Chapter 155

Shen Zefen ordered the gods and the gods to send them home to the Wutong garden.

After leaving Baiyu building, Rolls Royce guste drove to the residential area where Liu Yuan lived.

After getting on the bus, Shen Ze leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes.

Sitting beside him, Su Shiman couldn't help being curious and asked in a low voice, "Shen Ze, what are you going to do when you go to Wang's ancestral home tomorrow morning?"

Shen Ze thin lips slightly open, wind light cloud light way: "end the past enmity."

Shen Ze was too lazy to pay attention to the Wang family, but Wang Gang and his son bumped into the door by themselves, so he planned to solve it.

At the beginning, when Shen Ze was going to marry Su Shiman, the Wang family got in the way of all kinds of obstacles.

After Shen Ze and Su Shiman got married, the Wang family ran and bullied them.

Whether Shen Ze or Su Shiman, there are some disputes between them.

For Shen Ze's answer, Su Shiman expected, and did not feel surprised.

"What are you going to do with it?"

If it's anything else, sushman won't get to the bottom of it.

But she had to ask about it.

Because the Wang family is her mother's family after all, and she also has half of the blood of the Wang family.

Moreover, even if almost all the Wang family members have a bad relationship with her, she still has some feelings with Mr. Wang.

Su Shiman has seen Shen Ze's iron fists. She is worried that the Wang family will not know what's good and what's bad, and will anger Shen Ze and suffer the disaster of blood.

Shen Ze knew what Su Shiman was thinking. He pondered for a moment and replied, "be reasonable."

Hearing these three words, sushman breathed a sigh of relief.

In her opinion, as long as you don't kill people, everything is easy to say.

Su Shiman then asked: "tomorrow morning, can I also go to the ancestral residence of the Wang family?"

Shen Ze thought it didn't matter, and replied, "at will."


Sushman nodded and said nothing more.

She was silent and thought to herself whether to go to Wang's ancestral home tomorrow morning.


at dead of night.

On the street, inside a black business car that was speeding.

Wang Teng, with plaster cast and bandage on his right leg, is lying on the seat in the rear compartment.

He was pale, listless, and very weak.

"Dad, my legs haven't been cured. Why do you have to take me away from the hospital?"

Because his right leg was interrupted by Leng Feng, Wang Teng was in a bad mood. He was forced to be taken away from the hospital by Wang Gang, and his mood became worse.

Wang Gang was sitting in the co driver's seat with a heavy heart.

Hearing Wang Teng's words of incomparable resentment, Wang Gang said angrily, "I've cured my fart leg. If you don't go back to the ancestral house of the Wang family, you may lose your life!"

Wang Teng smell speech, feel inexplicable: "why don't you go back to the Wang family ancestral home, may even have no life?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not bullshit!"

Wang Gang roared, and then he said in a very low voice: "before I went to the hospital, I took people to Baiyu building. I wanted to avenge you, but not only I didn't avenge you, but Shen Ze abandoned my hand!"

"Dad, is your right hand abandoned by Shen Ze?"

Wang Teng looked excited and full of hatred. He said in a murderous manner: "that loser first made me waste one of my legs, and now you waste one of your hands. We must kill him, or it will be hard to vent our anger!"

Wang Gang also wanted to kill Shen Ze, but now, how dare he do that?

Wang Gang pondered for a long time and said in a very complicated tone: "Shen Ze is not what he used to be. We can't take revenge on him, but we also ask him to let us go and don't care about these things with us any more."

"Dad, are you confused? How can you talk nonsense again and again? "

Wang Teng was a little depressed and said in a puzzled way: "Dad, Shen Ze is a loser who has no money, no power and everyone can be bullied. Why can't we take revenge on him? How can we turn around and ask him to let us go? "

"I'm not confused. I'm sober!"

"Shen Ze killed Qin Dajun, the richest man in Xichuan Province, and two bodyguards of the latter in public at baiyuliou at night," Wang Gang explained

"Han Wei, the top local tycoon, offended Shen Ze because he wanted to save Qin Dajun. Shen Ze called him to the gate of Baiyu building and knelt down to make amends."

Hearing about these things, Wang Teng, like Wang Gang, did not believe it at first.

"Dad, are you kidding me?"

"How can Shen Ze be such a loser?"

Wang Gang turned his head and said to Wang Teng's eyes seriously and heavily, "I'm not kidding you."

"I went to Baiyu building. Although I didn't see Shen Ze kill Qin Dajun, I saw with my own eyes that Shen Ze made Han Wei kneel at the gate of Baiyu building until dawn."

"These things, I also let people inquire about, there are many people have witnessed, things really happened, there is no false!"

Wang Teng saw that Wang Gang was not joking at all. He had to believe the latter's words.

And Wang Tengxin after, is incomparably shocked and incredible.

"How can a loser with no money and no power have the courage to do these things?"

"I don't understand, but that's what it is."

Wang Gang looks very dignified, said: "and Shen Ze did these things, but also safe, unscathed."

"It all shows that he has now become a super big man with terrible power. Our Wang family is not worth mentioning in front of him."

Listen to Wang Gang say so, Wang Teng in the heart is very unbalanced.

He had been trampled on the foot, can be arbitrary bullying of the loser, but now he can only look up to, and out of reach of the super boss.

It's hard to accept!

For a moment, Wang Teng felt like eating excrement.

Looking at Wang Teng, who was extremely ugly, Wang Gang sighed.

Then, he said in a deep voice: "after Shen Ze abandoned my hand, he told me that he would go to the ancestral home of the Wang family tomorrow morning, and asked me to send a message to all the people of the Wang family. If anyone dares not to be here, he will let anyone die to apologize. Therefore, I am in a hurry to take you back to the ancestral home of the Wang family."

Wang Teng smelled the speech, and said bitterly: "that dog thing is now powerful, and he began to install 285. It's really special. It's a villain's ambition!"

"Yes, a villain has his ambition!"

Wang Gang then reproached, and then he said anxiously, "in the past, our Wang family did a lot of bullying and targeting at Shen Ze. Shen Ze must have a grudge against our Wang family."

"Now that he has achieved his ambition, he must want to take revenge on the Wang family. Tomorrow morning he will come to the ancestral home of the Wang family. He must be asking for punishment. I don't know what bad things will happen..."