Looking at Bai Huang's sleeping appearance, mu Qianlian and Chu Li were slightly distracted for a moment. The two of them really can't stand the silence during Bai Huang's sleep. They have been particularly fond of Bai Huang's sleep since before, and there is an indescribable charm.

"Lian'er, how can the baby be so cute when he sleeps? I really want to touch his face." Chu Li tried to keep his voice down.

"No, we can't disturb Huang Huang's sleep. He is usually very tired. Let him have a good rest." Mu Qianlian replied softly.

"Where are you tired? The barren baby is playing all day, and you two haven't slept together recently. It should be impossible to be very tired, or kidney tired?" Chu Li ponders.

Hearing this, mu Qianlian immediately pinched Chu Li's side face. The topic was good, but Chu Li began to drive indiscriminately for no reason.

At ordinary times, even if she slept with Bai Huang, Bai Huang didn't have kidney fatigue. Although it was a pity, that was the case.

The next step after becoming a boyfriend and girlfriend is really difficult for mu Qianlian. At the thought of taking off her clothes and walking naked, her heart rate is uncontrollable, and she feels that she may faint at any time.

In this regard, her stress level needs more exercise. Sooner or later, she will take the initiative to take this step with Baihuang. She should be the active party, not the passive party.


Holding the mobile phone, Chu Li took a picture of Bai Huang in a sleeping state.

Because the photos add some beauty effects, the white wasteland in the photos is really white, that is, the legendary little white face.

After thinking about it, Chu Li thought that such a perfect photo should not be enjoyed by herself, so she sent the photo to the harem group so that everyone can enjoy it together.

In order to get everyone to speak quickly, Chu Li Aite asked all the members to avoid being disturbed when someone set up a message.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong! "

The next time, the Hougong group immediately became lively. One message after another, many beauties bubbled one after another.

Li Yu: "Yo, the angle of this picture is good. It's a pity that Bai Huang is not a girl with this sexy little mouth and charming side face."

Xu Qian: "Wow, it's so cute. It's like a baby sleeping. Is this the picture of Baihuang sleeping? I love it, okay."

Hua Yu: "such an angle makes me feel like licking photos. I don't know if this practice is abnormal?"

Muya: "sister Hua Yu, you can't be like this. It's wrong to lick the photos. Learn from me. Just wipe your face with the photos. In this way, brother Bai Huang is like beside me."

Lin Qingqian: "sisters, it seems that you have never seen a handsome man. Can't you stand it at this level? Oh, in fact, I can't stand it..."

Jiang asked: "the young master is so handsome, the young master is so Kawaii, and the young master is the best in the world!"

Song Kexin: "God Yan, brother Baihuang is really God Yan. Strangers are like jade. The childe is unparalleled in the world!"

After reading the information sent by everyone, Chu Li immediately said, "cough, calm down. Don't forget that Huang Baobao is lian'er's girlfriend. You can't stand licking photos. Lian'er will be jealous."

Chu Li just sent out a paragraph of words and saw mu Qianlian in the group: "don't worry, I won't be jealous. I'll only fight with you at most. Either you die or I die."

Ladies: "

For a while, everyone chatted in the group except Bai Huang, who was sleeping. The topic was always around Bai Huang.

The reason why everyone in the group knows each other is actually because of the existence of Baihuang, which is very clear to everyone.

So ah, whenever they talk about Baihuang, they have a steady stream of gossip. They talk about everything scattered. Anyway, as long as they have a good chat.

After the chat, mu Qianlian and Chu Li sat quietly in the hall. There was no movement in the hall except for the little breathing sound of Bai Huang.

"Lian'er, the baby is sleeping. Should we do something? It's so boring." Chu Li said.

"Why don't we wash our feet by the lake?" Mu Qianlian's proposal.

"Yes, let's go." Chu Li immediately stood up.

Then, while Baihuang was sleeping, mu Qianlian and Chu Li left the villa together.

After a while, at a place by the lake, mu Qianlian and Chu Li took off their shoes and sat by the lake, their feet soaking in the lake, enjoying the leisure life at the moment.

