After more than 20 minutes, mu Qianlian came out of the bathroom after taking a bath. She put on the long skirt she had just bought.

With a small step, mu Qianlian sat next to Bai Huang, and then handed his eyebrow pencil to Bai Huang.

"Why?" Bai Huang asked.

Pointing to his eyebrows, mu Qianlian's meaning is very simple. He wants Bai Huang to help him thrush his eyebrows.

Mu Qianlian doesn't like make-up at ordinary times. Even on some relatively grand occasions, it's just light make-up.

Moreover, with her pure natural beauty, she doesn't need makeup when she goes out. Heavy makeup is not her favorite style.

Such words as thrush are actually not enough with makeup. It's just a little adjustment of eyebrows.

"I can't draw a thrush. I haven't done it before." Bai Huang said.

Her expression showed a faint smile. Mu Qianlian motioned Bai Huang to draw casually. She guessed that Bai Huang couldn't thrush. This time, Bai Huang just learned.

For girls, it's actually a very warm thing to ask their boyfriend to help them thrush, at least for mu Qianlian.

She doesn't need any famous brand jewelry given to her by Bai Huang. Her only expectation is that she can help each other with Bai Huang. It's plain and light.

After receiving the eyebrow brush, Bai Huang began to try to give mu Qianlian a thrush. This is mu Qianlian's own request, so he will not refuse.

After a while, he felt that he had painted almost the same. Bai Huang brought a mirror from the side and asked mu Qianlian to see if he was satisfied.

As a result, when mu Qianlian saw it, she was so angry that she fried the pot on the spot. Although she was willing to be the experimental object of Bai Huang, Bai Huang's thrush skills were too outrageous.

Good eyebrows, Leng is painted into a crescent shape by Bai Huang. It looks strange, not to mention.

Seeing that mu Qianlian was about to run away, Bai Huang shrugged helplessly and said that he was an innocent party.

"Come again!" Mu Qianlian spoke to Bai Huang.

Hearing the speech, Bai Huang didn't pretend to be counseling, so he continued to help mu Qianlian thrush.

In the following time, Bai Huang Gang Mu Qianlian drew eyebrows more than ten times, and was stared at by mu Qianlian more than ten times. The atmosphere was as cold as it should be.

A series of things fell down, and the time was about to come to the early morning.

At this time, Bai Huang and mu Qianlian were standing by the window.

The other shore flower seeds in the pot are still the size of mung beans. There are neither signs of growth nor signs of germination. This is a very normal situation.

In ten seconds, the flower seeds on the other side will be in full bloom!

Watching the potted plants, Bai Huang and mu Qianlian counted their time in their hearts.





In an instant, I saw the other shore flower seed the size of a mung bean. At this moment, it has begun to take root and sprout. All the scenes are visible to the naked eye. How strange they are.

With just a few breaths, the flower seeds on the other side have been in full bloom.

Then what comes into the eyes of Bai Huang and mu Qianlian is a very bright colored other shore flower!

There are some indescribable lights around the other shore flowers. Although the picture is beautiful, it gives people a gloomy feeling, which makes people dare not try to touch it easily.

However, this is only a superficial imagination. The other shore flower will not cause any danger to mankind. The only effect is to bring mankind to the gap between reality and soul.

Looking at the other shore flower blooming in front of her, mu Qianlian is naturally very excited, because as long as she can see her dead parents for many years with the help of the effect of the other shore flower.

She thought it was a regret that would last a lifetime, but she had a chance to make up for it.

However, although she was very excited, she was not in a hurry to pick the flowers on the other side, but did not look at the white wasteland standing next to her.

"Are you... Really going?" Mu Qianlian asked.

Since returning home tonight, mu Qianlian seems to like to communicate with Bai Huang very much. Even if he continues to gesture occasionally, the number of times is indeed much less.

Touching mu Qianlian's head, Bai Huang smiled and said nothing more, because mu Qianlian asked a completely meaningless question, and he didn't need to reply at all.

