This dumb uncle is a native of Dongjiang Miao village. He has hurt so many villagers. Doesn't he have a little guilt?

I can't see it from his face.

Xiao Chen knew that if he was released or handed over to the police station, he would certainly not be able to deal with it. Instead, he would continue to harm other Miao villagers.

Xiao Chen knows that he can't let each other go.

He was just not sure whether there were other water ghosts except that the dumb man was a water ghost.

However, from dumb uncle, he can't ask.

"Clan leader Shi, what do you want to do with this water ghost?"

"Mr. Xiao, you can handle it."

"I'll give him a medicine and he will die like a heart attack. Then you can burn it to ashes and sprinkle it directly in front of the grave in your village to apologize for the villagers killed by him!"

So many innocent villagers have been killed. I'm afraid the dumb man died ten times. What's more, his masters have harmed the Miao village for hundreds of years.

Xiao Chen asks dumb uncle to eat something.

In the early morning of that day, dumb uncle had no breath.

No one saw dumb uncle die in Xiao Chen's hands. Other died of the heart disease.

Yabo was originally alone in Dongjiang Miao village. Now he knows that he has killed so many innocent Miao villagers, and no villagers want to get close to him.

Not far from the foot of the mountain, dumb's body was directly burned to ashes by the pile of firewood.

Then his ashes were sprinkled on the graves of the villagers near the village who were killed by him.

When Xiao Chen returned to clan leader Shi to have a rest, he looked at the thirty golden silkworm insects. In fact, they grew up drinking blood. Xiao Chen wanted to burn them directly.

However, a golden silkworm like this can't be burned to death by fire.

Therefore, he is going to take it back to Jiuli gate and hand it over to master Miao.

Xiao Chen is ready to go back to Jiuli gate after breakfast.

This time out of Miao Jiang, one is in Xitang Miao village and the other is in Dongjiang Miao village. Now that he has solved all the problems, he is ready to go back to jiulimen and then back to Binhai city.

After breakfast, clan leader Shi and other Miao villagers respected Xiao Chen and sent them to the entrance of the village. Xiao Chen rode on the motorcycle and went back to the town.

However, looking back on the ghost marriage of the paper people I met that morning, Xiao Chen, sang and Mo Xiaowan all felt afraid. However, I haven't encountered this situation now.

After riding a motorcycle back to the town, ride a motorcycle from the town to jiulimen.

When he came to the mountain road near Jiuli gate and couldn't ride, Xiao Chen had to go up the mountain with sang and Mo Xiaowan.

It was not until noon that I went up to Jiuli gate.

Sang went to find master Miao first.

Master Miao was surprised to learn that Xiao Chen had successfully solved the problem.

"Have you solved it?"

Xiao Chen went to solve the problem, one was to relieve Gu and cure the disease, the other was to find out the real murderer, and he did it.

Unfortunately, the gatekeeper of Xitang Miao village was run away by him.

"Master, this mission is quite satisfactory. It's just a pity that the murderer in Xitang Miao Village escaped."

Master Miao was also surprised when Xiao Chen said what had happened.

"Who are you? When you came back, you met ghost marriage?"


Xiao Chen seems to remember that he saw the bride, as if he had seen her somewhere.

Xiao Chen carefully explained the situation at that time.

"So it seems that the bride is probably the young woman who married the doorman you said."

It's her?

"I'll let someone ask. Maybe I'll know."

Although Xiao Chen found a body from the room where the doorman lived, he was not sure whether it was the young woman who disappeared that year.

After master Miao asked someone to check it, Xiao Chen asked, "master, what does it mean if I encounter this?"

"What does that mean? That means you're destined for her. "

According to the scientific explanation, nature recorded this scene.

According to superstition, it is an event of Yin marriage.

"Fate? How is this possible? "

"Maybe you'll meet each other in the future." Master Miao said again.

If so, Xiao Chen feels a little scary.

Although Xiao Chen is not afraid of these, as the saying goes, he is upright, sitting upright and upright. He is really not afraid of these ghosts.

"As for the water ghost you said? I didn't expect to be harmed in Dongjiang Miao village for so many years. "

Originally, these things were solved by Sang's master.

However, I haven't found Jiuli gate these years.

"Master, now that these things have been solved, can I go back to Binhai?"

"Want to go back so soon?"

In fact, it's late August now. Although the university doesn't have to go to freshman week, it's just close to September 1.

However, Xiao Chen came back from Dongyang and then flew to miaojiang.

He really misses those big ladies over there in Binhai city.

"Master, I want to go back."

In fact, the most rewarding thing from this visit is the understanding of the witchcraft sect in miaojiang, which exists like a very evil witchcraft sect. Up to now, Xiao Chen also knows that the gatekeeper is related to the witchcraft sect and may belong to the members of the witchcraft sect. As for the water ghost, the dumb uncle died before he died. They really belong to the witchcraft sect, but they belong to one of them.

Like him, it has hurt so many people. It can be imagined how many people have been hurt by the existence of this witchcraft sect.

Xiao Chen doesn't have much time to stay here and continue to investigate the witchcraft door.

"Master, these are 30 golden silkworms brought back from the water ghost dumb uncle. In fact, these are mutated golden silkworms. I don't know how to deal with them. I'll give them to you."

After Xiao Chen took out the bottle, master Miao looked and found that it was really a mutated golden silkworm Gu.

However, dumb uncle is dead. He fed these golden silkworm insects with the blood of the villagers, and master Miao can't keep them.

"Master, what about these golden silkworm insects?"

"Water can't drown and fire can't kill. You can only eat them for other things."

Eaten by something else?

Originally, master Miao was a master of witches and insects. Naturally, he also raised other witches and insects. However, like himself, he only fed with his own blood, not with other people's blood like dumb uncle.

Xiao Chen finished lunch at jiulimen. In the afternoon, Xiao Chen was ready to go back to Phoenix Airport with Mo Xiaowan and fly back to Binhai city from Phoenix Airport.

However, sang has to deal with other jiulimen affairs, so he can't go back to Binhai city with Xiao Chen.

Seeing Xiao Chen leaving, Sang was reluctant.

She knew that although Xiao Chen was usually talkative, no one could compare with him in other aspects.