Chapter 5: Revelation

Chapter 5: Revelation

"My humanity?" ask the man with a puzzled face.

"Yes, your humanity!" I said with a slight grin on my face

"Please, take my humanity instead and save my husband and daughter." Begged the woman

"No, Please take it from me instead!" begged the man

"Calm down you two and listen to me first. Although I said I will take your humanity but you won't look that different after I do so. Well your hair may change color. You see I am new specie in this world. So I am currently creating my kind and you three just happen to catch my eyes. "

"Sir, if I may ask, what are you?" asked the man carefully

"What am i? I call myself vampire"

"Vampire?" said the both of them.

"You see, a vampire is specie with eternal life, it won't die with old age or I should say they won't age at all. They will live forever as long they don't get themselves killed.

Although they won't die of old age they must constantly drink blood of another life form, preferably intellectual beings. So my question, are you two willing?" I ask them curiously.

The man and the woman look at each other then look at their dying daughter, the woman look at her husband and nodded.

"We are willing, please save us!" the man said with great difficulty but manage to keep a smile on his face.

"I forgot to tell you after I turn your daughter into a vampire. She won't age and forever be a 13 years old girl. Are you still willing?"

"Yes!" The man and the woman said in unison while tears falling on their eyes.

"Then who wants to be the first?"

"ME!" said the woman

The man looks at her and was preparing to say something when the woman stopped him.

"It shall be you then!" as I said that my thought kept running wild

'OMG, it's a married woman! A big breasted woman. Hmm…what is her size, E, F or maybe G? Oh my god, please bless this lamb so that he can keep his calm!

"Show me your neck; I will bite on it so prepare yourself." I said while trying to avoid my gaze on a certain part." I said while trying to hide my nervousness

The woman slid down a part of her dress and presents her white and smooth neck with a trembling hand.

"Ok, here I go!"

Arrmmpp (bite sound)

I use a vampire skill "Blood drain"

After my fangs penetrate her delicate skin i suddenly heard a familiar sound.

Ding! Blood drain activated. Showing targets status

Name: Aleida Monteverde Level: 10

Title: Loving Mother HP: 100/1000 (HEALTH)

Gender: Female MP: 15/200 (MANA)

Age: 27 EXP: 47/700

Race: Human

Job: Rank 1 archer, Housewife.


Active skills:

Yoke shot: Shot an enchanted arrow that contain nature magic and binds the target to a nearby person, tree or object.

As I bit her, a game like window appears before my eyes. After reading her profile I activated my vampire skill "Turn vampire"

Turn vampire (I): Turn every bitten living being into the user's vampire servant.

Slots: 5

MP cost: 10

Then her profile suddenly changes.

Name: Aleida Monteverde Level: 10

Title: Loving Mother HP: 1000/1000 (HEALTH)

Gender: Female MP: 200/200 (MANA)

Age: 27 EXP: 47/700

Race: Vampire (Baroness)

Job: Rank 1 archer, Housewife.


Active skills:

Yoke shot, Blood Drain, Turn Vampire, Summon servant

Blood drain: Bite any living being and extract their blood.

Passive skill: charm

Effect: Stun (10 seonds)

Shape shift (bat): Allows the user to turn in to a bat.

Duration: Depends on user's MP

MP cost: 10 per minute.

(Will be upgraded along with the caster's rank)

Turn vampire: Turn every bitten living being into the user's vampire servant.( with the user's rank. Every bitten target will get a commoner rank.)

Slots: 1

MP cost: 10

Summon servants: summon user's chosen servants anywhere and anytime.

MP cost: 20

As I expected, her profile change. She even got some of my skills, although it's a degraded one. As for the rest of my vampire skills, I think she will unlock along her rank.

Speaking of skills, I should use my other unique skill.


Copycat: allow user to copy a chosen skill of the bitten target.

"Selecting skill" "skill selected"

"Yoke shot copied"

After all of that I release her and take a good look at her.

I first noticed her white with a slight silvery long hair, her glossy white skin, and finally her rosy red lip.

'Oh my god and goddess, are you guys playing with this lamb. Why did you guy turn her into a beauty and its one of my strike zone too. Do you want me to commit adultery? It's immoral you know! Her husband is still alive you know. Wahh! Its sound like i will make a move on her if her husband dies. Should I let him die? No, no, no, no i shouldn't think like this. As I look at her, I suddenly have a revelation. A revelation that shook my, mind like it got hit by a thunder and I suddenly look at the 13 years old girl.

You see. After I turn her into a vampire, what do you think her appearance will be like? And she will stay forever in that appearance, and that where the revelation come from. There is only one word to describe that.

*GULP* (gulping sound effect)

"LOLI" a loli will be born in this world, not those temporary loli on earth but a genuine loli! A loli forever will be staying by my side! Wuhahahahah!

Lolicons of earth bow down before this king and maybe I shall grant you salvation!

As i indulge on my fantasies i got struck again by a sudden discovery.

Tchh! I suddenly remember that there is a skill to change one's age and appearance.

Sigh! So happiness really only last for a few seconds huh.

Well let's turn her into a vampire before she dies. It will be a huge loss if I lose a loli.