Knowing Bai Huang's thoughts, mu Qianlian came forward and hugged Bai Huang.

She is very grateful that Bai Huang has been with her. She is really, really, really grateful. Thousands of words are in this hug.

It doesn't need much complicated action to express love. As long as the two hearts are connected, a simple hug is also enough.

Then, Bai Huang and mu Qianlian picked the other shore flowers together and held the other shore flowers in their hands.


Suddenly, in an instant, Bai Huang and mu Qianlian were all in the boundless darkness.


Then, not far from the side, there was a pile of dry firewood burning immediately.

The appearance as like as two peas in the last scene of the white wilderness.

The so-called gap between reality and soul is located in the permanent dark area, and there are no creatures at the same time.

Therefore, a bonfire is the only light source here, which can be said to be wonderful!

However, at this time, mu Qianlian didn't want to pay attention to these things.

Now her eyes just shed tears gradually, and she still flows out in an uncontrollable state.

I saw a young couple standing by the campfire.

The man is handsome and handsome. In any way, he is totally handsome. That kind of handsome is really amazing. He can easily charm countless little fans.

The appearance condition of the woman is also amazing. In addition to beauty, it is also the kind of beauty from the deepest soul. It can't be ordinary people.

Bai Huang naturally knows who the couple are. Although he hasn't seen them with his own eyes, he has seen photos in Mu Qianlian's room before.

The man is mu Qianlian's father.

The woman is mu Qianlian's mother, Xu Lian.

Speaking of this, it is obvious that the origin of the name mu Qianlian is composed of his parents' names.

The daughter of Mu Qian and Xu Lian is mu Qian Lian!

"Dad, mom..."

With small steps, mu Qianlian walked towards his parents while crying and hawing.

However, it was just walking at the beginning. After taking a few steps, mu Qianlian couldn't help running straight over.

Later, with a plop, mu Qianlian hugged his parents.

From knowing mu Qianlian until now, Bai Huang only saw mu Qianlian take the initiative to hold two people, one is his Bai Huang, and the other is Chu Li's chick.

Mu Qianlian's behavior at the moment is enough to prove how much she misses her parents. Only in this way can she open her heart instantly and have no high and cold image at all.

"Xiao Lian, you have grown up and become a graceful beauty." Xu Lian touched mu Qianlian's head and said.

"Time flies. Although it's only a blink of an eye for us dead people, seeing that you have been so generous, dad knows that time has passed for a long time. As your mother said, you have indeed become a great beauty." Mu Qian also touched Mu Qian's head.

"Dad, mom, I'm sorry. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have had an accident at all. I'm sorry. Everything is because of me. I'm really sorry..." Mu Qianlian wiped his tears crazily, but he couldn't wipe them clean.

The last time mu Qianlian cried like this was when her parents had just died seven years ago. At that time, she suffered an unprecedented blow, and even had some problems in her spiritual level. It took a long time to slow down a little.

But after that, she began to keep silent, which lasted for more than seven years.

If it weren't for the white famine, she would still be the same as before, always putting herself in the dark.

"Silly daughter, you don't need to apologize to us at all, and that's not your problem. There was a car accident at that time. Everything was just an accident. It has nothing to do with you. You don't need to feel remorse for it. You know, if you don't live well, your parents will be very worried, don't you think so“ Xu Lian's voice was incomparably soft, showing his mother's exclusive love.

"Your mother is right. We can be parents only if you live well. Now we are very happy to see you grow up smoothly. We should live well in the future. Do you hear me?" Mu Qian was a little serious, which was his father's exclusive advice.

After listening, mu Qianlian blinked her beautiful eyes, "but... But I..."

"Stop talking. The past is over. Don't dwell on the past. Moreover, we don't have much time to meet. If we keep talking about the past, it will be a waste of this meeting opportunity. We still have a lot to tell you." Xu Lian said.

"Xiao Lian, tell us about this handsome young man behind you." Mu Qian's eyes fell on Bai Huang.

