Chapter 163

On the way to Liu Yuan's house, Su Shiman contacted Shen Ze, but did not choose to call the police.

Now, in Su Shiman's eyes, Shen Ze is like omnipotent.

She thinks it's easier to ask Shen Ze for help.

Shen Ze was going to solve the problem, so after receiving Su Shiman's call, he and the latter agreed to meet at the gate of Liu Yuan's residential area.

Wang's ancestral home is not far from Liu Yuan's, and the speed of the car is very fast, so in about 15 minutes, Shen Ze and Su Shiman both arrived at Liu Yuan's residential area.

They met at the gate of the community.

Then Shen Ze, Su Shiman and Leng Feng rush to the residential building where Liu Yuan lives.

"Who kidnapped Yuanyuan? Is he going to make money or what? "

Su Shiman is very worried about Liu Yuan's safety and is very anxious in his heart.

Shen Ze regards Liu Yuan as a good friend. Although he is worried about the latter's safety, he can still keep calm and calm.

On the way here, Shen Ze asks his intelligence manager, lone wolf, to use Skynet to find out that Qin Dahu kidnapped Liu Yuan.

"It's Qin Dahu, Qin Dajun's younger brother. In order to avenge his elder brother, Qin Dajun, he kidnapped Liu Yuan and forced us to show up."

Shen Ze said what he knew.

After learning that the other party was Qin Dahu and the purpose was to avenge Qin Dajun, Su Shiman's worried face became more intense.

"I don't know if Yuanyuan has been tortured by that guy..."

Unfortunately, they arrived at the top of the building just 20 minutes later.

At this time, Qin Dahu was sitting on the chair, with his legs up, smoking.

Looking at Shen Ze and them in a hurry, Qin Dahu said very arrogantly and wildly, "you're here in time. If you come a step later, that bitch will fall downstairs and fall to pieces."

Not seeing Liu Yuan, Su Shiman is very worried and anxious. She stares at Qin Dahu and asks in an angry voice: "what's the matter with you? Where is Yuanyuan? "

Qin Dahu pointed to the rope tied to a pillar beside the Tiantai. Then he said with a smile and a smile: "that bitch was hanged outside the building by me."

"As long as I give an order, my brother will cut the rope and let her fall to death."

When Su Shiman heard the speech, he raised his heart to his throat, worried and angry.

She angrily rebuked Qin Dahu: "you villain, release Yuanyuan as soon as possible!"

Qin Dahu looked at Su Shiman jokingly and said with a cold smile: "if you kneel down and beg me immediately, I can consider releasing that bitch."

Qin Dahu was determined to kill Shen Ze. Although he said so, he never thought of letting Liu Yuan go.

Hearing Qin Dahu's request to kneel down, Su Shiman's face became very ugly.

She looked at Qin Dahu angrily, and obviously didn't want to kneel down.

"We're not going to kneel down and beg you, such a vicious villain!"

"If you don't kneel down and beg me, you really have the backbone!"

Seeing that both Shen Ze and Su Shiman didn't kneel down, Qin Dahu sneered.

Then, with a fierce look, he said, "in that case, I'll send that bitch to hell first."

At this time, Shen Ze, who was staring at Qin Dahu with cold and sharp eyes, said: "Qin Dahu, release Liu Yuan immediately, I'll let you die happily."

"Ha ha, let me die happily?"

Qin Dahu just like heard a joke, his face showed a disdainful smile.

He sneered and took a pistol out of him.

Qin Dahu raised his pistol, pointed to Shen Ze's head, and said angrily, "boy, don't think you know some Kung Fu with your dog leg, I can't cure you!"

"You want me to die? Do you want to move it for me now? See if I can shoot you! "

When Shen Ze heard the speech, he didn't say anything or take any action, but his eyes became colder.

As for Qin Dahu pointing a gun at his head, he is as calm as anything else.

Shen Ze is not nervous and afraid at all, but Su Shiman, who is standing beside him, is very nervous, uneasy and sweaty.

After all, Qin Dahu took out his hot weapons, which were very aggressive and lethal.

"What's more, I dare to pretend to be a bully in front of Laozi at this time!"

Seeing Shen Ze's fearless and calm manner, Qin Dahu felt resentful.

In Qin Dahu's opinion, when he points a gun at Shen Ze's head, Shen Ze should immediately plead with him for mercy instead of being indifferent and indifferent.

This kind of behavior of Shen Ze is to despise him and to hit him in the face.

I can't bear it!

Qin Dahu became angry. In a fit of anger, he ordered: "cut the rope and send that bitch to hell!"

"Yes, tiger!"

Hearing this, the young man in black holding a machete immediately raised his knife and prepared to cut off the rope tied to Liu Yuan.

At this time, Shen Ze said two words: "save people."

Cold front smell speech, immediately took out the pistol that wear with oneself.

Sooner or later, when the chopper in the hand of the young man in black was about to fall.

Cold front operation extremely quickly raised the gun, pulled the trigger, a shot hit the young man in black in the chest.


At the sound of gunfire, the young man in black vomited blood and was killed on the spot. At the same time, his machete fell to the ground.

It all happened in a flash, and all of a sudden.

Qin Dahu and another young man in black were stunned for two seconds.

"I dare to kill my brother, I will kill you all!"

Qin Dahu was as crazy as he was. He raised his pistol and shot at Shen Ze.

"Bang Bang..."

The deafening gunfire rang out one after another.

"Ah Feng, you go to save Liu Yuan. Qin Dahu will give it to me."

After communicating with Leng Feng for a while, Shen Ze picks up Su Shiman next to him and moves to a wall to help him avoid Qin Dahu's shooting.

In this process, because Su Shiman was too nervous, he subconsciously stretched out his hands and hugged Shen Ze tightly.

When they came to the wall, Shen Ze and Su Shiman hugged each other.

And maybe it's because the movement is too big, they not only hug each other, but also kiss each other.

In this way, Shen Ze and Su Shiman give each other their first kiss.

Shen Ze and Su Shiman are subconsciously stunned. They stare at each other.

But soon, Shen Ze came back to himself.

His head popped open like an electric shock.