The young woman's mask was removed. Her face, which had been destroyed, was enough for the child to see that she would be frightened to cry. Even yuan Yumei and may felt very frightened when they saw it.

Such a face, is this still a face?

From the other side's half face to the neck, it looks like rotten meat.

"What else do you have to say?" Said the young woman.

"Although your face is like this, it really can't prove that you used our ointment." Yuan Yumei felt pity for the young woman.

However, it does not mean that you can be slandered by the other party.

"Wait, my cousin is from the food and drug administration. I'll ask him to come and check. Don't say 100 million, 10 billion. You must compensate us."

The young woman took out her mobile phone and called her so-called cousin.

"Cousin, I'm in this beauty salon. I just use her beauty cream to make me look like a ghost now. You should bring someone here quickly to find out the problem of this club. "

After the young woman called, she looked even more arrogant.

Of course, Yuan Yumei also has some relations in officialdom.

Now when she heard that the other party called the FDA, Yuan Yumei began to be nervous. For a moment, she didn't know what relationship to look for.

"Xiao Chen, what should I do?"

"Sister Yumei, just watch here. I don't care who comes. I can make it clear that it has nothing to do with Zhuyan ointment."

It doesn't matter at all?

Xiao Chen, they are waiting there.

About half an hour, a group of FDA staff had driven over.

The first is a middle-aged man, that is, what the young woman said, the other party's cousin.

"Cousin, cousin, we're in there." The young woman called and said.

This group of staff of the food and drug administration broke in directly, which frightened many customers who were receiving services in the club.

"Cousin, look at my face." Young woman ah Yu said.

"Ah Yu, how did you become like this?"

The middle-aged man's name is Li Zheng. He is a section chief under the food and drug administration. Although the position of section chief is small, he is still very arrogant.

Now I'm scared to see my cousin become like that.

"I just use these high priced beauty cream. It's like this in a few days."

Ah Yu took out a bag.

There is a box of bottled beauty cream in the bag. The price of beauty cream is really valuable, and it seems that some of it has been used.

When the section chief Li asked people to find Feng immediately, the young woman ah Yu said, "cousin, I came to find them this time, but they don't admit it."


Li Zheng naturally knows what's going on.

"We want 100 million, but they won't give it."

Li Zheng walked over, looked at Xiao Chen and asked, "who is the boss here?"

Staring at the beautiful young woman, Li Zheng's eyes had already attracted the past.

"I'm yuan Yumei, the boss here. I also produce this beauty cream."

Yuan Yumei directly stood up and said.

"Boss yuan, I want to talk to you."


"Of course."

Yuan Yumei and Li Zheng went aside. Li Zheng said directly, "boss yuan, if you don't want to make this big, I think it's best for your club to have a private relationship with my cousin."

"Why private? I can't confirm whether she really did this because she used our ointment. If she did, wouldn't she admit that it was my beauty cream? "

"Boss yuan, don't be a thunder cleaver. I'm kind for you. If you find out that it's related to your ointment, it's not as simple as losing money. You're going to go to jail."

"How much did you say?" Yuan Yumei was even more amused.

Now she feels really too simple.

I thought that as long as business was good, I didn't expect that so many problems came out now. He was blackmailed by his ex husband before, but now he is blackmailed by these people.

"According to my cousin, compensate 100 million. Another additional condition is that you sleep with me for a month. "

Li Zheng has shown his mind.

Yuan Yumei looked at Li Zhengguang's head and his squint eyes. Sure enough, there were many good things.

"Really? Go to hell. Hooligans! "

"Snap!" Yuan Yumei slapped the other party, then kicked Li Zheng and asked the other party to step back.

"Boss yuan, you'll regret it. You're waiting for prison compensation!"

Li zhenggen didn't see yuan Yumei in the eye. Whether her ointment hurt his cousin like this or not, but he had a way to make the other party give in.

"Search and take all the relevant physical evidence back to the Drug Administration for investigation." Li Zhengli immediately ordered.

The staff below him immediately searched for things.

Although Xiao Chen didn't come, he could hear clearly.

This Li Zheng is even worse than he thought.

Xiao Chen came over and directly kicked the other party.

When Li Zheng was kicked to the ground, he pointed to Xiao Chen and said, "you beat public officials and wait to go to jail!"

Li Zheng has taken out his mobile phone and called the police directly.

At this moment, Yuan Yumei and may are a little nervous.

"Xiao Chen, what should I do?"

"Just a small public official, dare you be so arrogant?"

Before long, the police officers from the nearby police station came at once.

A group of police station personnel in police uniforms came. When they entered the high-level club, the head deputy director asked, "who just called the police?"

"Director Zhou, these people have no evidence to blackmail us. Now please deal with it." Yuan Yumei has something to do with deputy director Zhou.

After all, the beauty salon is here. Usually, if a small gangster comes to make trouble, the personnel of the police station should come out to maintain order.

Deputy director Zhou saw Li Zheng and those people.

He recognized the drug administration.

"Director Zhou, I just called the police. These two beat me. And we came here after receiving a report from the victim. This is the victim." Li was pointing at ah Yu.

Ah Yu came over, knelt down and said, "you have to decide for me. I used their high-priced beauty cream. Now this face is like this. People are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts."

Deputy director Zhou was also shocked when he saw this appearance.

"You go back with us immediately." Deputy director Zhou pointed to Xiao Chen and Yuan Yumei.

"Director Zhou, are you sure you really want to come forward for them?" Xiao Chen asked coldly.

Yuan Yumei thought that she had paid enough money to deputy director Zhou. It seemed that she had paid the money in vain. It was useless at the critical moment, but she caused trouble for herself.

"I'm doing things fairly now." Deputy director Zhou said directly.

After asking the police to take Xiao Chen and Yuan Yumei, may and they back to the police station, as for this place, it must be closed for investigation.