Sleepwalking is a strange phenomenon of getting out of bed and then going back to bed to continue sleeping. Neurologically, it is a sleep disorder. The symptoms are generally walking in the residence in a semi awake state, but some patients will leave the residence or make some dangerous actions.

The strange phenomenon of sleepwalking is that the parties can engage in very complex activities in action. They will open the door to the street, take tools or avoid obstacles without causing collision and injury.

After the activity, return to bed by yourself and continue to sleep. Sleepwalking in adults is mostly related to schizophrenia and neurosis.

However, the young security guard's situation is obviously different from other sleepwalking patients.

"Did he sleepwalk before?"

"No, I've been fine the other day, just like tonight."

Said the fat security guard.

The cemetery is very big, but the security booth at the exit is watched by two security guards in turn.

Both of them, either rest during the day, work during the day, or transfer. Tonight is the young security guard's rest. He is on duty there to prevent someone from entering the cemetery to do damage or steal.

Unexpectedly, at 12 a.m., when the fat security guard was playing with his mobile phone, he found that his colleagues were very wrong, got up and shouted, and had to hit the wall by himself.

At that time, when the other party found something wrong, he immediately picked up his cell phone and called Xiao Chen.

Of course, when Xiao Chen and Liu Mengqi left, they talked to the two security guards.

Now after Xiao Chen showed the young security guard, old Tang asked, "Xiao Chen, what's the situation?"

"His eight characters are too light and stick to unclean things."

Xiao Chen took out the talisman paper he was carrying, burned it into ash and poured it directly into the mouth of the young security guard.

After a while, I found that the other party suddenly opened his eyes.

Fat security guard, old Tang and the female nurse were startled by each other's eyes when they looked at them.

It doesn't feel like human eyes at all!

After Xiao Chen asked the security guard to hold down the other party, Xiao Chen took out the small gossip mirror and directly took a picture of the other party's face. Not only did the small gossip mirror make that bell sound, but when the face was photographed by the small gossip mirror, the young security guard's face looked even more terrible.

It's like a normal person's face suddenly becomes distorted!

"Xiao, Dr. Xiao, he, how could he do this?"

The fat security guard was really scared.

"Don't be afraid."

Xiao Chen took out the silver needle again.

Using these silver needles, directly through the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, acupuncture was applied to the young security guard.

When the young security guard suddenly screamed.

The other party passed out again.

However, the other party's struggle scared the fat security guard. He almost felt that he couldn't hold the other party at all.

Take back the silver needle in Xiao Chen.

Looking at the other side's seal hall, I found that the black color had disappeared.

"Sister nurse, I'll write him a prescription. You can make medicine soup and bring it to him."

Xiao Chen looked at the female nurse on the night shift and said.

When the female nurse went to get the medicine, Xiao Chen looked at Old Tang and asked, "he has no problem for the time being."

However, Xiao Chen knew that this was indeed found and treated in time.

Otherwise, the other party is young and light, and it is very possible to die there for no reason.

This can only say that the other party and he still have a little fate. They can save each other's life.

Xiao Chen looked at the time. It was already more than two o'clock in the morning. He wanted to go back to rest with Tang Laoxian.

Although the hospital is also a place with heavy Yin, it is on the side of the morgue.

Xiao Chen and Tang Lao came out of the affiliated hospital. When they got on the bus, they saw the scene just now. Tang Lao was a little afraid.

I haven't seen anything at his age.

However, it was the year Xiao Chen came to Binhai that he found that he had encountered many strange things, including the diseases caused by them, for the first time.

When he returned to the Tang's national medical hall, Mr. Tang went to rest.

Xiao Chen returned upstairs and did not continue to practice.

Early the next morning, Xiao Chen got up to wash and went downstairs. Naturally, he was ready to go back to school with Mo Xiaowan.

"Xiao Chen, don't eat breakfast?"

"Old Tang, my sister Xiaowan and I go back to school."

When Xiao Chen went to pick up Mo Xiaowan and returned to school, his mobile phone rang. It was the security guard who called last night.

He has woken up.

However, after drinking the tranquilizer soup, he still hasn't recovered.

He can only hear about what happened last night from fat colleagues.

However, today he and the fat man resigned. The security salary in the cemetery is very high, with a minimum of 8000. However, not everyone can do it.

For example, the young security guard himself was a veteran who was not afraid of heaven and earth. This time, he almost lost his life.

"I'll come and see you at noon."

Xiao Chen hung up.

At noon, Xiao Chen drove Mo Xiaowan back to Mo's villa. After breakfast at Mo's villa, Xiao Chen went to the affiliated hospital.

He came to the ward of the young security guard in the Affiliated Hospital and went inside. Now he has woken up and is looking at his mobile phone. The fat security guard doesn't know where to go.

"Dr. Xiao, thank you so much last night."

He already knew that the young man's surname was Xiao and his name was Dr. Xiao.

"It's all right. Since I saw it, I certainly want to help you. I want to know something about you."

When Xiao Chen sat there, he soon learned that the young man's name was Xiao Jian. After five years in the army, because he could no longer stay, he demobilized and returned to Binhai city to find a security job in the cemetery.

In fact, when he was there at first, he was not afraid of anything.

Because I have been a soldier for many years, I am not afraid of heaven and earth. Naturally, I am not afraid of the cemetery.

Unexpectedly, the other day, when he was on the night shift alone at night, he felt inexplicable and somewhat different. He often heard someone talking outside or even walking.

However, he came out of the security room and didn't see anything.

As for those ghost fires, he thought they should be generated by dead people's bones. Ghost fires are "phosphorous fires", which usually appear in rural areas more than in tombs on dry days in summer.

But occasionally in the city.

Because human bones contain phosphorus, the body will produce phosphine after decay. The ignition point of phosphine is very low and can spontaneously ignite. When walking, it will drive it to move behind (because of high flow rate and low pressure). Looking back, it is very scary, so it is called "ghost fire" by those timid or superstitious people.

The color of ghost fire changes with the color of the elements contained in the human body. From time to time, we can see three colors of ghost fire: green, blue and red. If there are special colors, it indicates that there are many trace elements in the dead.

Therefore, Xiao Jian doesn't believe that at all.

Moreover, all those in the cemetery were burned to ashes in the crematorium. Naturally, it is impossible to see the so-called ghost fire.

As for hearing those so-called strange sounds or footsteps, he thought it was an illusion, or maybe it was just a psychological effect.