Chapter 211

Haicheng official office building, in the mayor's office.

Liu Yanshu was sitting on the chair, his face was ugly and his brow was tight.

He scolded: "Sun Jie, a son of a bitch, because of his son's funeral, he had 300 cemeteries dug in Qingqiu cemetery last night, and today he had ten main roads closed, which made the people angry. It's really outrageous!"

"It's just a rich businessman. How dare you act like this? Do you really think you're a powerful man?"

"Kete? Even if he is a state-level dignitary, he is not so arrogant!"

"The roads of the public are sealed. Do you still pay attention to me, the mayor of the city?"

As the mayor of Haicheng, Liu Yanshu was able to know all kinds of things happening in the local area for the first time.

He obviously knows all about the coffin digging and road sealing of the sun family.

Liu Yanshu was very angry and angry about this. He wanted to manage it, but he didn't dare to tear his face with the sun family.

Now that the four families of Zhou qiansun and Li have been united, if they tear their faces with the sun family, it is equivalent to fighting against the four families of Zhou qiansun and Li.

This is not what Liu Yanshu can bear and deal with.

He can only pretend to know nothing and let himself sulk.

"Dong Dong!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Liu Yanshu calm face, said: "come in!"

Then the door of the office was pushed open and a middle-aged man in a suit and glasses came in.

The middle-aged man's name is Zhao Zhen, Secretary General of Liu Yanshu.

Zhao Zhen went up to Liu Yanshu and reported: "mayor, the jeep team that entered Haicheng last night moved."

Last night, Wang Qingsong and his family went to the city. Although they did not attract the attention of the common people, the local authorities knew about it.

Liu Yanshu attached great importance to the military jeep team that suddenly appeared in Haicheng and arranged for people to stare at it secretly.

Wang Qingsong they move, Haicheng official side is received the news.

After listening to Zhao Zhen's report, Liu Yanshu raised his eyebrows. His face was straight and he asked, "how can they move?"

Zhao Zhen replied, "I went to the center of the city in a big way."

Liu Yanshu asked suspiciously, "what are they doing downtown?"

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, Zhao Zhen's mobile phone received the message.

After Zhao Zhen took out his mobile phone and read the news, his face became very dignified. He said to Liu Yanshu in a deep voice: "mayor of the city, those people went to the blocked intersections and met the sun family's bodyguards in battle!"

Liu Yanshu smell speech, a little surprised: "they and the sun people dry up?"

Zhao Zhen immediately said in a dignified tone: "according to the information I got, these people are well-trained and very brave. They almost killed the people who blocked the way in the sun family unilaterally."

"Well done

"Those road blocking bastards deserve to die!"

Liu Yan has resentment in his heart, and he claps his hands at the moment.

Zhao Zhen thought similar to Liu Yanshu, he pondered for a moment, proposed: "mayor, in order not to cause more panic, we need to send someone to collect the body."

"You can arrange it!"

Liu Yanshu waved his hand, and then said, "I've been staring at the situation over there. As soon as I have any other news, I'll report it to you."


Zhao Zhen nodded, then he turned and went out of the office to arrange things.

After Zhao Zhen left, Liu Yanshu thought deeply and said to himself, "do something to the people of the sun family. This team of 1000 people like the army should be sent by general Shen."

"Sure enough, the people of the Ministry of war are decisive in killing, and they say they will kill without ambiguity."

"I'm lucky that I didn't get sent to the hell by that general Shen."

"It's no joke that general Shen said that he wanted to eradicate the four Li families of Zhou qiansun. Haicheng is really going to start a great turmoil now!"

Liu Yanshu naturally realized that a huge storm had begun to sweep through Haicheng when those people blocking the road of the sun family were killed.

The sea city's earth shaking, the prelude!