When Su Shiman called Shen Ze, it was already after midnight.

Shen Ze, who has been playing with Mu Ling for a day, has just taken a hot bath and is lying on the bed.

When he heard the phone ring, he sat up and picked up the phone on the bedside table.

Seeing the call from Su Shiman, Shen Ze looks puzzled.

"Why did she call me so late?"

In Shen Ze's opinion, Su Shiman always dislikes him and wants to cut off his relationship with him. Normally speaking, now that he is divorced, Su Shiman will not contact him.

Shen Ze couldn't understand why Su Shiman called him suddenly, and he didn't want to say anything to Su Shiman.

But after a moment's hesitation, he got through.

When Su Shiman saw that Shen Ze was on the phone, he pondered for a moment and said awkwardly, "Shen Ze, I have something to ask you."

Shen ZEMO is silent, waiting for Su Shiman's following.

Su Shiman said in a deep voice: "you told me at the beginning that my mother had friends in Tianze group. I just asked her, she said that she had no friends in Tianze group."

"I was able to successfully negotiate cooperation with Tianze group at that time. Was it because you had friends in Tianze group?"

Shen Ze thought that Su Shiman wanted to ask him something important, but he just asked him if he had any friends in Tianze group.

How to answer this question?

He is the boss of Tianze group. What kind of friends do you need?

Shen Ze would like to say that the reason why you can successfully negotiate cooperation with Tianze group is that I am the boss of Tianze group.

But he thought that Su Shiman and Jiang fang had always looked down upon him in their hearts, and always thought that he was a poor waste without background and contacts, so he gave up the idea of saying so.

He said that he was the boss of Tianze group, and Su Shiman and his daughter would surely think that he was talking nonsense and would ridicule him. Why did he find himself boring?

Shen Ze pondered for a while, in a tone of self mockery, denied: "I am a country bumpkin who has no background and no contacts. How can I have friends in Tianze group, let alone have such great ability to promote cooperation."

Although Su Shiman didn't believe Shen Ze had such great ability, she was still puzzled and asked, "why did you cheat me that my mother had friends in Tianze group? Why did I discuss cooperation with Tianze group in the name of my mother? "

When Su Shiman talks with Shen Ze, she is used to speaking in a high voice. Although her voice is not big, she is full of questioning.

When Shen Ze heard Su Shiman's questioning tone, he felt very uncomfortable.

Does sushman still regard him as his son-in-law who was always ready to answer questions?

Shen Ze raised a sneer from the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "Su Shiman, the answers to these questions are not important now, and I have no obligation to answer your questions."

"I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest. That's it!"

After saying these words, Shen Ze didn't give Su Shiman another chance to talk and hung up directly.

Hearing the blind sound coming from the mobile phone, Su Shiman was a little confused and angry at the same time.

How can Shen Ze hang up the phone without answering her question?

Being treated like this by Shen Ze, Su Shiman is not happy, but he has nothing to do.

Shen Ze has divorced her. As Shen Ze said, Shen Ze has no obligation to answer her questions now.

Su Shiman thought that Shen Ze had always asked her questions and would never hang up on her, which made her feel even worse.

Jiang Fang has been sitting next to Su Shiman, listening to the telephone communication between Su Shiman and Shen Ze.

"Shen Ze is a white eyed wolf. He used to live in our Su family and eat our Su family. Now you ask him a few questions and he doesn't answer them. It's so ungrateful and heartless!"

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't answer Su Shiman's question, she hung up directly. Jiang Fang was so angry that her face was livid that she scolded Shen Ze and said that Shen Ze was wrong.

Su Shiman was very upset at this time. She didn't want to hear Jiang Fang swearing in front of her like a shrew. She angrily yelled, "Mom, stop swearing!"

Jiang Fang saw that Su Shiman wanted to be angry. She could only hold back her anger and didn't scold Shen Ze any more.

Later, Jiang Fang's mind was put on the Su group. She said anxiously, "Shiman, now it seems that there is no solution from the white eyed wolf Shen Ze. What should we do?"

Su Shiman thought that Jiang Fang's friends in Tianze group could find a trace of vitality for her, but now the vitality is gone, and she didn't find a clue from Shen Ze. She couldn't think of any other way.

Sushman shook his head sadly and fell into silence.

Seeing Su Shiman's silence, Jiang Fang scratched her head frequently.

After a while, Jiang Fang suddenly thought of something and said, "Shiman, I just remember that when I was playing outside yesterday, I heard that Xie Hao came back from studying abroad."

"Shiman, you can go to Xie Hao for help, and let him use the strength of Xie family to help us Su family through this difficulty."

Xie Hao is the eldest young master of Xie family in the capital of Shu. He has always admired Su Shiman, who is known as the first beauty in the capital of Shu.

When Su Shiman heard the speech, her eyes turned. Then she whispered to Jiang Fang, "will Xie Hao help me?"

Jiang Fang showed a sure look and said: "Shiman, who doesn't know that Xie Haoqing is in favor of you in Shudu? As long as you are willing to go to him for help, he will help you!"

"It's not a small thing to help Su come back from the dead. I don't think Xie Hao will help me so much..." Su Shiman said anxiously. She didn't have Jiang Fang's determination and confidence.

Before she married Shen Ze, she still had some confidence, but now she is a married woman, and she has no confidence to help Xie Hao bring Su back to life.

Seeing Su Shiman's worry and indecision, Jiang Fang patted her on the shoulder and said, "Shiman, you haven't tried yet. How can you lose heart first? You believe me. When I say yes, I mean yes. "

"We can't find a better way now, so don't worry and hesitate. Listen to the mother and go to Xie Hao for help tomorrow."

Su Shiman pondered for a moment, clenched his teeth, determined to say: "OK, I'll go to find Xie Hao tomorrow!"

Seeing that Su Shiman agrees to go to Xie Hao, Jiang Fang, like Su Shiman before, has a light in her heart to bring Su back from the dead.

Jiang Fang cheered: "Shiman, I believe you will succeed tomorrow! We can ask Xie Hao to help us, Su

"I hope so."

Su Shiman has no bottom in her heart, but like Jiang Fang, she hopes to persuade Xie Hao to help Su group tomorrow.