Chapter 138

Han Wei was called by Qin Dajun.

Shen Ze regards Han Wei and Qin Dajun as the same thing, so he is not polite to Han Wei.

First Shen Ze looked down upon him, and then he was ridiculed by Shen Ze after he showed his identity.

This makes Han Wei look very ugly like eating a fly.

Since he became the head of the Han family, when has he been treated like this?

As the first powerful man in Xichuan Province, the owner of the Han family, who doesn't know his name in Shudu? Who saw him? Han Wei was not respectful?

In front of this boy, disrespectful to him, even if three points, but also a completely do not put him in the eye posture, words and deeds, did not give him the slightest face.

It's a young man who doesn't know what's good and what's bad!

"No matter what your status as a boy or how much a dog can fight, Han Wei will ask you to admit your mistake and make amends today."

Before that, Han Wei only came to help Qin Dajun see the situation, support the field and regard himself as an outsider.

At the moment, because he was very dissatisfied with Shen Ze's behavior, he was really angry, so he planned to go out in person and educate Shen Ze.

Seeing his identity, he can't intimidate Shen Ze, so Han Wei plans to call someone to come.

It's not convenient to transfer people from the Han family, so Han Wei, who has a lot of contacts, makes a call to Jiang Kun, the boss of Baiyu building, and asks him to bring people to the bathroom.

With Han Wei's identity and status, he was able to let Jiang Kun help him deal with Shen Ze.

After Han Weigang called Jiang Kun, Qin Dajun, who was already unable to hold on, said feebly: "brother Han, the thing under me was chopped up by that vicious little boy. Please send me to the hospital, or I will die here..."

Han Wei thought that Qin Dajun had just been injured in his leg. For a while, he didn't have to worry about his life. After listening to the latter's words, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"It's hard enough to chop people's life with one foot!"

Han Wei said, then he frowned and said to Qin Dajun, "I'll call an ambulance for you right away."

After that, Han Wei was ready to make an emergency call in person.

And at this time, Shen Ze opened his mouth, he said: "I want to kill people, no one can save."

Shen Ze put his hand into his trouser pocket. Then he looked up at Han Wei with a light look in his eyes and said: "Han, if you dare to care about this person's life and death, I will let you never come back."

As soon as Shen Ze's words came out, Leng Feng threw a strong murderous look at Han Wei.

Obviously, as long as Han Wei dares to make an emergency call, Leng Feng will immediately attack him.

Being threatened and threatened by Shen Ze and Leng Feng, the master and servant, Han Weiqi's face is livid and his eyes are burning with anger.

He stared at Shen Ze with gloomy eyes, and said in a cold voice: "boy, do you know that those who threaten Han have no good end!"

"If you do this, you won't be afraid to die here tonight?"

In the last sentence, Han Wei's tone was very strong, which also revealed a strong sense of threat and intimidation.

When Shen Ze heard the speech, a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth.

He said three words to Han Wei's gloomy eyes in a very natural and disdainful tone: "with you?"

Back then, in the last battle to defend the Dragon Kingdom, millions of enemy troops could not help us.

You're just a Han family leader, and you want to hurt Shen Ze's life?