Chapter 41

In the dead of night, the starry sky is bright and the moonlight is cold.

Xie Zhai, in the hall.

Xie Huayang, the principal of the Xie family, is sitting on the sofa in the middle.

On his right hand, Xie Hao, with his legs tied in plaster, reclined on the sofa.

On his left side, Liu An bowed slightly and stood in silence.

Xie Hao tells Xie Huayang everything that happened between him and Shen Ze.

"Dad, that boy Shen Ze is so rampant. Even if he breaks my legs, he still wants to kill me. You must teach him a lesson for me!"

When Xie Hao talks about the entanglement between himself and Shen Ze, he is surprised to say that Shen Ze is wrong.

Xie Huayang is not stupid. He knows Xie Hao's character very well.

However, Xie Hao is his son. Even if Xie Hao does something wrong, he will turn a blind eye when he doesn't see it.

Xie Huayang is very resourceful. He is not in a hurry to agree to Xie Hao's request. Instead, he asks, "didn't you report the case and let the inspector catch Shen Ze in the bureau? What's the news from the bureau? "

Liu An, who has been silent, spoke at this time.

He said with a gloomy face: "Sir, I just received the news from the bureau that Shen Ze has been released. Chen Yi, the leader of the Bureau, gave the order himself."

Xie Hao smell speech, the facial expression becomes a little ugly, very displeased ground says: "that dog still has a bit ability than, unexpectedly so quick escape!"

Xie Huayang said quietly, "if Chen Yi can give orders in person, it seems that Shen Ze has something to do with it."

"Dad, that Shen Ze is nothing!"

Xie Hao said with disdain: "he is a very humble dog who can only kneel and lick women!"

"He got close to a little rich woman named Muling. The reason why he was able to get out of the Bureau safely is that little rich woman's relationship."

Xie Huayang smell speech, picked to pick eyebrow, then ask a way: "that Mu Ling is what origin?"

Liu An replied, "I only know that she has an identity as president of the Tian Ze group. The residence is Wutong garden, and the rest is not to be found."

Wutong did not find out who the head of the house was. Liu An thought he was the owner of the plane tree. He thought Mu Ling was the owner of Wutong garden.

"As president of the group, he can buy one billion of Wutong garden, which is Mu Ling."

As a big business circle, Xie Huayang knows about the group of Tian Ze and knows Wutong garden.

After listening to Liu An's introduction to Muling, he judged that Muling had a lot of background.

Xie Hao said haughtily, "Dad, our Xie family has a big business. Even if that Mu Ling is not small, we are not afraid of her!"

Xie Huayang is very calm: "that's what I say, but I never do anything that I'm not sure about. I won't act rashly until I find out the details of the other party."

"Dad, I want to get revenge as soon as possible. I don't want to wait any longer!"

"If I don't take revenge for one day, I'm not at ease for one day!"

Xie Hao hates Shen Ze to the bone and can't wait to get back at him.

Xie Huayang pondered for a moment and said to Xie Hao, "well, isn't Shen Ze asking you to call me and go to the door to apologize tomorrow?"

"We'll follow the trend. Tomorrow, I'll take you to see him. I'll see how many pounds he has, and then I'll make plans."

Although Xie Hao didn't want to get into such trouble, Xie Huayang had already made a decision. He didn't dare to disobey it. He just nodded his head and promised, "OK, just do it according to Dad's will."