Chapter 76

Previously, Shen Ze let people kick the door, directly into Zhao Qiang's office, has made Jiang Fang nervous.

At the moment, seeing that Shen Ze called Leng Feng and gave Zhao Qiang a big slap, Jiang Fang was in a panic.

The boss of Zijin club is a powerful man in the first echelon of Shu capital. He can cover up the sky in Shu capital. No one has ever dared to make trouble in Zijin club.

Although Zhao Qiang is only a spectator, he is a member of Zijin club after all.

Shen Ze does this, if Zhao Qiang is irritated, he moves out his boss behind him, how can this end?

For Shen Ze's reckless and arrogant behavior, Jiang Fang is very dissatisfied and angry.

She felt that Shen Ze didn't come to redeem people, but to make trouble.

Jiang Fang doesn't want to suffer from the fish pond disaster because of Shen Ze's behavior.

She angrily went to Shen Ze's side and said in a discontented tone: "Shen Ze, we are here to redeem people, not to beat people. You are so reckless, aren't you making trouble?"

At this time, Jiang Fang regretted that Shen Ze came in person.

If she had known that this would happen, she should have asked Shen Ze to give her the money. She came here alone to redeem people.

Shen Ze didn't even look at Jiang Fang. He said coldly, "what do I do? It's not up to you to tell me."

Jiang Fang listened to Shen Ze's tone of blaming her. She was so angry that she said: "Zijin club is something that we can't afford. I'm kind enough to remind you."

"What you have just done may not only make us unable to redeem people, but also make the Zijin Club blame us and come to a bad end!"

Shen Ze is too lazy to talk nonsense with Jiang Fang. He said in an unquestionable tone: "I know it in my heart. Just stand by and watch it."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Jiang Fang is speechless. She complains that Shen Ze's dog bites LV Dongbin. She doesn't know a good heart and doesn't know what's good or bad at all.

I really think I have a little capital now, and I dare to be wild in Zijin club. I'm so arrogant, I don't know the superiority of heaven and earth!

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't listen to the advice, Jiang Fang didn't know how to persuade Shen Ze, so she fell into anxiety.

"Little bizizi, you dare to smoke the mouth of labor and capital. Labor and capital will kill you today!"

At this time, Zhao Qiang, who had stopped crying, put out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He scolded and took out an iron bar from the corner of the wall.

Zhao Qiang is fierce and ferocious. He looks back, raises his iron bar and smashes it at Leng Feng's head.

Cold front reaction speed is very fast, his body side, avoid the iron bar at the same time, a high leg, a kick in Zhao Qiang's chest.


The sound of a broken bone sounded.

Cold front this foot goes down, Zhao Qiang's rib broke a few.


Zhao Qiang opened his mouth again and screamed. At the same time, the strength of his body made him move backward uncontrollably. Finally, he hit the table and sat on the ground.

"Labor's chest hurts!"

Zhao Qiangli yelled and wanted to die. His face was pale and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He sat down on the ground and did not dare to move. He looked very miserable.

Shen Ze looked at Zhao Qiang coldly and said, "drag people over."

When Leng Feng hears the speech, he immediately goes up and grabs Zhao Qiang's foot. However the latter howls, he drags it to Shen Ze's head.

Shen Ze looked down at Zhao Qiang lying on the ground like a fat pig and said, "I'll give you two choices, either go to die immediately or tell me where Su Shiman is."