"I'm the devil of the world?"

Hearing the words of the towering and empty shadow in the sky mirror, the cold beauty with a sense of killing in her eyes was stunned. It was Xiangxue who recovered a trace of consciousness.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, lost consciousness for a moment, and immediately said angrily: "you're bullshit!"

You're the devil?

Xiang Xue can't take it.

Although she was cold and proud, she was kind-hearted. How could she be a devil?

I don't know her, and my family can't accept it.

How can parents accept having a demon daughter?

How can Yumeng accept having a demon sister?

How can grandparents accept having a demon granddaughter?

And Luomeng, the mother-in-law who is going to be a family, can she accept a daughter-in-law of the demon leader?

More importantly, the man who will be entrusted for life.

If my husband knows that he is a female devil, will he still want him?

"You're bullshit. I don't believe you!"

Xiangxue's eyes were full of tears. In addition to anger, she was more afraid in her heart.

Because of the terrible will and strength in her body, she often thinks wildly recently.

The one in the mirror seems to know her weakness.

"I am the master of the three realms. I am in charge of the book of heaven, control the six samsara, know everything between heaven and earth, including your life experience."

"If you don't believe it, see for yourself."

The voice of the existence in the mirror is cold and impersonal. It affirms its identity once again and publicizes its own cognition, that is, the unquestionable truth.

At this time, in addition to Qiao Xiangxue and Huang Zun, who was holding the sky mirror, other people in the room were all crawling on the ground, shivering. The guards were as humble as ants and didn't dare to look up.


The next moment, the sky mirror spray out light, in this room, like holographic projection, emerged a terrible scene.

In the scene, an earth shaking war breaks out. All the participants are immortal and powerful. They control magic weapons and flying swords like children's play, and their moves are full of magic powers.

And there was only one person fighting with these immortals and gods.

It was a magnificent shadow, ethereal. Although there was a veil on his face and his face was a little fuzzy, it was still beautiful, as if he were the most beautiful spirit in the world.

However, in that scene, she was red eyed. In the process of raising her hands and feet, a large number of magic weapons and flying swords were smashed. Where she passed, immortals and gods howled and screamed, her body was broken and blood flowed.

The light and shadow in the scene gradually turned into blood color, as if this fairy slaughtered the creatures and dyed the world red.

"Is it really me..."

Xiang Xue's delicate body is shaking violently, and her heart is shaking. The woman in the light and shadow makes her feel inexplicable and kind, just like herself.

"No, stop. Stop. Don't kill me. I'm not a demon. I'm not..."

Xiangxue is crying like a rain of tears. She seems to want to stop the killing of "another self" in the light and shadow, but she can't stop it, because it's not reality after all, it's more like the picture that once happened.

All this, let Xiangxue heartbroken, there is a moment, she even lost the courage to live.

Because she didn't know how to face her family and husband.

And just when she was a little bit desperate, quietly, a magic talisman, which seemed to send out the will of heaven, flew out of the sky mirror, slowly floated over, and wanted to fall on her spiritual cover.

The movement of this talisman is very slow, even feels extremely gentle, just like the drizzle in the sky, wriggling body slowly winding up the python, so that you do not have a trace of defense.

"It's not too late to let the emperor take you away and redeem your sins."

At the same time, there is a slight gentle voice in the mirror, which is enlightening and paralyzing her.

The golden light fell from the talisman, and Xiangxue stood there with heavy eyelids.

"I don't know!"

But the next second, this cold beauty a bite silver teeth, suddenly fierce struggle.

The magic talisman, like a gentle lamb tearing its skin, reveals the ferocity of the wolf, with endless divine brilliance flowing. Meanwhile, the golden lightning surges like a thunderbolt.

Rao is so, it is difficult to easily subdue the cold beauty.

The frightful power and will in Lengmei's human body are strong when it is strong. It seems that there is no upper limit of potential. It is released crazily to fight against this talisman.

"Qijue Nu, you are still stubborn!"

The existence in the mirror is also furious, even frightening: "do you want to destroy the world again, destroy this peaceful world, and break up many families?"

These words hit Xiangxue's heart, but she was biting her silver teeth: "even if I'm a demon, I won't let you butcher me. Today is my wedding day with my husband. I'll wait for him to come back and be his bride!"

"Well! It's not up to you! "

The presence in the mirror is powerful, and Emperor Wei urges the talisman to suppress the will and power in Xiangxue's body.

"This is the talisman of heaven. I have been tempered for 3000 years with nine robberies, bathed in the light of heaven, and prepared for suppressing you, the female devil. Today is your doom!"

There is something in the mirror that comes prepared.

"I'm not afraid of you!"

Xiangxue is resentful. Her whole body is shining like white jade. Now she looks like a celestial being. She looks ethereal. I'm afraid that the Guanghan fairy in the Moon Palace will be ashamed to stand in front of her.

Her beautiful eyes were as bright and deep as the sky, full of unwilling.

However, the person is too terrible, and for her, strategizing for a long time, the divine power of this tiandaofu, terrible. What's more, it also carries the divine power of the way of heaven, which seems to be the will of the book of heaven.

The jade light on the surface of Xiangxue's white skin gradually faded.

The presence in the mirror is even more shocking.

"What a seven Jue girl, the first immortal in the world. It's really not easy. No wonder that yuanzun, the founder of Taoism, surrounded you and killed you badly..." the existence in the mirror murmured to himself.

Immediately, the eyes in the mirror opened and closed, spewing out the divine light: "but now you are just the noumenon of the seven spirits. I am the supreme of the three realms. If you can't even help the noumenon of the seven Jue women who haven't become Taoists, why don't you make the Taoists laugh? Today you have to accept your fate if you don't accept it!"

Xiangxue is exhausted at last.

About the moment of coma, two lines of hot tears, flowing down from her pretty cheek, sliding down her beautiful chin.

"Husband, I tried my best. I'm sorry, I can't be your bride at last..."

Her eyelids sank and she fell to the ground with tears.

There is a long sigh of relief in the mirror, suppressing Qijue girl, which is far more difficult than he imagined. Then, there is a deep voice in the mirror: "she has been suppressed by tiandaofu, Emperor Zun my son, give it to you."