Chapter 55

After cold front carries Chen Hong to walk out of the box, just like throwing rubbish to loosen the latter.

Because she was caught off guard, Chen Hong lost her balance and fell.


Chen Hong falls on her back.

The ground is as hard as iron, and Chen Hong's body aches several times when she falls. She cries a few times.

First, she grabbed the box like a chicken, and then fell to the ground. Chen Hong was extremely angry and upset.

"Son of a bitch, how can you do this to me!"

"You'll be killed by a car if you go out sooner or later!"

Chen Hong, like a shrew, curses Leng Feng, whose words are very ugly.

Leng Feng stood at the door of the box, his face expressionless, silent, as if he had heard nothing, ignored Chen Hong.

After cursing for a while, Chen Hong was still angry.

After she got up from the ground, she rushed to Leng Feng in anger.

She glared at Leng Feng and gritted her teeth: "asshole, apologize to me immediately, or I'll call the police, sue you for harassment and put you in prison!"

Cold front smell speech, person cruel words not much, to Chen Hong cold said a word: "roll."

"You are a dog, dare you tell me to go away?"

Chen Hong's face was livid with anger and her eyes were burning.

"I'm going to tear up your dog's mouth today!"

Chen Hong is ready to tear the cold front.

At this time, an angry voice came.

"Chen Hong, stand still for me!"

Chen Hong is very familiar with the sound, because it's Zhou Yan, manager of Fulin restaurant.

Chen Hong can't listen to other people's words, but as an employee of Fulin restaurant, Zhou Yan still wants to listen to them for her job.

Chen Hong held back her anger and stopped all her movements.

In a hurry, Zhou Yan, with two waiters, comes to Chen Hong.

Zhou Yan first glared at Chen Hong, and then angrily said, "Chen Hong, you immediately apologize for what you just said and done to this handsome guy!"

Chen Hong said angrily, "manager Zhou, this guy has just made a move on me. He should make an apology to me."

"I don't want to hear what you say."

Zhou Yan's tone is very tough: "if you don't do as I say, you don't want this month's salary!"

Hearing this, Chen Hong's face became very gloomy.

Although Chen Hong wanted a salary, she finally gritted her teeth and said firmly, "even if I don't want this month's salary, I won't apologize to this dog leg!"


Zhou Yan, with a gloomy face, nodded his head. Then he said coldly to Chen Hong, "from now on, you are not an employee of Fulin restaurant. You pack up and leave the restaurant immediately!"

When Chen Hong heard that Zhou Yan fired her on the spot and told her to go away immediately, her face became extremely ugly just like eating a fly.

Chen Hong is very dissatisfied and angry with Zhou Yan's decision to expel her. She looks ferocious and asks Zhou Yan, "why do you expel me?"

Zhou Yan said angrily, "just because you are stupid and ignorant, you have offended the wrong people!"

After saying this, Zhou Yan didn't talk to Chen hongduo any more. He immediately ordered two waiters to get Chen Hong away.

After dealing with Chen Hong, Zhou Yan enters box 6 and apologizes to Shen Ze and Su Shiman in person.

In order to show the greatest sincerity, Zhou Yan apologized and then exempted Shen Ze from all their consumption tonight.