Chapter 144

Other people don't know Leng Feng, but Jiang Kun does, and he is very impressed by Leng Feng.

Because when Shen Ze was at the auction house of Zijin club that night, he cleaned up Yu Tianqiao and Yang Shan, and Jiang Kun happened to be at the auction house and witnessed all that with his own eyes.

When Jiang Kun saw Leng Feng, he immediately recognized that the latter was the subordinate of a young man named Shen Ze, a senior military officer!

This is the fierce Jiang Kun, after seeing the cold front for the first time, he lost his arrogance.

When Han Wei mentioned that the young man who came out of nowhere and killed Qin Dajun was Shen Ze, he suddenly felt cold on his back and sweating all over.

If the man in this box is really that young man named Shen Ze, how can he do it?

It was a ruthless man who executed Vice Mayor Yang Shan and tiger Yu Tianqiao in public, which led to the destruction of the whole Yang family and Zijin club, and made Feng Gang, the capital of Shu, be respectful and obedient.

Such a powerful character, let alone go to him to settle accounts, can't even provoke him. Instead, he should hide as far as he can.

Otherwise, I'll burn myself up and I don't even know how to die!

At the moment, Jiang Kun guesses that the person Han Wei wants to teach him is probably Shen Ze. His intestines are blue with regret, and he has a retreat in his heart.

Han Wei didn't know what Jiang Kun was thinking. He was in a rage. When he came to the door of Shen Ze's box, he immediately gave a cold command: "that arrogant boy is in this box!"

"Jiang Kun, you immediately ask your people to rush in and catch the boy!"

After hearing Han Wei's instructions, Jiang Kun's face showed hesitation and hesitation, and he didn't say a word for the first time.

At this time, the cold front guarding the box door pulled out the pistol.

His eyes cold and sharp scan Han Wei and others, ruthlessly said: "who dares to mess, kill no amnesty!"

Seeing Leng Feng take out his pistol, Han Wei's eyebrows jump violently.

Who is this young man standing upright, imposing and full of iron and blood in every word and deed?

People who can carry guns with them are not ordinary people!

Han Wei's eyes twinkled and his heart was full of thoughts.

Because Leng Feng took out his pistol, he was afraid to act rashly.

Jiang Kun, standing next to Han Wei, was sweating after Leng Feng took out his pistol. He didn't dare to give one.

He struggled for a moment, then tried to keep his voice as low as possible and told Han Wei carefully: "Mr. Han, I have seen this little brother in military uniform. He is a senior military officer in the Ministry of war."

"Is he a senior military officer?"

When Han Wei heard the speech, he was shocked and suddenly surprised.

He turned out to be a senior military officer. No wonder he was wearing guns.

"What's the status of that boy when he has a senior military officer as a subordinate?"

You don't have to think about it. Either you are in a high position or you have a very strong family background.

Thinking of this, Han Weidun's feelings became thorny, and his brows were tightly knit.

At this moment, the door of the box opened from the inside, and Shen Ze, with a slightly heavy complexion, came out.