Chapter 161

After they came out of the Wang family's ancestral home, Shen Ze and Leng Feng changed their plain clothes.

Subsequently, two people boarded Rolls-Royce and returned to Wutong garden.

On the way back, Shen Ze received Su Shiman's thank you message.

To help sushman is nothing.

In response, Shen Ze replied with a smile.

Today is Sunday. It's sunny, sunny and windy.

In principle, the weather is good, people's mood will be very good.

But Shen Ze's mood is abnormal, not very wonderful.

The reason is that he will leave Shudu tomorrow and go to Haicheng with Muling.

Parting is always sad and melancholy.

Shen Ze was sitting in the back of the car. He leaned back against the seat and looked at all kinds of things that were flowing back quickly out of the window. His mind was full of thoughts.

Shen zeben thought that after his divorce from Su Shiman, he could gradually forget his feelings with Su Shiman.

But did not expect a series of things happened later, let him find that he did not put down sushman, still love sushman.

A year ago, because of her, she came to this city.

Not long ago, because of her, she wanted to leave the city.

Now will leave, but because of her, some do not give up to leave the city.

"Sure enough, there are thousands of words in the world, and the word of love is the most difficult to understand..."

Shen Ze said to himself, a pair of deep eyes in the emergence of a complex color.

"Ding Dong!"

While Shen Ze was feeling to himself, the ring for a letter from his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Shen Ze subconsciously took a look at the mobile phone and found that Liu Yuan sent a wechat video.

How did you wind up the video?

Shen Ze in the heart some doubts at the same time, point to open the video.

Later, Shen Ze was surprised to see from the video that Liu Yuan was tied to a chair with her mouth sealed with adhesive tape, unable to move or speak.

Shen ZeJian frowns. Is Liu Yuan kidnapped?

And just then, the letter bell rings again.

"Come to the roof of this woman's apartment building immediately. If I don't see anyone in 20 minutes, I'll throw this woman down from the roof."

Seeing this message, Shen Ze's eyes flashed a killing opportunity.

This is a guy who doesn't have long eyes. He kidnapped Liu Yuan to threaten him. I'm really tired of living!

"Ah Feng, go to Liu Yuan's house immediately, and be there in 20 minutes."

Shen Ze doesn't want Liu Yuan to have an accident, so he immediately orders Leng Feng.


Cold front should be a, and then a step on the accelerator, increase horsepower, rushed to Liu Yuan's home.

Like Shen Ze, Su Shiman also received the information that Liu Yuan was kidnapped.

The first time, she also drove to Liu Yuan's home.


Because she drank a lot of wine in Baiyu building last night, Liu Yuan was so drunk that she fell asleep.

In the morning, when Liu Yuan was sleeping.

A thin, ferocious bald man, about 30 years old, came to her door with two cool young men in black who were not good at it.

The bald man directly called two young men in black, pried open the door with tools, then rushed in and tied Liu Yuan, who was still sleeping in bed.

Before Liu Yuan had time to run away and cry for help, she was tied to a chair and her mouth was sealed with adhesive tape.

The bald men didn't say a word. After binding Liu Yuan, they took her to the top of the building.

Liu Yuan was brave, but she had never seen such a battle. For a moment, she was very frightened.

Using Liu Yuan's mobile phone, the bald man sent the video of Liu Yuan's kidnapping to Shen Ze and Su Shiman respectively, as well as the message that they had to come to Liu Yuan's home.

After doing this, the bald man took out a cigarette and lit it.

After a cigarette, the bald man came to Liu Yuan.


The bald man suddenly raised his hand and slapped Liu Yuan.

The slap is clear and loud.

On Liu Yuan's snow-white and delicate face, five clear fingerprints appeared in a flash.

Bald men are very heavy handed and don't feel pity for jade at all.

Liu Yuan's left cheek was hit hot pain, she bared her teeth, body back and forth twist.

Because she can't fight back or open her mouth to curse, Liu Yuan can only express her anger by glaring at the bald man.

"How dare you stare at me?"

The bald man was fierce. As soon as his words fell, he raised his hand and slapped Liu Yuan on her left cheek.

Liu Yuan's left cheek became red and swollen with the slap of the bald man.

Her tears were so painful that the flowers whirled in her eyes and looked pathetic.

The bald man didn't have the slightest pity. He stretched out a hand, grabbed Liu Yuan's chin, forced the latter to raise his head and look at him with his cruel eyes.

The bald man looked ferocious. He gritted his teeth. His tone was full of hatred and anger. He said: "bitch, you kicked my brother so many feet in Baiyu building yesterday, and you killed him miserably with your partner. Today, I want you to pay for your blood and die of torture!"