Chapter 105

"He you, keep in touch with Feng Gang and urge them to do everything well."

"Yes, young master."

Shen Ze always pays attention to the beginning and the end.

Yang Shan and Yu Tianqiao are big fish worthy of his hand. Naturally, other minions don't have to. Just give them to Feng Gang.

Yutianqiao and Yangshan have been rooted in Shudu for decades. Their gangs are involved in all walks of life and have a large number of people. It is obvious that a big shock will be caused if they want to catch them all.

Tonight, Shudu is doomed not to be peaceful.


After the Zijin club came out, Shen Ze returned the gods and spirits to the Wutong garden. He and ho you still had cold front to return to the hospital.

The guards board the Humvee and leave first.

Shenze, they're on Maybach.

Jiang Fang, who came out immediately, forced Su Shiman to Bentley.

Two luxury cars, one in front of the other, drove to the hospital.


What happened tonight deeply shocked the souls of Su Shiman and Jiang Fang.

The mother and daughter did not expect that Shen Ze had such strong strength and courage to solve the problems of Yu Tianqiao and Yang Shan one after another. As they said, they accomplished the whole Zijin club in one pot and accomplished an almost impossible thing.

Now the mother and daughter are completely and heartily changing their attitude towards Shen Ze.

They will no longer think of Shen Ze as a poor man with no strength, no background, but a young hero with strong background and powerful financial power.

Because all the gods and gods have returned to Wutong court, so the only car in Bentley is Su Shi man and Jiang Fang, who are sitting on the driver's seat and sitting on the second driving seat.

Jiang Fang said with great emotion: "Shiman, this Shen Ze is really hidden too deeply. We didn't find him so capable before!"

"You said he was so powerful, rich and powerful. Why did he want to be our son-in-law? Be inferior everywhere, be despised and despised by others? "

Su Shiman didn't know what Shen Ze thought at the beginning.

Now she only knows that Shen Ze really loved her. Otherwise, how could such an invincible and arrogant man be willing to be a obedient, indomitable and hard-working son-in-law?

Hearing Jiang Fang's question, Su Shiman's mood became very complicated. She shook her head and replied, "I don't know."

Jiang Fang's heart was not calm, and she could not help asking, "Shiman, what identity do you think Shen Ze would be?"

"Judging from his present abilities, I feel that he is probably the young master of the Yanjing family."

Su Shiman didn't know what kind of identity Shen Ze had, so she chose silence and didn't say anything.

Jiang Fang seems to have opened a chatterbox, with constant words.

"I didn't expect that a loser would change into a very important person. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it was true!"

"Shiman, do you think Shen Ze wanted to test our Su family, so he deliberately concealed his identity and became our Su family's son-in-law?"

"Well, if I had known that Shen Ze was such a big man, I would never have treated him like that when he was our son-in-law of the Su family!"

"Shiman, I thought that divorcing you and Shen Ze and sweeping him out would make our Su family better. Now I find that this is a huge loss to our Su family. There is no son-in-law to ride the dragon!"

Jiang Fang said with regret on her face.