At the top of a building near Buckingham Palace stands a great figure.

This man is carrying a broad epee and has a kind of peaceful atmosphere bathed in the holy light. However, if passers-by look from a distance, they will not find him at all.

"Ha ha, have you been found?"

Feeling the look from the palace garden, he opened his eyes and looked surprised.

"This little guy, it's not easy!"


The palace is resplendent.

Tonight is the Queen's birthday party, the atmosphere is more grand than last night.

In addition to Queen Elizabeth, Dracula and his son are also particularly dazzling tonight. They have joined hands to greet all the Royal dignitaries and won the favor of these dignitaries. They feel like the real masters of this palace.

Prince betas and Princess Alice were very dissatisfied. They reminded the queen several times that the father and son were a little noisy, but the queen didn't make a statement except for a smile.

In fact, Queen Elizabeth does not want to stop it, but she is a bit stretched.

Just now, even the religious emperor praised Prince Dracula as the pillar of the country in front of her, and rarely praised Edward as young and promising.

This is a clear hint to her that the Pope hopes that the British royal family will always attach importance to the Dracula family.

On the other hand, young people are also jubilant.

Melita, Mary, Hilton and Kardashian, the Royal canaries and socialites, get together to drink wine and talk about the world events and fashion indicators.

Inevitably, they talked about clothes, bags, yachts, mansions, and perfume that women could never resist.

"Chanel is going to have an anniversary edition." Kardashian.

"I guess Chanel's theme this time will be" nostalgia "or" charming autumn. " Princess Mary.

"I don't know what new perfume Chanel wants to produce, but I know something interesting."

Princess Melita pulls on her shoulder strap and shares this funny story with you

"Just today, there is a stupid and young brand trying to break into our European upper class society with the help of Cannes Film Festival. It's not funny!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as her voice fell, these ladies and princesses laughed together.

Princess Mary joked: "not necessarily. If it's a hundred year old brand hidden in Europe, it may become popular. Bugatti used to be a popular sports car, but now?"

Everyone nodded, indeed, as long as the inside information is enough, the only thing missing is luck and opportunity.

Melita immediately retorted, "are you kidding? Do you know where this brand comes from? It comes from the backward East. As we all know, the aesthetic and fashion tastes of the East always follow us

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed again, and everyone's face was full of pride, as if they were the most brilliant pearl in the world.

Luo Yu and Da Fu Niu happened to pass by. When they heard this, Luo Yu couldn't help laughing.

At home, Xiangxue's wife discussed this with her.

In the words of Xiangxue's wife, for a long time in the past, domestic fashion elements were really led by the nose by Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Whenever people talk about domestic brands, they will despise them and make them a low-end, not high-grade sin. But this is not the original sin of the public. It's mainly the unhealthy tendencies brought by Bai Fumei and overseas returnees.

Xiangxue's goal before hard work is to make a brand comparable to Chanel and Dior.

Today's plan to launch Aiyu brand in Cannes was really ruined by ghost king, but Luoyu doesn't think Aiyu brand has lost the opportunity.

Just when Melita, Mary and Hilton joked about it and ridiculed Aiyu brand, some of them were independent in their circle.

There is a little girl who is carved with powder and jade. It seems that she can't bear the pressure of the big sisters. She secretly takes out a small bottle in her bag and wants to hide it in her pocket.

Luo Yu can't help smiling when he sees this move.

This little girl seems to be a princess of the royal family. She has used the perfume of love, perhaps because of her younger age, and has not been broken by her sisters.

But this action was also seen by Melita with sharp eyes.

Melita, like a thief, rushed up to catch the little princess's wrist and grabbed the bottle of perfume.

"Ha ha! Lucia, you have fallen, my elder sister, I have tried to teach you noble manners and aesthetics, and you have secretly humiliated this low-grade naive foreign perfume.

Melita said disgrace, but on her beautiful face, she was already happy.

"Is this what you call naive perfume?"

"Here, let me see."

"It smells good, but... Convention is convention."

The surrounding celebrities were scrambling to see that someone had fallen in their hands, sniffed, and clearly had their eyes sparkled, but they had to pretend that they had nothing to do and quickly despised this perfume.

This is like the emperor's new clothes. In this atmosphere, whether this perfume is good or not, it has been labeled as "inferior and young" by everyone.

Whoever dares to speak well for this perfume is tasteless and vulgar.

When she was ridiculed by her own sister, Princess Lucia's smiling face turned red. She felt as if she had fallen from a white swan to an ugly duckling. She was not gregarious and very wronged.

She even wavered a little.

But think about it, how does she love this perfume?

It was a chance that a maid who served her in the palace came to China to travel, brought back a bottle of perfume, and when she was working, she was filled with fragrance.

Later, she got some from the maid, and became fascinated with it for the first time. Later, she secretly took the pocket money provided by the royal family and asked someone to buy it from Huaxia.

But she didn't dare to tell anyone about it.

Because the royal family of Holland attaches great importance to etiquette and taste, there are strict rules for the princess's clothing and perfume. Such perfume, which is unknown to the origin, is not allowed to be purchased.

Looking back on her original intention of falling in love with Aiyu, Lucia decided not to compromise, bit her silver teeth, straightened her chest and said in a loud voice:

"You have no taste. In my opinion, the clothes you wear are not good-looking at all, and the smell of your body is not good at all."

As soon as these words came out, they naturally attracted more intense contempt.

Sister Melita, even more angry: "you smelly girl, you dare to question my taste, come on, let's go to the father and mother to have a theory."

Hearing this, Lucia was flustered. She didn't dare to tell her father and mother about it.

However, what we are afraid of comes from what we are afraid of.

"Lucia, are you being mischievous again and causing trouble to everyone?"

When their parents came, King Allen's face was full of displeasure, and queen EVA also looked reproachful to the little girl.

Lucia was wronged to the extreme in an instant.

She began to feel that everyone thought she was wrong.

Even parents.

"Lucia, I'd like to apologize to my father, my mother and all of you." Sister Melita was on top of herself.

"Right..." the little princess's big eyes filled with mist, and she was ready to admit her mistake.

Just then, a hand reached over and touched her head, and a cool laugh rang out in her ear.

"If you like it, why not pursue it? You didn't do anything wrong. "