Chapter 128

After walking out of the box, Liu Yuan and Su Shiman went straight to the bathroom.

On the way, Liu Yuan asked Su Shiman with concern, "why did you cry all of a sudden?"

While wiping the tears on his face with his hand, Su Shiman said perfunctorily: "I think of some unhappy things."

"What's unhappy?"

Liu Yuan thought about it and guessed, "I'm afraid it's because of Shen Ze's sentence that I don't want to put pressure on you. When it comes to your heart, right?"

Sushman didn't say a word and acquiesced.

Liu Yuan said with some emotion: "I am not wrong, Shen Ze is really a spoony."

"Mingming has a brilliant status, but for you, he wronged himself to be a door-to-door son-in-law, and became a loser in other people's eyes. It can be seen that he has a deep love for you and loves you so much!"

Looking at Su Shiman's sullen appearance, Liu Yuan patted the former on the shoulder and said, "Shiman, you should be happy."

"Shen Ze loved you so much at the beginning. He must still have feelings for you now. If you find him to get back together, you should have a great chance of success."

Liu Yuan is right, but Su Shiman is not happy. She ponders for a moment and says, "I don't deserve Shen Ze's love."

Liu Yuan frowned at what Su Shiman said.

"What do you mean, seaman? Are you not going to get back together with Shen Ze? "

Su Shiman said in a low voice: "Shen Ze loves me so much, but I don't love him so much. If I ask him to get back together, it's unfair to him."

Liu Yuan's brow wrinkled a little deeper when she heard the speech.

"Seaman, there is no fair or unfair statement about love. You don't have to worry about it."

Su Shiman pondered for a long time, and then she said to Liu Yuan very seriously: "Yuanyuan, I'd like to think more about finding Shen Ze to get back together. Let's not mention it tonight!"

Although Liu Yuan felt that there would be no opportunity once she missed it, Su Shiman said so, and it was hard for her to say anything more.

Besides, she respected sushman's thoughts and decisions, so she nodded and said, "OK, I'll listen to you."

Su Shiman smelled the speech and gave a little smile. Then she apologized to Liu Yuan and said, "I'm sorry, I wasted the opportunity you took great pains to find tonight."

Liu Yuan smell speech, white Su Shiman one eye.

"I'm sorry to tell you a fart. You are my best friend. I'll help you. It's natural!"

When Su Shiman heard that she was depressed, she was very happy and had a bright smile on her face.

"Well, I won't tell you I'm sorry. I'll tell you thank you."

"Thank you not to say!"

Liu Yuan glared at Su Shiman, then yelled, "Su Shiman, if you can't say anything, shut up!"

"Well, I'll shut up."

Su Shiman nodded, and then she looked at Liu Yuan with a smile. She didn't speak any more.

"Well, you're a smart girl!"

Liu Yuan proudly raised her chin to Su Shiman.

Two good sisters a funny, unknowingly, came to the bathroom.

"I don't want to go to the bathroom. Go ahead. I'll take care of the makeup on my face outside."


After the exchange, Liu Yuan went into the women's room, while Su Shiman stayed at the sink to deal with the makeup that had just been splashed with tears.

After a while, a fat, middle-aged bald man with an obvious drunken look came out of the men's room.

The middle-aged balding man suddenly saw Su Shiman in front of the washing table, bowing and looking in the mirror to make up.

"What a beautiful flower girl..."

When the middle-aged bald man saw the color, he began to smile, and walked toward sushman.