Xiao Chen didn't expect that he was forcibly kissed by Xiao Yuxin.

What can he say?

After driving Xiao Yuxin to the door of the hospital, Xiao Chen also drove away from here.

Xiao Chen knew that he could only let someone find an old dog for him.

Xiao Chen won't bother others about this kind of thing. He's going to ask at the pet store tomorrow.

Driving back to the gate of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

When I stopped the car, I thought Cai Xiaoling had returned to the dormitory to rest. Unexpectedly, I found that the light was still on, that is to say, Cai Xiaoling was still here.

"Xiao Ling, haven't you gone back to rest?"

Although Cai Xiaoling's salary can be regarded as a high salary, Xiao Chen doesn't need her to work so hard.

"Dr. Xiao, a female patient has been waiting for you for a long time. She must let you see her before she leaves."

Female patients?

You're smarter to come to him this time.

After all, you can't see each other in broad daylight.

"Where is she?"


Xiao Chen followed Cai Xiaoling in and soon saw a young woman with long hair but wearing a mask sitting there.

Of course, when Xiao Chen went to Toyo and Korea, he saw many young girls wearing masks, especially Toyo.

At first, Xiao Chen was still surprised. Later, she found that the reason why they liked wearing masks was because their teeth were not good-looking, because many of them were buckteeth.

However, Xiao Chen would not laugh at these people, because they would have been a harm to them.

"Miss, are you looking for me?"

"I heard that there is an old Chinese doctor here who is very powerful. I want to see him."

"You mean my master, but my master is out."

The young woman felt a little pity.

"But I basically got the true story of my master."

"Dr. Xiao, can I treat this disease?"

As soon as the young woman took off her mask and looked over, her face startled Xiao Chen and Cai Xiaoling.

He now understood why the young man and woman had to wear a mask!

Her face is really ugly.

It's not her appearance, but the acne on her face.

Moreover, there are many small abscesses. It seems that I really don't know how to describe them.

It can only be said that her face, which was originally a qualified beauty, is now covered by these acne, which is more terrible than those ugly women.

If a bad looking young woman stands here with the young woman in front of her, so that a man must choose one, then it will certainly be the bad looking young woman.

Because the young woman's face in front of her is not only scary, but also disgusting.

After wearing a mask, the young woman asked, "Dr. Xiao, do you think I can still be treated?"

"Have you taken the medicine?"

"Yes, I've seen too many doctors. I almost spent all my salary deposits and credit cards." A young woman wants to cry without tears.

In fact, at the beginning, she went to those regular hospitals, but it was still not good.

Later, he was cheated by those private hospitals for a lot of money, and finally he was not cured.

Even high priced antibiotics are useless.

Moreover, every time her menstruation comes, her face will become more terrible.

A colleague once joked with her that if she knew a boyfriend or got married, her face wouldn't be like that.

The young woman didn't understand what it meant.

However, her face is like that. I'm afraid no man wants to be with her.

Xiao Chen asked many questions.

He already knows.

This has a lot to do with what the young woman usually eats and drinks.

The other party is a southerner, but he likes to eat spicy food, and he eats a lot every time.

Under such circumstances for a long time, many damp and heat accumulated in her body, and then could not be discharged smoothly. Finally, it was shown on her face.

For example, when she saw western medicine, the doctor said endocrine disorders, and other traditional Chinese medicine said yin-yang disorders. In fact, Xiao Chen didn't think so.

Especially after he had just felt his pulse, he was very clear.

In fact, this is damp heat in the spleen and stomach. Due to eating spicy and greasy products, it generates moisture and heat, which is bound in the intestines and cannot be released. It is steamed back and blocked by the skin.

Only by clearing away heat and dispersing the lung can she completely cure her disease.

"Dr. Xiao, what's going on?"

"I'll give you a prescription to drink medicine soup, and then you'll come here tomorrow morning to get an ointment specially used to coat your face."


This ointment must not be sold in the market. Only Xiao Chen made it himself.

When Cai Xiaoling was asked to pick up medicine soup for the young woman who claimed to be Miss Xie, Xiao Chen began to get relevant herbs and prepare to make medicine here.

Because if you go to the laboratory of the traditional Chinese medicine factory, it takes several hours to go back and forth.

When Xiao Chen made the ointment there, Cai Xiaoling had wrapped the medicine for Miss Xie.

After Miss Xie left, Cai Xiaoling asked, "Dr. Xiao, what are you doing?"

"Homemade ointment, which is not sold in the market, is very effective to deal with the acne of the young lady just now."

"Really? There is a cousin in my hometown who also has severe acne on his face. I don't know whether it's easy to use. Can I send one back to my cousin? "

"Yes, yes, but even for acne, the specific symptoms of different people are different. These ointments are only auxiliary. If you really want to cure it, you have to drink medicine soup. When, when you wait for your cousin to send me a picture, I'll determine what specific symptoms he has. "

"I have his picture now."

Cai Xiaoling hurried to get her mobile phone and found a picture of her cousin to show Xiao Chen. When Xiao Chen looked at it, Cai Xiaoling's cousin looked like a high school student with typical acne.

But it looks serious.

This will make the other party feel inferior. After all, it doesn't look good on his face.

However, the situation of CAI Xiaoling's cousin is obviously different from that of Miss Xie just now. This is caused by excessive kidney fire.

"Your cousin's kidney fire is too strong. You need to purge it." Xiao Chen said.

Cai Xiaoling didn't understand when she heard it.

Isn't this a lung problem?

How did it become a kidney again?

Cai Xiaoling doesn't understand.

"Dr. Xiao, my cousin's acne."

"In fact, it's hot. It's normal to have acne. However, he's not very serious. It doesn't matter whether he is treated or not."

"But because of this, my uncle told me that my cousin usually has low self-esteem and doesn't dare to look up at people."