Chapter 52

In Su Shiman's eyes, Shen Ze is poor and white. Let alone more than 100000 yuan for wine, he may not be able to get 10000 yuan or 20000 yuan for food.

"Do you have so much money?"

Hearing Su Shiman's question, Shen Ze knows that Su Shiman thinks he can't afford so much money.

To be looked down upon by others, I think there will be some emotions.

But Shen Ze is no mood swings, his eyes calmly looking at Su Shiman, light said: "since I say so, naturally can take out so much money."

Sushman was dubious. After hesitating for a moment, she asked in a low voice: "you have no family background and no job. How can you get so much money?"

Shen Ze's tone is not salty: "I really don't have a job, but I never said I have no money."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he thought it was true that Shen Ze had never said that he was penniless.

However, Shen Ze used the money of the Su family all the time when he was the son-in-law of the Su family. He didn't give any money.

Is Shen Ze really rich?

Can he really afford to spend more than 100000 yuan tonight?

Su Shiman still has doubts, but seeing Shen Ze's self-confidence, she has nothing to say.

However, she still plans to raise 100000 yuan.

If Shen Ze can't take out so much money when she has to pay later, she can take it out.

Besides, it's her treat tonight. She wants to pay for the meal instead of Shen Ze.

Because of the wine, she has just lost some face in front of Shen Ze. She also wants to earn back her lost face.

Shen Ze didn't know what Su Shiman was thinking. Seeing that the latter didn't ask any more, he began to eat again.

After a while, the waitress came back with a bottle of romanicondi.

"This is the romanicondi you want."

The waitress looks like someone owes her money, with a bad face.

She walked up to Shen Ze and rudely put the bottle on the table.

"If nothing else, I won't disturb your meal."

Then, the waitress said these words, and then turned to leave.

At this time, Shen Ze, who was very dissatisfied with the waitress's service, said coldly, "stop!"

The waitress's eyes flashed with impatience at the sound.

She stopped, turned to look at Shen Ze, and asked without expression: "Sir, what else can I do for you?"

Shen zeshen pointed to the red wine and said, "open the wine."

It's just a little white face who eats soft food. It's called here and there. What's the suit?

The waitress said a few words to Shen Ze in her heart, and then she said yes in a strange voice.

Then, the waitress walked slowly to the table and slowly picked up the bottle opener to open the wine.

Under normal circumstances, it takes only one or two minutes to open the wine, but the waitress takes seven or eight minutes to open the cork.

Shen Ze and Su Shiman are not stupid. They both see that the waitress did it on purpose.

In fact, Shen Ze doesn't want to worry with the waitress, but the latter makes him dissatisfied again and again, which makes him feel a little unhappy.

When he was in a bad mood, he naturally wanted to do something to make himself feel better.

Shen Ze stares at the waitress with sharp eyes and says frankly, "I'm not satisfied with your service."