2 Chapter 2 Vampire ruler’s strong Bride

Oh no ! I'm so late . - said Kiara while running on her way to get to school .

After running like crazy she arrived at the school gate two minutes before the bell rang . At the door was the guardian who looked at her with a serious annoyed face . The guardian was all mussels and huge like a gladiator . Kiara tried to enter without being noticed the moment she saw him yelling at some other student . She was ready to burst into tears from fear .

-"I feel really sorry for her , poor girl "

Kiara knew it wasn't her problem but she really couldn't stand seeing others being bullied .

-Ah damn it Kiara ! This generous ,kind hearted character of yours will get you in serious trouble one day . I know it even myself but I can't do anything about it . - said she to herself .

-Hey sir ! Can't you see that this girl is terrified ? Hasn't she understood it already ! She apologized and promised to never come back late again , what else do you want ?- said Kiara with a serious face . The guardian then turned towards her .

-Hey missy ! You are lucky that I let you off cause I don't have time to deal with minor things . Now go to class before I make sure you go to the director 's office and receive a good suspension for about a week before the semester starts.

-If you are referring to my height than don't bother trying to make me feel inferior . Do you know that Napoleon Boneparti was also short but this didn't stop him from winning lots of battles and becoming the king of France . In a few words mister with a gladiator's look you can go to the director's office and we will see who gets suspended me or you . Now that I have nothing left to say , I shall take this poor student with me and leave .

He was burning with anger . Kiara chuckled a little and grabbed the girl's hand .

-Are you alright ? You don't have to be scared anymore .

-Thank ...you !

-Your welcome ! But you have to be strong for yourself . My name is Kiara and yours ?

-My name is Emily . It's a pleasure meeting you . I hope we can be friends .

-Sure . If someone bullies you in the future tell me and I will beat them really bad . - said Kiara while making a punch to determine her words . Emily laughed.

-Now that we are free from that gladiator we can search for our class .

Kiara and Emily went towards the board with the name and class but it was full of students .

-Emily can you try and see our names since you're taller than me .

-Sure Kiara .

Emily tried but with no result . There were a bunch of students on the board and a lot more students in the garden. It seemed like the school was about to explode by the number of the people in there .

-Don't you think is weird Emily ?! There are definitely more students than the number of enrolled people . I mean if all of these were students then the school should be twice as big . Something must be happening here .

Emily made a shocked face while staring at Kiara who was trying to find the reason of why it was so crowded .

"I can't believe there's actually a girl who's not informed about your arrival Sky and she doesn't seem to care much . Thisis hilarious ! Wait till you hear this . "- murmured Emily .

-Did you say something Emily ?

-No , I didn't . So did you discover the reason ? - said Emily while trying to hold herself from laughing .

-Wellas far as I know no contest is taking place here , no scholarships exam , no seminar . To be sincerely even if there was one of this alternatives happening today I don't think it would get so much people . Most of the population is lazy .

Emily couldn't keep it in anymore and started to laugh with all her might .

-Why are you laughing ?

-Cause girls like you are really rare !

-What do you mean ? I don't get it .

-Haven't you read the news ?

-No I haven't . Before I left home my little brother wanted to tell me something he saw on the net but I rushed out of the house in a hurry and didn't listen to him .

-Then let me tell you . Today his royal highness crown prince Sky will attend this university . That's why there are a lot of people . They want to enroll in this school but apparently it full and there's no space left .

Kiara stayed silent for a couple of minutes and said :

-WHAT ?! Let me get this straight . A crown prince with chances of entering the royal academy has decided to follow his studies in a simple private school like this ! Are we in some kind of novel here or is that prince just dumb ?