Chapter 117

Shen Ze could not be calm for a long time, and he had no words for a long time.

Shen Ze was silent for a long time, and Liu Yuan had no patience to linger on.

She said straightforwardly, "Shen Ze, this is a good chance for you and Shiman to get back together. If you still love her, come to my house immediately."

After saying these words, Liu Yuan stopped talking nonsense and hung up.

Hearing the blind sound coming from the mobile phone, Shen Ze is coming back.

He put the cell phone with a black screen on the desk in front of him, and then stared at it, lost in thought.

Do you still love sushman?

From the day Su Shiman saved Shen Ze, Shen Ze fell in love with Su Shiman and regarded him as a woman who wanted to protect her life.

Later, he went to the war zone. During the whole four years of the war, he missed Su Shiman as soon as he was free.

Sushman became his sweetheart and a brand in his body, which could not be removed.

As soon as the war was over, he came back with all kinds of glory. He arrived at the capital of Shu for the first time. Regardless of the strong opposition from his family, he resolutely surrendered himself and became the son-in-law of the Su family.

After marrying Su Shiman, Shen Ze, who was born proud, gave up all his career and didn't care about the ridicule and irony of others. He was willing to be a housewife and took care of Su Shiman wholeheartedly.

He worked as an ox and a horse, worked hard, gave everything, and gave all his love to sushman.

He was humble and didn't ask for anything in return. He only wanted sushman to give him a little response, but sushman didn't give him any response. Even his response was disgusting, disgusting and dislike.

Even if his heart has been honed solid as a rock, but it is still the heart, or will be broken, or will hurt.

Not only love, but because love a person, make yourself black and blue.

How can this love continue?

The day Shen Ze, who was deeply hurt, offered to divorce Su Shiman, it means that he can no longer love.

Even if he is extremely painful, even if his love for sushman has not been completely abandoned.

After his divorce from Su Shiman, Shen Ze hid his love for Su Shiman.

He thought that with the passage of time, those love will slowly dissipate.

But at this moment, Shen Ze thought back and found that the reality is not the same as what he imagined.

No matter what, after his divorce from sushman, he suffered a lot, but he couldn't help thinking about sushman.

Or, when Su Shiman was shot with a gun by Xie Hao, he could not have been hurt at all, but because he was flustered, he rushed up to block the bullet for Su Shiman in the worst way.

Or, after learning that Su Shiman was arrested by the people of Zijin club, he couldn't help but get worried and took people to Zijin club to rescue Su Shiman at the first time.

Or, just now, he was angry because Su Shiman wanted to find a man to sleep, and his heartache after learning that Su Shiman had feelings for him and regretted his divorce.

All of these clearly proved and told him that Shen Ze's love for Su Shiman did not disappear, even a little bit.

Thinking of this, Shen Ze picked his eyebrows, opened his thin lips and murmured to himself, "Su Shiman, I still love you after all..."

Although Shen Ze knows clearly that he still loves Su Shiman, he has no plan to go to Liu Yuan's house.

In Shen Ze's opinion, even if Su Shiman has feelings for him and regrets divorcing him, it's not like what Liu Yuan said. When he went to Liu Yuan's house tonight, he grasped a good opportunity for him and Su Shiman to get back together.

What's more, once bitten by a snake for ten years, Shen Ze has never thought of reconciling with Su Shiman. Moreover, he doesn't know what Su Shiman thinks.

A woman's heart is full of needles. Even if sushman has feelings for him and regrets to divorce him, it doesn't mean that sushman wants to get better with him.


Because of this episode, Shen Ze's mood was very confused, unable to continue reading calmly.

He picked up his cigarette and lighter, got up from his chair and went to the French window.

While smoking, while aimlessly overlooking the bright starry sky, empty yourself.

After smoking six cigarettes, Shen Ze's heart calmed down.

He went to wash, and then lay down on the bed, ready to go to bed.

But tonight is destined to be another sleepless night for Shen Ze.


After hanging up Shen Ze's phone, Liu Yuan has been appeasing Su Shiman, who is crying for a man to sleep, until Su Shiman is exhausted and lies in bed to sleep.

"Shen Ze didn't come to my house. Is he really not in love with Shiman, or is he short of a brain?"

After being tossed about by Su Shiman all night, Liu Yuan was also very tired.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't come, she couldn't help complaining: "if you don't grasp the opportunity, it's a waste of my hard work!"

"It's evil of me to stand up and complain about you two

After a few complaints, Liu Yuan dragged her tired body to clean up the kitchen table.

Then she went back to her bedroom and washed and cleaned sushman, who was lying on the bed.

When Liu Yuan finished washing and went back to her bedroom, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

As soon as she got to bed, she fell asleep.

All night long.

The next morning, both Liu Yuan and Su Shiman woke up after a long sleep.

Sushman can't remember what happened last night after he was drunk.

After getting up, she asked Liu Yuan, "I didn't do anything embarrassing after I got drunk last night, did I?"

Liu Yuanbai took a look at Su Shiman and said: "after you got drunk last night, you were crying for a man to sleep."

After hearing this, sushman blushed with shame. Then she asked, "is there anything else besides this?"

"There's more."

Liu Yuan didn't hide and tuck in. To be honest, she said, "you've been making trouble to find a man to sleep. I can't help you, so I called Shen Ze and asked him to help me sleep with you."

"You called Shen Ze? Ask him to help? Sleep with me? "

At the same time, sushman's face turned red with shame.

She glared at Liu Yuan and said excitedly, "why do you want to call Shen Ze? Don't you want me to make a fool of myself in front of him? "

"Who's driving you crazy and bothering me!"

Liu Yuan snorted coldly and said triumphantly, "I not only called Shen Ze and asked him to help and sleep with you, but also told him that you still have feelings for him and regret divorcing him."

"Liu Yuan, you even told Shen Ze these things. You betrayed me like this, but you are not my best friend?"

Su Shiman blushed with anger and his neck was thick. He looked like he wanted to strangle Liu Yuan. He didn't look like the first iceberg goddess in the capital of Shu.

Liu Yuan didn't betray Su Shiman's consciousness at all. She turned her lips and said, "Su Shiman, I'm helping you and Shen Ze to get better. You should thank me, not blame me!"