simply does not have the ability to support the operation.

According to Xiao Chen's examination of the patient, if the patient is not sent to the county hospital or the third class hospital in the city for surgery in time to clean up the congestion and blood accumulation, he is likely to die or even be vegetative.

At this time, the patient's family members have not been notified in time. Now they can only give him treatment. Otherwise, if they die and the family members make trouble, they may need a lot of money.

In Xiao Chen, a female nurse was asked to bring sterilized alcohol.

The nurse hurried over.

Sterilized alcohol is still available in the health center.

There are also Chinese medicine students here, but there are no people who can acupuncture and moxibustion.

The female nurse brought the disinfectant alcohol. Xiao Chen took out his cloth bag and took out the silver needle.

Looking at Tang Bing, widow Wang, Mo Xiaowan, and the doctors and female nurses in the health center, Xiao Chen directly gave acupuncture to the patient's head.

Now Xiao Chen is to dredge those congestion and blood accumulation.

Obviously, this is caused by excessive serious injury.

When Xiao Chen was doing acupuncture, he even input a aura to protect his head.

When these people looked over and found that the silver needle was beating like a beat, and there was a white mist emanating from the silver needle, the doctors and female nurses in the health center were surprised and speechless.

Is the disciple of Xiao family village doctor Xiao really so powerful?

It took almost half an hour for Xiao Chen to pull out the silver needle.

When the patient's head was examined again, it was found that the congestion and blood accumulation on the other party's head had been eliminated.

Xiao Chen saw it clearly with perspective eyes.

There is no blood accumulation and congestion. The rest is skin trauma. It's OK to recuperate for a period of time.

"Dr. Xiao, how is the patient?" The male doctor asked.

"The congestion in his brain has been eliminated. He should be fine by tomorrow."

Has the congestion been eliminated?

How is that possible?

How did you do that?

Doctors and female nurses in these health centers can't believe it.

Xiao Chen knew that time was important and went to see another seriously injured patient.

When I came to the seriously injured patient, I found that the other party was also a male. The other party's right arm was important and completely stubborn. However, the other party was still awake.

But now it hurts like hell.

Xiao Chen came over, looked at each other and said, "why compete to burn incense?"

Many times, Xiao Chen had to believe that it was meant to be.

However, sometimes, he felt that fate could be changed.

However, looking at these ordinary villagers, they actually compete for burning incense for the Buddha. What's this for?

Is it for money?

Or for health?

Why is it like this?

Now I can't ask for money, but I make myself like this.

Is it worth it?

Xiao Chen has always felt that the so-called faith is generally done according to his own heart. If his heart believes, then believe. If his heart doesn't believe, what's the use of forcing himself to do it?

Therefore, many foreigners feel that the Chinese people have no faith. The so-called faith is to trade with the gods and Buddhas with money.

Then this is with the nature of transaction, which is impure.

The injured man fainted with pain and ignored what Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Chen looked at the situation of the other party's right arm. First, he checked and found that there was no broken bone, but the deformed right arm was really not good without a powerful bone setting master or western medicine surgery.

"Xiao Chen, is his arm like this? How did you do it? " Tang Bing couldn't believe it and asked.

"Of course it can help him correct."

Xiao Chen sighed.

Looking at the injured middle-aged man, he said, "hold back the pain for a while, I'll help you correct it, and then apply the medicine for a week, and your arm will reduce the swelling."

After asking the female nurse to get a towel, wet it with warm water, and then let the man bite it.

Xiao Chen asked the other party to turn his back to him, didn't look at his arm, or bit the wet towel, and then closed his eyes.

"Is this really OK?"

Asked the middle-aged man.

"If you don't believe me, you can only send it to the county hospital for surgery."

"But you."

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen and was still too young.

"Doctor Xiao in Xiaojia village is my master. Do you think I will?"

Doctor Xiao in Xiaojia village?

The injured middle-aged man was relieved at once.

After he bit the wet towel and closed his eyes, Xiao Chen twisted his right arm into such a state, and then recovered.

In fact, in the eyes of those bone setting masters, the technique used by Xiao Chen is the same.

After all, they all belong to traditional Chinese medicine.

It's just that some bone setting masters are more skilled.

Xiao Chen directly put the other party's right arm back to the right. After that, they just heard a click, and then the middle-aged man bit the wet towel.

At this time, when you return to this state, you have completed two-thirds of the task of setting the bone, and the rest is straightening.

They looked again and found that the middle-aged man's arm had been completely recovered.

However, in this injured state, at the beginning, it must be very red and swollen. It is not possible to use simple anti swelling drugs. Drugs need to be used for dressing.

"You try to see if you can exercise freely?"

The middle-aged man felt pain twice in a moment, and then the pain disappeared.

When Xiao Chen stopped now, he felt that the pain really disappeared, and when he tried to move his right arm, he found that he could stretch freely.

But now it's as thick as a thigh, red and swollen.

After asking the female nurse to bring the medical record paper, Xiao Chen wrote a prescription for the injured middle-aged man and said, "take the medicine home, decoct the medicine and apply it for a week. Then it will be all right. However, in a short time, your right arm can't fully recover, that is to say, your right arm can't take heavy things."

"Thank you, Dr. Xiao. I see." Said the injured middle-aged man.

At this time, the doctors and female nurses around were surprised again and felt that Xiao Chen was too powerful.

Xiao Chen quickly wrote the prescription and handed it to the middle-aged man. Let the other person hold it with his left finger. Xiao Chen went to see the third seriously injured patient.

"Dr. Xiao, did you just use the bone setting technique?" Asked the male doctor at the health center.

"Yes, but I seldom use it. If there is broken bone, it is still serious. I'm afraid this bone setting technique will be treated with other drugs."