Chapter 69

Whether it's Feng Gang, the head of the capital of Shu, or Chen Yi, the director of the patrol Bureau, the Su family is totally afraid to provoke.

Shen Ze can make Feng Gang and Chen Yi treat each other respectfully, showing a more noble identity and higher status. Naturally, the Su family can't provoke Shen Ze.

Although Jiang Fang is in a bad mood now, she is not stupid. After listening to Su Shiman's words, she is suddenly aware of these.

"OK, I won't take revenge on Shen Ze, and I won't provoke him any more. I curse him in my heart every day, and it doesn't come to a good end!"

Jiang Fang is a real bully. When she realizes that she can't compete with Shen Ze, she gives up, even though she is very resentful of Shen Ze.

Seeing that Jiang Fang doesn't go her own way and agrees not to provoke Shen Ze, Su Shiman breathes a sigh of relief.

Then, Jiang Fang seemed to think of something. She frowned and said, "isn't that white eyed wolf without strength and background? How can we let the city leaders of Shudu give him three points and help him teach me a lesson? It's so ridiculous

"I think people around Shen Ze call him young master. Is he the young master of a rich family, but he has been hiding his identity in front of us before?"

Su Shiman was also full of doubts about this. She pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "I don't know if Shen Ze is a young master of a powerful family. I only heard him say that he worked as a soldier for several years, made some achievements and earned some bonuses."

"How many years have you been a soldier? Earned some bonus? This dog thing is really hidden

Jiang Fang has always been interested in money, so she immediately asked, "how much bonus did he earn?"

Sushman thought of the box of 100 yuan bills and said, "about a million."

"A million? How could he have so much money? "

Jiang Fang's eyes widened in surprise, and then she scolded angrily: "this dog has been living in our Su family for more than a year without any money. It's a disgusting miser, vampire and parasite!"

When Su Shiman heard Jiang Fang say that about Shen Ze, she didn't agree.

In her opinion, although Shen Ze didn't pay a cent and lived for nothing, he did all the housework and secretly helped the Su group and Tianze group to reach a cooperation, creating great value for the Su family.

On the contrary, Shen zefei made the greatest contribution to the Su family.

Jiang Fang was angry at this time. Su Shiman didn't say her views, but chose to be silent.

Rich and powerful, like a small man intoxicated by success, he make complaints about Jiang Fang. He is very wise to let him go out of the Soviet Union.

"Shiman, you should see today that Shen Ze is just a chicken with a small stomach. He has always been resentful and resentful towards our mother and daughter. He wants to revenge us whenever he has a chance. Don't think about him any more foolishly!"

From what Shen Ze has done today, Su Shiman naturally sees Shen Ze's resentment towards the Su family. She gives a very complicated hum and doesn't say much.

"Shiman, listen to the mother, find a good man again as soon as possible!"

Jiang Fang also mentioned the matter of asking Su Shiman to find a partner: "which of the noble women and sons your mother told you last time are you interested in? Mom will arrange for you to meet. "

This time, sushman still shook his head without hesitation and refused: "Mom, I don't want to find someone now."

Su Shiman found an excuse: "now the group is not stable, I want to put the group on the right track and then talk about other things."


After listening to Su Shiman's words, Jiang Fang sighed helplessly, and could only give up the idea of letting Su Shiman find an object now.

The mother and daughter were silent for a while. Jiang Fang suddenly said, "Shiman, I want to go home. You can go to the hospital for me later."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he was surprised and asked, "your body hasn't completely recovered. Why do you want to leave the hospital now?"

"Shen Ze is also in this hospital. I don't want to see him again!"

Jiang Fang said with disgust and disgust on her face. Although she said she didn't want to see Shen Ze, she was actually afraid that Shen Ze would make trouble for her again.

After all, she knows very well that when Shen Ze was the son-in-law of the Su family, she did a lot of things to humiliate Shen Ze. Now Shen Ze has the ability, and she is afraid that Shen Ze will retaliate against her again.

"I can also recuperate at home. Just listen to me and go to the hospital later."

Seeing that Jiang Fang was determined to leave the hospital, Su Shiman had no choice but to promise, "OK, I'll go to the hospital later."

As soon as Su Shiman's words were finished, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

A bald man in his thirties, with two yellow haired youths, swaggered in.

Su Shiman didn't know the bald man and the two yellow haired youths. She looked at the three uninvited guests who suddenly broke into the ward with a scanning eye, and asked in a cold voice, "what are you doing?"

Just as Su Shiman spoke, Jiang Fang turned her head and looked at the bald man.

When Jiang Fang's eyes fell on the bald man's face, her face suddenly changed as if she had seen a ghost!