Chapter 114

Hearing Su Shiman say that Muling is Shen Ze's girlfriend, Jiang Fang can't chat happily.

I don't know if it's because of the failure of the abacus in my heart, or for some other reason, Jiang Fang is a little annoyed for a moment.

"Shiman, didn't Shen Ze love you so much? How can I find a girlfriend so soon after I divorced you? Is his heart becoming too fast? "

Jiang Fang reproached: "I thought Shen Ze was a spoony, but I didn't expect him to be a scum man. He changed his mind so quickly!"

Su Shiman advised: "Mom, Shen Ze has nothing to do with us now. Don't talk about him."

As for Shen Ze's girlfriend, Muling, on the day of her divorce, although Su Shiman has some imbalance in her heart, she doesn't think Shen Ze is a scum man.

"Why not?"

Jiang Fang said angrily: "since he has done so, I dare to say so!"

"Shiman, Shen Ze is such a rotten man. It's useless to be developed. It's right that you don't ask him to get back together!"

Su Shiman was upset and said in a deep voice, "Mom, don't talk about Shenze. If you want to talk about him again, I will ignore you."

Seeing that Su Shiman is not joking, Jiang Fang can only bear the blame in her heart and never reproach Shen Ze again.

Mother and daughter immediately fell into silence, and then with an ugly face, out of the hospital, back to the Su villa.

After lunch at home, sushman went to the company and spent the afternoon in high-intensity work.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, it was completely dark, and it was sushman who got off work.

Take the elevator to the underground parking lot alone. After entering the car, Su Shiman takes out her mobile phone and dials Liu Yuan.

As soon as the phone calls, Liu Yuan's voice full of magnetism comes from her mobile phone: "Su Da Mei Ren, call me. What can I do for you?"

Sushman said in a low voice, "I'm in a bad mood. I want to ask you to drink."

Liu Yuan immediately replied, "OK, I'm fine tonight. Please come to my house."

"Well, I'll come right now."

After hanging up, Su Shiman started the engine and drove to Liu Yuan's house.

As night falls, thousands of lights and boundless starry sky complement each other, dazzling and beautiful.

An hour later, Su Shiman arrived at Liu Yuan's residence outside the third ring road.

Liu Yuan knew that Su Shiman had just got off work and had not had dinner yet, and she just didn't eat either, so she cooked a table of dishes and equipped herself with wine.

As soon as sushman arrived, they began to eat and drink.

After touching a cup, Liu Yuan said in a humorous tone: "is Su Da's beauty in a bad mood because of her emotional problems?"

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he gave Liu Yuan a resentful look in his eyes and said: "I'm a divorced young woman now. I have a fart feeling problem!"

Liu Yuan couldn't help laughing when she heard Su Shiman say that she was a divorced young woman.

"Su Shiman, you haven't lived with Shen Ze. Now you are still a virgin for more than 20 years. There is nothing like a young woman all over you. How can you say you are a young woman?"

Su Shiman felt that there was a hint of ridicule in Liu Yuan's words. She immediately said angrily, "Liu Yuan, do you laugh at me for more than 20 years, or are you a young child? Say I'm not a young woman, OK, I'll go to find a man to sleep later! "

Liu Yuan's smile became more brilliant when she heard the speech. She jokingly said: "Su Shiman, I don't believe you dare to go to sleep with a man later."

Sushman said: "what do I dare not do? If you don't believe it, we'll see! "

Liu Yuan knew Su Shiman very well. She knew that Su Shiman was being hard spoken, so she didn't take it seriously. She said, "OK, I'll see."


Sushman snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Looking at Su Shiman's full of breath, Liu Yuan chuckled.

"Come on, keep drinking. Our sisters won't be drunk tonight."

Liu Yuan raised her glass as she spoke.

Seeing this, Su Shiman raised his glass and touched Liu Yuan.

Two beauties with different looks took a big drink and began to talk again.

This time, Liu Yuan did not tease, but seriously asked: "Shiman, do you now find that you are used to Shen Ze around, and know that Shen Ze is not a loser, but a powerful and charming soldier brother, and regret to divorce him?"

Liu Yuan chats with Su Shiman almost every day. She is surprised to learn from Su Shiman that Shen Ze worked as a soldier for four years and everything happened in Zijin club last night. She knows that Shen Ze is very powerful and has an unusual background.

For Liu Yuan's question, Su Shiman dropped his head and fell into silence.

Silence means acquiescence.

It's not surprising that Su Shiman gives such an answer to Liu Yuan, who knows her mind very well.

"Shiman, since you regret your divorce from Shen Ze, go to find him to remarry!"

Liu Yuan was straightforward, so she put forward such a suggestion very simply.

Su Shiman looked up and took a big drink. Then she looked down and said, "Shen Ze has a girlfriend with him now. He won't remarry with me."

Liu Yuan doesn't agree with Su Shiman's conclusion.

"You haven't tried. How do you know Shen Ze won't remarry you?"

Liu Yuan showed the strength of a female man and said aggressively: "if you want me to say, you don't care if Shen Ze has a girlfriend with you, you can go to him directly, express your heart face to face, and propose to remarry. As for whether he agrees to remarry with you, let's say another thing!"