Chapter 25

Maybach hit the tree so hard that the front of the car caught fire.

"Get me out of here now!"

Fearing that the car would explode, Xie Hao ordered two bodyguards in black to carry him out of the car.

"Yes, young master!"

Two bodyguards in black heard that Xie Hao was about to be carried out of the car.

At the same time, the driver got out of the car in a hurry.

Not long after Xie Hao got off the bus, Maybach "boom" and burst into flames.

A luxury car worth millions of dollars was scrapped.

Xie Hao doesn't care about this Maybach, but is very upset that he didn't hit Shen Ze just now, and his face becomes very ugly.

Shen Ze thought it was just an accident. When he saw Xie Hao and they came out of the car, he immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out that Xie Hao, a hypocrite, wanted to kill him!

And in order to get back at him, he didn't consider the life and death of Mu Ling at all!

This guy is really impatient to live, playing lanterns in the toilet, looking for death!

Shen Ze's sharp eyes fall on Xie Hao. At this time, he is moved to kill.

After four years of training in the battlefield, Shen Ze has long realized that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself.

Since Xie Hao wants to kill him, he will never wait to die, nor will he show mercy.

"Linger, stay where you are."

Shen Zetou also does not return ground to exhort a, then he then the pace is not urgent not slow to walk toward Xie Hao they past.

After Xie Hao got out of the car, his hate eyes were always focused on Shen Ze.

He looked at Shen Ze coming towards him, with a cruel smile on his lips, and said sarcastically, "this stupid fork just didn't kill him. Even if he doesn't run away, he still dares to come to me. It's really a long life. He wants to die early and live early!"

"Come and hold me."

Xie Hao motioned to the driver to hold him, and then he told the two black bodyguards, "you two go up together and get rid of the stupid fork that came here!"


Two grim looking black bodyguards nodded, and then they also walked toward Shen Ze.

"Shen Ze, even if you can fight, my two bodyguards are trained professionally. They are extremely fierce and tough. They can deal with you more than enough. You're waiting to be beaten!"

Although the four young men in black who Xie Hao called were cleaned up by Shen Ze, he had great confidence in his two bodyguards in black.

"Wait and see how I teach you..."

Xie Hao's face was full of banter and looked like a good play.

Because the distance is not far, soon, Shen Ze and two strong men in black will face to face.

When the distance between the two sides was only one meter, Shen Ze took the lead.

Shen Ze sees that Xie Hao's two black bodyguards are unusual. In order to reduce the trouble, he plans to strike first.

When Shen Ze doesn't move, he is as quiet as a virgin. When he moves, he is thunderous and majestic!

He shot out like a lion who suddenly came to life.

Under the incredible gaze of the two strong men in black, Shen Ze blinked and came to them.

With the speed of lightning, Shen Ze stretched out his hands and grasped the necks of the two strong men in black.

The next moment, Shen Ze looks more lean body, burst out of incredible power.

One in each hand, he tossed two strong men in black to the ground!

"Dong Dong" two.

The bodies of the two strong men in black are in close contact with the ground.

Because Shen Ze is holding the necks of two strong men in black, their heads bear the most strength.

The back of the two strong men in black hit the hard ground violently. They had a concussion on the spot. Soon their eyes turned black and fainted. There was no movement!