Chapter 209

Sun fan was killed by Shen Ze. His eyes exploded, and his viscera were almost broken. He died miserably.

Sun fan died young and suffered a tragic death. Naturally, Sun Jie wanted him to settle down as soon as possible.

The day Qin Chao sent sun fan's body back to the sun family's compound, the sun family cremated it, leaving only a box of ashes.

Today is the day of sun fan's funeral.

In order to let Sun fan go to the funeral smoothly, Sun Jie gave the order of road closure.

Early in the morning, the sun family sent hundreds of Humvees to block the road junctions, so that the road from the sun family's courtyard to the cemetery was unobstructed.

There are 30 main roads in Haicheng, and the sun family has sealed 10.

Today is a weekday. There are a lot of cars on the road.

Because of the sun family's road closure, many places were blocked up.

"What do you do? Why is the road blocked? "

"We have to go to work. Get out of the way now!"

Many car owners are very dissatisfied, questioning those black bodyguards blocking the intersection.

"Today is the day of sun fan's funeral. We must make sure that the road is smooth."

"You guys, if you don't want to die, just shut up and wait!"

"If anyone dares to clamor again, I'll let him go!"

The black bodyguards sent by the sun family were all arrogant and fierce.

At the same time, they will intimidate and threaten the car owners.

The story that sun fan, the young master of the sun family, was killed has long been spread.

Many car owners learned that it was because of sun fan's funeral, so after the sun family sealed the road, they did not dare to give way again.

With the great power of the sun family in China, how dare these ordinary people provoke?

Many people were late for work, school and even those who needed to be rescued in ambulances.

This has undoubtedly aroused public anger.

As a result, the voice of swearing at the sun family sounded everywhere.

But no matter how many people curse, the road is still blocked.

Some people are impulsive and can't bear it. They want to rush to the intersection, but they are all met with a beating.

Anyone who wants to rush will be beaten to death and fall into a pool of blood.

All of these, the sun family's overbearing and insolent, show incisively and vividly!

The road is blocked for more than two hours.

At about nine o'clock, ten rolls Royces in pure black with big white flowers, one by one, slowly left the sun's courtyard and drove to the cemetery.

Along the way, there was no one and a car, only the sun family's car was running.

This posture, this style, compared with the city governor's inspection of the city, is even more arrogant and domineering!


Ten rolls Royces, one after another, drive slowly, extremely prestige.

The windows on both sides of each Rolls Royce were open and paper money was spilled out.

White paper money in the air dancing, as if snow in general, a vast expanse of white.

At the same time, sadness and music resounded everywhere.

Sun Jie is sitting in the front of a Rolls Royce, his left arm is still bandaged, and even if it is inconvenient to move, he also holds sun fan's urn on his leg.

Sun Jie is sun fan's only son. He is very fond of sun fan.

Sun fan's arrogance and arrogance eventually became a notorious bully, which was closely related to Sun Jie's extreme love and connivance.

There is no doubt that the most painful thing in the world is for the white hair to send the black hair.

When his beloved son died, Sun Jie was in great pain and sorrow.

"Fan'er, your father will take revenge on you!"

"Even if you take the life of being a father, being a father will let the little boy who killed you pay for his blood!"

Sun Jie lowers his head and stares at Sun fan's urn with red eyes. His hatred for Shen Ze is getting stronger and stronger.

Before long, the car arrived at the gate of the cemetery.

This cemetery is not big, but it is in a golden area. It is recognized as one of the best cemeteries in Fengshui in Haicheng.

There are 300 cemeteries in this cemetery. The people buried here are rich or expensive.

A good cemetery, like a good house, has long been robbed.

Three hundred cemeteries in this cemetery are all buried with coffins, none of which is empty.

In order for sun fan to be buried in the cemetery, Sun Jie ordered that all the coffins buried here be excavated last night.

In Sun Jie's opinion, such a good cemetery can only bury his son alone!

Sun fan's funeral was very grand and powerful.

Before the hearse arrived at the cemetery, people associated with the sun family were waiting in the cemetery early.

As one of the five top families in Haicheng, the sun family has a very broad network.

Today's funeral of sun fan was attended by not only the main figures of Zhou Qian and Li's three families, but also many other dignitaries, including almost all the local high-class and well-known figures in Haicheng.

The influence and ruling power of the sun family can be seen.

When the car stopped, someone opened the door.

Sun Jie, holding sun fan's urn in his right hand, leads the way to the cemetery.

Other sun's family members get out of the car one after another and follow Sun Jie closely.

The cemetery is a ladder like one, and Sun Jie is impressively planning to bury sun fan at the top of the cemetery.

Under the gaze of all the people in black, Sun Jie holds sun fan's urn and walks step by step toward the top of the cemetery.


In the morning, Shen Ze is sitting at the table, having breakfast with Muling, muyunfeng, Yunlan and Qin Chao.

Mu Yunfeng suddenly received a message, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Mu Ling noticed the change of Mu Yunfeng's face and asked, "second uncle, what's the matter?"

Muyunfeng said calmly and angrily, "that son of a bitch, Sun Jie, in order to find a cemetery for his son, he asked someone to dig all the coffins buried in the cemetery in Qingqiu last night, including the old man's coffin!"

"Grandfather's coffin has been dug!"

After listening to Mu Yunfeng's words, Mu Ling and Yun Lan's faces became very ugly, and their eyes were burning with anger.

"That Sun Jie is so bad that he can't even do such heartless things!"

Sun Jie was the mastermind of Mu Yunbin's death, and now he has his father's coffin dug. This undoubtedly makes Mu Yunfeng, Mu Ling and Yun LAN angry and resentful.

Although Shen Ze and Qin Chao are not Mu's family, they are also resentful to learn that Sun Jie asked someone to dig the coffin of Mu's father.

"Sun Jie murdered my brother. Now he's digging the old man's coffin. I can't bear it any more. I'm going to take someone to Qingqiu cemetery to settle accounts with him now!"

Mu Yunfeng is really angry. As soon as his words fall, he stands up abruptly. He really wants to take people to find Sun Jie.

Just then, Shen Ze spoke.

"Second master, I'm going to attend sun fan's funeral today. I can help you with your affairs. You don't have to take people with you."

Mu Yunfeng hears the speech and looks back at Shen Ze.

At this time, he was very angry and hesitated about Shen Ze's suggestion.

Qin Chao opened his mouth and said, "second master mu, our young master is the safest in handling affairs. Just listen to him!"


Mu Yunfeng hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

Then he bowed to Shen Ze and solemnly said, "thank you, master Shen!"

Shen Ze nodded to Mu Yunfeng. Then he got up and called Qin Chao to go to Qingqiu cemetery.