Chapter 15

Because she was with Xie Hao, Su Shiman also learned that Shen Ze had picked up all the people Xie Hao asked to clean up Shen Ze, which surprised her at Shen Ze's strength and made her suspect that Shen Ze had been pretending before.

Su Shiman is curious about the real side of Shen Ze, but now she is not easy to understand.

Because Xie Hao is going to have an operation, he can't talk about things, so Su Shiman can only wait in the hospital.

Su Shiman waited almost two hours before Xie Hao was pushed out of the operating room.

One hundred days after injury, Xie Hao's two legs were broken by Shen Ze. After the operation, he also needed to lie in the hospital for recuperation.

Su Shiman followed Xie Hao into the ward.

After Xie Hao lay down, Su Shiman stepped forward and said, "young master Xie, do you think you can immediately inject capital into Su's group?"

"Su's group is dying now. If it doesn't give first aid, it will really die!"

At the end of the day, there was a deep worry on sushman's face.

Xie Hao glanced at Su Shiman and said: "I didn't get the benefits I wanted. Why should I invest in Su group? With your face like sushman? "

Xie Hao obviously doesn't care about Su Shiman's anxious mood at this time. He is interrupted by Shen Ze and has to lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months. Now he is very upset and doesn't want to care about Su's group.

When Su Shiman heard the speech, his face became very ugly.

This hypocrite, now paralyzed in the hospital bed, is still thinking about those dirty things. It's really shameless and indecent!

If she had known that Xie Hao was such a thing, she would never have asked the latter for help today.

Su Shiman wanted to tear his face, scold Xie Hao, and then kick Xie Hao a few feet. After relieving his anger, he left smartly.

But thinking that Su's group was in imminent danger and in urgent need of help, she forced herself to calm down and not be agitated.

Sushman took a deep breath, and then she endured all kinds of unhappiness, and said in a low voice: "young master Xie, we can talk about the benefits later, but the sushi group really can't wait any longer. I beg you, please quickly inject capital into sushi group!"

Xie Hao put on a look of "I'm uncle". He gave Su Shiman a dirty smile and said shamelessly, "Su Shiman, if you serve me now, I'll immediately inject capital into Su's group."

Even if Su Shiman can tolerate it, she has a bottom line. She can't bear to hear Xie Hao's shameless and dirty request.

Su Shiman was angry. She glared at Xie Hao and said angrily, "Xie Hao, you are such a shameless and obscene scum! Hypocrite! Rubbish

When he was scolded by Su Shiman, Xie Hao was so angry that he became very angry: "Su Shiman, how dare you scold me? Do you want me to inject capital into Su's group? "

She pointed to Xie Hao's nose and scolded: "what I scold is you, a disgusting beast! Cheap and dirty son of a bitch

The more Su Shiman scolded him, the worse he became. Xie Hao's face became extremely ugly just like eating a fly.

"Well, you sushman, you dare to scold me. OK, I won't talk to you about labor and capital. Don't think about labor and capital injection into sushman group any more!"

Xie Hao also completely turned his face: "you get out of labor and management, and immediately disappear in front of labor and management!"