Since just now, Mu Qian has been looking at Bai Huang. After all, Bai Huang appeared here with his daughter. No matter what you think, the inside is very greasy.

And what surprised Mu Qian most was that he found that Bai Huang was very handsome. He could be as handsome as he was seven or eight points. There was no doubt that he was a handsome boy.

From the perspective of eye edge, Mu Qian really likes Baihuang.

After returning to God, mu Qianlian immediately went to Baihuang and immediately introduced him to his parents: "Dad, mom, his name is Baihuang. He is my boyfriend and your future son-in-law."

"Oh? White wasteland? Is it Lao Bai's son? " Mu Qian was slightly surprised.

"Xiao Lian, did you really fulfill the engagement? At the beginning, your father and I strongly opposed the engagement. After all, we didn't know the situation of the Bai family. Unexpectedly, you two finally came together." Xu Lian was also surprised.

Although the engagement between Bai Huang and mu Qianlian was made by Mu Lin and Bai Huang's parents, Mu Qian and Xu Lian knew it clearly. For this reason, they had always opposed the engagement when they were alive.

When they become parents, they naturally worry that their daughter will encounter a bad object. If the object lacks arms and legs, it will delay their daughter's life.

This is the most essential concern of parents. It has no targeted meaning. It's just for the sake of their daughter.

"Hello, uncle and aunt. I'm Bai Huang. Nice to meet you." Bai Huang gave a polite greeting.

"Dad and mom, although we did meet because of the engagement, we didn't follow the engagement at the beginning. It was because of many things that happened later that we finally got together. It has nothing to do with the engagement, because we all like each other, so we became boyfriend and girlfriend. It's so simple." Mu Qianlian is full of happiness.

Seeing their daughter so happy, Mulin and Xu Lian were naturally very happy. It seemed that their worries were completely superfluous.

The son of the old Bai family not only didn't lack arms and legs, but also was a graceful young man.

Besides, boys who can be liked by their daughters must be no worse. Parents must believe in their daughters' vision. After all, happiness depends on young people themselves, not on the matchmaking of their predecessors.

"Uncle and aunt, there are some stones next to the fire. With some time left, we can sit and talk." White wilderness proposal.

Hearing the speech, according to Bai Huang's meaning, a crowd sat down next to the fire.

Two are dead people and two are earthly people. Such a combination is undoubtedly very strange.

"Brother Bai Huang, you are my daughter's boyfriend. Should I have no problem calling you Xiao Huang?" Mu Qian opens his mouth.

"No problem. That's what master Mulin called me." Bai Huang replied.

"Well, Xiao Huang, I want to ask, should your parents still be alive now?" Mu Qian asked.

"No, not many years ago." Bai Huang replied.

"Oh, well, I'm really sorry to remind you of your bad memories." Mu Qian was as like as two peas. He didn't expect his parents to have died. This is exactly the same as his daughter.

"By the way, anyway, Xiao Lian, how's your grandpa? There should be no problem with his body." Xu Lianlian hurriedly asked.

"No problem. Grandpa is in good health. Because I want to go to college, grandpa has traveled abroad with his friends. He eats candy bars." Mu Qianlian answered with a smile. Don't mention how happy she is now.

"Cough! Xiao Huang, since you saw us this time, I still have to make it clear to you about the hidden rules of Mu family. After all, it concerns my baby daughter. " Mu Qian became serious.

"Uncle, please say, I'll listen." Bai Huang replied.

"Well, let me be frank. We only have Xiaolian as our successor. In the near future, our family property will certainly be inherited by Xiaolian. If you want to marry Xiaolian one day, you must do it in a redundant way. It's not you who married Xiaolian, but you who became a redundant admirer. You should understand me?" Mu Qian tells.

Like Mu Qian, Xu Lian, who has just been extremely charitable, has now taken it seriously. Her idea is completely consistent with Mu Qian.

"Dad! Mom! What are you talking about? " Mu Qianlian was nervous.

"Sorry, I can't accept the statement about redundancy!" White barren cold eyes.