Chapter 11

Su Shiman didn't know what benefits Xie Hao wanted. She thought about it and said, "after the capital injection, you can get the shares of Su's group."

"Su's shares are dispensable to me. It's not good for me."

Xie Hao looked at Su Shiman deeply and said, "I need other benefits."

Su Shiman asked in a low voice, "what else do you want from master Xie?"

Xie Hao picked an eyebrow and said with a faint smile, "I didn't think about any good things. Otherwise, you'd better accompany me for one night. Later, you'll go back to my private house with me directly."

As adults, sushman naturally understood what Xie Hao meant by spending the night with him.

Su Shiman in the face of Xie Hao red fruit to sell her body, she felt very uncomfortable, a pair of willow eyebrows together.

"Young master Xie, can you make other demands?"

Su Shiman obviously does not want to sell his body, and wants Xie Hao to put forward other requirements.

"Since you have asked me, you should show some sincerity."

Xie Hao gave a cold smile, without the slightest intention to change his mind: "I'll let you accompany me for one night. It's not a big deal. If you refuse, you will have no sincerity at all."

Although Xie Hao didn't say it clearly, there was a threat in his words.

Xie Hao made it clear that if Su Shiman didn't spend the night with him first, he would not inject capital into Su's group!

Being threatened by Xie Hao, Su Shiman's face became very ugly.

She wants to save the Su group, but arrogant, she can't accept to sell her body.

For a moment, sushman was in a dilemma.

Seeing that Su Shiman didn't respond, Xie Hao said impatiently, "Miss Su, I don't have much patience. Give me a word. Do you agree or not?"

"Young master Xie, I suddenly feel some discomfort in my stomach. I'll go to the bathroom first and give you an answer when I come back."

Sushman couldn't make a decision for a while. She had to find a reason to delay.

Without waiting for Xie Hao to say anything, Su Shiman got up and hurried to the bathroom.

Xie Hao turned his head and looked at the graceful figure of the woman leaving. He put on a dirty and insidious smile at the corner of his mouth. He said coldly, "Su Shiman, I'll eat you today. You can't escape from me!"

After talking to himself, Xie Hao also stood up and went to the bathroom.

Sushman didn't feel sick. She went to the washstand in the bathroom and stopped. Then she leaned her back against the cold wall and frowned.

Just as Su Shiman pondered what to do next, Xie Hao came to the bathroom.

Taking advantage of Su Shiman's inattention, Xie Hao went directly to Su Shiman. Then he stretched out his hands, supported Su Shiman on the wall beside him, and circled the latter in the middle.

This behavior of Xie Hao made Su Shiman feel a little afraid. Her face changed slightly, her eyes looked at Xie Hao warily, and she asked in a deep voice, "young master Xie, what are you doing?"

Xie Hao stares at Su Shiman, just like a hungry wolf stares at a lamb. He has a bad smile on his face and says in a playful tone: "Miss Su, what do you think I want to do?"

Su Shiman didn't want to look at Xie Hao with strong aggressive eyes. She lowered her head, bit her teeth, and then said in a tough tone: "young master Xie, you make me very uncomfortable. Please take your hand away."

Xie HAOSI didn't mean to take his hand away. He sneered at Su Shiman and said, "you've been married before. I haven't done anything to you. What kind of chaste girl do you pretend to be in front of me?"

"Sushman, in my eyes, you are no longer the goddess who used to be superior!"

"Now I let you accompany me all night. I think highly of you. Don't be shameless!"

After listening to Xie Hao's words, Su Shiman was a little angry. Her face turned red and blue. She said angrily, "young master Xie, please show me your respect. Don't say these vulgar words!"

Xie Hao pulled to pull corners of the mouth, disdain to say: "what qualifications do you have to let me respect now?"

"Sushman, let me tell you that I really don't respect you today!"

At the end of the speech, Xie Hao lowered his head and tried to be pro Su Shiman.

Su Shiman subconsciously reaches out his hands and resists Xie Hao's chest, making him unable to succeed.

"Ha ha, do you still pretend to me?"

Seeing Su Shiman's resistance, Xie Hao gave a sneer, and then he took Su Shiman's two hands violently. At the same time, he leaned forward and pressed Su Shiman.

Then, Xie Hao bowed his head again and went to kiss Su Shiman.

Su Shiman is obviously not as strong as Xie Hao, her hands are bound, her body is pressed, she has no resistance, she can only watch Xie Hao make indecent behavior to her.

Just as Xie Hao's mouth was about to kiss Su Shiman's cheek, suddenly, a big hand grabbed Xie Hao's neck, making Xie Hao's head unable to stretch forward or kiss Su Shiman.

The neck was caught, good things were disturbed, Xie Hao suddenly infuriated, break big curse: "which not long eye dog, actually dare to grasp the neck of labor, is not impatient to live?"

Because his back is facing, Xie Hao doesn't know who caught him by the neck, and Su Shiman is the front, she is surprised to see.

Su Shiman knows the person who reaches for Xie Hao's neck, because this person is Shen Ze.

For the appearance of Shen Ze, Su Shiman is surprised, but also very grateful, because anyway, Shen Ze is to help her.

Unfortunately, Shen Ze, who had planned to come to the bathroom to pee, saw Xie Hao's obscene behavior towards Su Shiman, and he did not hesitate to stop Xie Hao.

Shen Ze's face is expressionless. He glances at Su Shiman, and then makes an effort to squeeze Xie Hao's neck.

"Ah... Pain..."

Xie Hao felt as if his neck was about to be pinched and broken. From the pain, his face twisted, his mouth opened and he screamed like a pig.

Because of the sharp pain in his neck, Xie Hao couldn't work hard, so Su Shiman broke away from Xie Hao and went to one side.

Seeing this, Shen Ze loosens Xie Hao's neck.

"Who's got the neck?"

Just now, the pain in his neck made him unable to take care of himself. Xie Hao was angry. As soon as his neck was loosened, he suddenly turned around.

"It's you trash!"

When Xie Hao saw that Shen Zehou was the one who grabbed him by the neck, he was even more angry and upset.

"Don't you dare to scratch the neck of labor and capital. Labor and capital will kill you today!"

Xie Hao scolded, then he waved his fist and smashed at Shen Ze's forehead.

Shen Ze saw that Xie Hao's fist hit him angrily. He didn't hide, didn't change his face, and didn't move like a mountain.