It's not the first time Lin Wanqing fainted. He fainted several times a year. However, Lin Qinghua rarely saw his sister faint. Now seeing his sister faint with his own eyes really made him pale.

"How's my sister?"

"It's all right. Take her back first."

Xiao Chen went back to Lin Wanqing's house. In less than half an hour, Xiao Chen parked his car in the village in the city, that is, outside Lin Wanqing's door, opened the door and hurriedly hugged Lin Wanqing in.

Now Lin Wanqing's parents work nearby. Her grandparents are just not at home. Other uncles and aunts who also want to go to work may be Lin Qinghua's cousins at home.

When Xiao Chen brought Lin Wanqing in and Lin Qinghua hurried in, those cousins might guess that Lin Wanqing had a heart attack and fainted again.

Among so many brothers and sisters in their family, Lin Wanqing's study is the best. She hasn't paid tuition in primary school, junior middle school and senior high school. However, Lin Wanqing suffers from congenital heart disease in their family.

When Lin Wanqing was very young, her parents took her for examination and treatment, but in this case, it is difficult to treat her well once or several times.

In addition, if it is surgical treatment, I'm afraid hundreds of thousands can't do it. Moreover, the risk of surgery is relatively high, which has been delayed for more than ten years.

In recent years, Lin Wanqing fainted more and more, and this time it was less than a month since the last college entrance examination.

"Where is your sister's room?"

Lin Qinghua hurriedly took Xiao Chen to her sister's room.

Speaking of it, her sister still lives in a room with two cousins, because there are not many houses originally. These children will basically not live with their parents when they grow up. Therefore, two or three children live in a room.

Xiao Chen put Lin Wanqing who fainted on the bed. He had taken out the silver needle. When he saw Lin Qinghua and his cousins coming, Xiao Chen said, "I'll treat your sister first. You'll pour a glass of water for your sister later."

Lin Qinghua and them went out first.

When Xiao Chen closes the door, Xiao Chen takes out the silver needle, and then acupuncture on Lin Wanqing's back to stimulate her heart and other parts.

About fifteen minutes later, Lin Wanqing woke up.

She just felt a burst of angina pectoris, and then she didn't feel anything. When she opened her eyes and woke up, she found that she was very familiar.

Isn't this your room?

On one side, she still saw Xiao Chen.

"Classmate Xiao, how did I go home?"

"Of course I brought you back."

Lin Wanqing blushed.

When Xiao Chen went to open the door, Lin Qinghua came in and found that his sister really woke up.

"Sister, you scared me just now." Lin Qinghua said.

Just before Lin Wanqing fainted, Xiao Chen told Teacher Wang that Lin Wanqing would faint soon, but the other party didn't believe it and wanted Lin Wanqing to go back to class.

Sure enough, Lin Wanqing fainted directly after a class in the counseling room.

Just now, she mainly had severe angina pectoris, which made her body unbearable.

"Your sister's condition is still very serious, so her illness needs to be treated as soon as possible. I think I'd better send her to the affiliated hospital first."

Affiliated Hospital?

Lin Wanqing knows that the medical expenses of the affiliated hospital are very high.

However, if you don't go to treatment, will you faint and never wake up next time?

"Do you want a lot of medical expenses?" Lin Wanqing asked.

"You don't have to worry about that."

In that case, Xiao Chen asked Lin Qinghua to tell his parents that Lin Wanqing had gone to the Affiliated Hospital for treatment.

Xiao Chen and Lin Wanqing went out because they were going to be hospitalized there. They asked her to bring some clothes and change clothes in the hospital.

Although the hospital will improve the patient's clothes, those private clothes must still be used by themselves.

When Xiao Chen and Lin Qinghua went out, they looked at this urban village not far from the prosperous area of Binhai city. At this time, it looked very poor. However, in Xiao Chen's view, Binhai city will develop here sooner or later.

Of course, even if it is really demolished at that time, there are so many people in this family, which may be divided into several Suites at most. In that case, in fact, they still have to struggle by themselves.

Lin Wanqing packed up her clothes and got into Xiao Chen's car. Xiao Chen drove out of here and went to the affiliated hospital.

"Classmate Lin, didn't the college entrance examination come out? How are your grades? "

"I didn't do very well."

It can be said that Lin Wanqing made a serious mistake this time. Usually, she has more than 600 in the monthly test and mock test, which is better than Mo Xiaowan's score.

However, this time, because of the first subject of Chinese in the college entrance examination, her situation is something wrong. Then she didn't do well in Chinese, and then she didn't do well in mathematics, English and literature.

Although her score must have crossed the key line, it is difficult to go to a better university.

For example, when filling in volunteers, it was Peking University. Now it is impossible.

Therefore, it should still be possible to report to normal university when it can only be supplemented.

The college entrance examination results are not good. Naturally, she can't get the college entrance examination Bonus of foreign language experimental middle school. Therefore, she is ready to go to the training department to tutor students during this period and earn some tuition and living expenses.

"Xiao, what about you?"

"I heard from Xiao Wan's sister that I was the top student in the college entrance examination, one point short of full marks in the whole subject."

One point to the full?

Lin Wanqing was really surprised.

Although in the ordinary monthly examination and even the joint examination of six schools, Xiao Chen's results are in the front, it's normal to get the first place in the college entrance examination this time.

However, Xiao Chen said it was one point short of the full score of the whole subject?

This makes her really can't believe it.

Even in the whole country, it is difficult to have one in more than ten years.

"Sister Xiao Wan said I deducted one point for Chinese."

Just one point?

Lin Wanqing doesn't know what to say.

"Where are you going to read it?"

She thought Xiao Chen had already filled in Tsinghua and Peking University. In this case, she would be admitted.

"Binhai City, I study in the University of traditional Chinese medicine. Anyway, I should spend most of my time in Binhai city."

This surprised Lin Wanqing even more.

It turned out that after the college entrance examination results came out and checked the scores online, she was sad for a long time. After all, she still didn't change her fate after ten years of cold window.

Originally, she wanted to repeat it again, but when she thought of her illness, she felt that she should forget it, go to a normal university as her parents said, and be a teacher after graduation.

Anyway, in the eyes of parents, teachers still work in an iron rice bowl. They don't have to worry about other problems. However, Lin Wanqing's parents do not know that, like some teachers, if Lin Wanqing's heart disease has not been admitted, even if she comes out of college, she still can't do teacher work.