Chapter 89

Since Yu Tianqiao founded Zijin club a few years ago, no one has dared to talk to him like this.

Do you kneel down, or do you want me to break your legs and drag you in?

After listening to Leng Feng's words, Yu Tianqiao's face was covered with clouds, his eyes were burning with anger, and his body was filled with a strong murderous air.

"Even if labor and capital are dead, they will not kneel down!"

After Yu Tianqiao showed his attitude, he looked at Leng Feng fiercely and said: "if anyone dares to move the labor force today, the labor force will kill his family!"

"If you don't believe in evil, you can have a try!"

Yu Tianqiao didn't talk big. He really killed the whole family.

However, cold front is when he farts.


As soon as Yu Tianqiao's words were finished, Leng Feng raised his hand and slapped Yu Tianqiao with a big mouth, which made the latter grin and bleed.

The big mouth of Leng Feng made Yu Tianqiao confused.

The labor and capital just put out cruel words and yelled to fight and kill. Didn't you hear that, or didn't you fear that the labor and capital would kill your family?

This big mouth says to fight, and does it pay attention to labor and capital?

Yu Tianqiao thinks that Leng Feng is more ruthless than him. He is not like a human, but a cold-blooded robot!

Just when Yu Tianqiao roars in his heart, and his stomach is cold.

The cold front moved again.

He didn't say much. He raised his foot and kicked the knees of Yu Tianqiao's two legs.

With two clicks, both legs of Yu Tianqiao were broken from their knees.


The pain of his broken leg is penetrating. Yu Tianqiao's face is twisted and looks painful. While he opens his mouth and howls miserably, he falls to the ground and falls a dog to eat excrement.

"My leg hurts!"

"Little red head, I have your mother in my mouth. If you dare to break my leg, I will kill your family!"

Because his legs were broken, Yu Tianqiao couldn't get up from the ground by himself. He could only lie on the ground, staring at Leng Feng with red eyes, and roaring with indignation.

"Mr. Yu!"

Yu Tianqiao brought a group of people, see Yu Tianqiao was cold front broke legs, collapsed on the ground, impressively rushed up.

When Leng Feng saw this, he took a direct thunder shot. He quickly put all these people to the ground.

After clearing up the trouble, Leng Fengsui grabs Yu Tianqiao's leg. Regardless of the latter's clamor, he moves rudely and drags him to the auction house.

Because there is a divine guard at the gate, the people in the auction house can't see outside and don't know what happened. However, after listening to the news, they vaguely know that Yu Tianqiao and those people in black brought by Shen Ze are in conflict and fight with each other.

People thought that Yu Tianqiao would take people to turn over those people in black brought by Shen Ze, and then go into the auction house and beat Shen Ze and others.

But unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, I saw Leng Feng holding a leg of Yu Tianqiao and walking in like a dog.

Yu Tianqiao's face was pale and his mouth was crying. He looked miserable and embarrassed.

How can this be so special?

There is a huge difference between reality and imagination, which forms a strong impact.

In the auction house, except Shen Ze and he you, there are also Shenwei, together with Su Shiman and Jiang Fang's mother and daughter, all of them are dumbfounded and speechless. How wonderful the expressions on their faces are!