"The lake here is so clear. Unfortunately, it's noon. The water temperature doesn't meet my expectations." Chu Li said casually.

"What kind of water temperature do you like?" Mu Qianlian asked.

"It's summer now. Of course, I hope the water temperature can be a little colder. It's the most exciting to soak your feet in ice water." Chu Li preached.

When Chu Li said something, mu Qianlian took back his sight and looked at the lake quietly.

At the same time, Chu Li's beautiful eyes gradually showed surprise, because she directly felt that the temperature of the lake was decreasing rapidly!

Just a few seconds, from the relatively hot water temperature at the beginning to the back, the water temperature is completely cold!

Even Chu Li can be seen with the naked eye. There are bursts of cold air rising on the surface of the lake in front of him.

This change made Chu Li not understand the situation at all!

There is no doubt that the person who quickly cools the whole lake is naturally admiring Qianlian.

Although mu Qianlian doesn't like to use her special abilities at ordinary times, since Chu Li wants cold water temperature, she will naturally meet Chu Li's wishes.

It's just a small thing.

"Lian'er, what's the matter with the lake? There shouldn't be any mystery at the bottom of the lake!" Chu Li looked dull.

"There's no mystery. It's just for geographical reasons. The temperature of the lake is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. It's a very normal phenomenon. You don't need to care." Mu Qianlian preached.

Even if Mu Qianlian is lying now, it is also a white lie. She doesn't want Chu Li to know her special abilities, so as not to give Chu Li another look at her.

She especially likes the way she gets along with Chu Li now and won't want to break this situation.

Shaking a pair of small feet, the cold lake water makes Chu Li particularly comfortable. She likes the feeling of going straight to her heart. It's really great.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Li got up and stood at the edge of the lake, soaking in the water under her ankles.

Then Chu Li took off her coat. She was only wearing a thin coat. Once she took it off, it was the picture showing the devil's body.

"What are you doing?" Mu Qianlian asked quickly.

"It's rare that the temperature of the lake is so cold. I want to take a swim in the lake to relieve my body." Chu Li preached.

"Fool, what do you think? Even if you like the cold temperature, swimming in this ice water is easy to cramp. In case something happens, it will be very troublesome." Mu Qianlian was worried.

"Don't worry, lian'er. I used to have the habit of winter swimming. This degree can't make me cramp." Chu Li said with a smile.

"No, you can't go down!" Mu Qianlian held an adult tone, as if he were admonishing children.

Whenever children think of swimming in mountain pits and puddles, adults will give them a severe reprimand because they are worried about the safety of children. Mu Qianlian and Chu Li are in this situation now.

"Oh, pity, please believe my swimming skills. I'll really be fine." Chu Li said seriously.

Looking at the vast lake, mu Qianlian always couldn't let Chu Li be capricious. She was afraid of ten thousand in case. She didn't want Chu Li to be in any danger.

"Chu Li, the reason why you want to swim in the lake is to pursue cold stimulation, right“ Mu Qianlian suddenly turned positive.

"Well, that's almost what I mean..." seeing mu Qianlian's sudden positive color, Chu Li felt a little confused.

"In that case, come and hold me. It's the same anyway." Mu Qianlian spoke.

"Hey? What do you mean? " Chu Li didn't understand. She didn't understand the subtext of Mu Qianlian's words.

She wanted to swim in the cold lake and pursue the cold stimulation a little, but mu Qianlian said something to hug.

There seems to be no connection between cold stimulation and hug, right?

Seeing Chu Li's misty appearance, mu Qianlian also understood that Chu Li hasn't figured out the change of the situation until now.

He got up, mu Qianlian also stood at the edge of the lake, and then stepped forward step by step until he took Chu Li into his arms.


When Chu Li was hugged by mu Qianlian, her whole person suddenly became dull and incomparable.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Chu Li is suddenly hugged by mu Qianlian, her heart rate will rise sharply, and so will her body temperature.

However, at this moment, Chu Li's body temperature did not rise, but directly had a downward trend!

Chu Li clearly felt that mu Qianlian's body was cold from beginning to end!

Yes, Chu Li was stunned now because he was surprised by mu Qianlian's body temperature.

Chu Li knows that mu Qianlian's body temperature is relatively low, but no matter how low, it can't be as low as ice. This is not the category of normal human beings!

At the same time, Chu Li quickly stepped back, looked at mu Qianlian's eyes and hurriedly asked, "lian'er, what's wrong with your body!"

"Nothing. It's normal. Don't worry." Mu Qianlian replied with a smile.

"Are you kidding? Where is it normal? No, I have to take you to the hospital for examination right away. The barren baby, yes, I have to go back to the villa and wake up the barren baby!" Chu Li turned and wanted to go away.

Chu Li just turned around. Suddenly, she was pressed in place by mu Qianlian and couldn't move.

"Chu Li, I said, I really have nothing!" Mu Qianlian was very serious.

"How could your body......" Chu Li was still dull.

"My physique is relatively special. I can easily reach the temperature below zero, but for myself, it will never have any impact. It should not be surprising that so many people in the world have special types of physique?" Mu Qianlian said.

Until now, mu Qianlian still didn't intend to explain everything to Chu Li.

In fact, the reason why her constitution is special is the influence of the fairy period in her previous life. The situation is too mysterious to be explained clearly in a few words.

After listening to Mu Qianlian's remarks, Chu Li looked at mu Qianlian's eyes, which were like looking at a treasure. His eyes were shining.

"Wow, lian'er, are you the legendary power?" Chu Li preached excitedly.

"What powers? It's just a special constitution. There's nothing else." Mu Qianlian replied.

"Ah, my pity was so special. I didn't hug Well just now. Now I want to hug more!" With these words, Chu Li came forward and hugged mu Qianlian.

The cold from mu Qianlian's body made Chu Li feel comfortable.

Some people are naturally afraid of cold, and some people are naturally fond of cold. Chu Li undoubtedly belongs to the latter, and he is the best of the latter.

The body is incomparably cold. In Chu Li's view, it is a sweet cake.

"You hold it too tight. Don't forget that we are both full-bodied and not suitable for over holding together." Mu Qianlian blushed.

Chu Li naturally understood the subtext of Mu Qianlian's remarks.

However, in Chu Li's view, this is just a trivial matter. In addition, she originally wanted to flirt with mu Qianlian. This is just a rare opportunity.

Thus, at the edge of the lake, mu Qianlian and Chu Li spend their space silently.

No noise.

No noise.

And there's no straight wooden man

The picture flashed by.

It's more than 11 p.m. on Friday.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

As the night shrouded, thunder was heard in the sky, and the whole city had been hit by heavy rain.

In the wide villa hall, mu Qianlian and Chu Li curled up on the sofa. They were afraid of the deafening thunder.

In addition, an hour ago, before the rainstorm, Baihuang left the villa alone and said he was going to do something outside. As a result, he hasn't come back yet.

During the rainstorm, mu Qianlian and Chu Li called Bai Huang countless times because they were worried about the safety of Bai Huang, but no one answered each time, which made them very anxious.

"Damn barren baby, no one knows where to die. What should we two girls do when we stay at home? The thunder is terrible!" Chu Li spoke gingerly.

Silent, mu Qianlian was more worried about Bai Huang than anyone. She didn't know what Bai Huang was doing outside, but she always had a bad hunch.

It is worth mentioning that whenever mu Qianlian has a bad premonition, this bad premonition will often become a reality, which has been confirmed many times before.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! "

Outside the villa, someone rang the doorbell.

Hearing the news, mu Qianlian and Chu Li were overjoyed and ran to the door. Even without guessing, they knew that Bai Huang must have come back.

Later, mu Qianlian and Chu Li opened the door.

At the next moment, a picture outside the door made mu Qianlian and Chu Li pale, and even the blood in their eyes burst out in an instant