Chapter 223

Shen Ze won the title of God in the first World War. He became the world-famous Dragon God of the Dragon Kingdom under the pseudonym of Shen Diaolong. Qin Chao told the truth at that time. If some old men in the Presbyterian Council knew that Shen Ze used Silver Dragon carving, a private organization, to kill civilians on a large scale, they would certainly make a fuss about it. Even if they could not shake his foundation, they would discredit him and damage his reputation as much as possible.

People's words are formidable, not alarmist.

It's just that Shen Ze doesn't care. It's not good for Qin Chao to be a subordinate.

Qin Chao changed a topic: "young master, Yanjing is not peaceful recently."

Shen Ze was puzzled and asked, "how do you say that?"

Qin Chao replied: "it's time for the Presbyterian Council to change from the old to the new."


When Shen Ze heard the words, he showed a sudden color.

In the past dynasties, when power changes, there will be no calm.

Shen Ze asked, "what are you doing with this?"

Qin chaoleng said: "there are some old things in the Presbyterian Council that have been targeting you. When the young master returned to Beijing, he suffered so many assassinations, which must have something to do with those old things more or less."

"When those old things come back, I think the young master can go to them to settle the accounts."

Shen Ze smell speech, the corner of the mouth peeps out a touch of light smile, he lightly said: "see mood at that time!"

Qin Chao immediately reminded him: "young master, I think you should make preparations early. Before the replacement of the old and new members of the Presbyterian Council is completed, you should prepare all the preparations."

Shen Ze light smile, tone not salty: "how, do you think I still need to prepare?"

With a smile, Qin Chao said with a guilty heart, "I want to be prepared."

Then, Qin Chao lowered his voice and said, "young master, you have the right to go to the government and the public. After the Presbyterian Council is replaced, those new people will attack you."

Shen Ze knew that Qin Chao was telling the truth. The change of Presbyterian authority meant a change of power.

As a leader of the army, he holds great power and bears the brunt of the change of power.

Whether he will be deprived of power or belittled at that time will be impossible for him to sit in this position.

When there is no replacement of power, there are many people thinking about it, let alone the time of renewal.

"I don't need to prepare anything more. I'm just waiting for the soldiers to come and block me."

With Shen Ze's present capital and strength, he is confident and determined to say such words.

Qin Chao thought that Shen Ze would say so. After listening to Shen Ze's words, he was not too surprised.

Now that Shen Ze has said that, he can't say anything more. He can only flatter him: "I'm really worried about the young master's ability to plan and win a thousand miles."

Shen Ze laughs at the speech.

Then, he solemnly ordered: "you continue to stare at Yanjing. If you have any information, please report it to me in time."

As the saying goes, we should seek our own political position.

Shen Ze is now sitting in this position. He has to consider the country and the people.

The replacement of the old and new Presbyterians is of great importance. At a small level, it will only shed some blood. At a large level, it may cause national unrest.

Naturally, Shen Ze doesn't want the latter situation.

Shen Ze, who has been fighting for four years, knows very well that the peace and prosperity of the country and the people of the Dragon Kingdom today are the result of countless good sons' sacrifice of their heads and blood.

As long as Shen Ze is alive for one day, he won't let any unrest happen in Longguo.

Although Shen Ze didn't say it clearly, Qin Chaoneng understood what he meant.

Qin Chao, with a positive look, nodded his head and said, "OK, young master, I'll do it according to your instructions."

Shen Ze gave a hum, and then said, "speed up, I don't want to go back to eat leftovers."


Qin Chao heard the speech and laughed. Then he stepped on the gas and sped up the speed.


What happened in Qingqiu cemetery, as soon as it came out, made a lot of noise.

"This young man named Shen Ze, who wanted to avenge mu Yunbin, was too arrogant and domineering. He killed sun fan and even ran to the funeral of the latter, killing other Sun family members and Zhou Tianming, the head of the Zhou family in public!"

"Once he had a complete feud with the sun family and the Zhou family, would he not be afraid of the crazy revenge of the sun family and the Zhou family?"

"What's the origin of Shen Ze? How dare he act like this? After killing so many sun's family members and Zhou Tianming, he publicly threatened to eradicate the four Li families of Zhou qiansun within seven days, warning Haicheng that the local ownership is expensive, and not to collude with the four Li families of Zhou qiansun. It's crazy! "

"It is said that the mysterious military jeep motorcade that suddenly appeared in Haicheng today is the force under Shen Ze's command. He must have a very big future!"

"It was said that he was the son of a famous family in Yanjing. Now it seems that this is probably true. If it wasn't for his strong background, how could he dare to do these things?"

"It's the first time for me to see such a sharp young man. The four big families of Zhou qiansun and Li have absolute ruling power and influence in the local area. It's really awesome that he dares to fight against them!"

"Now it seems that the two sides will not die. I really don't know whether it was Shen zechan's four families, except Zhou Qian and Sun Li, who let him die in Haicheng and took the whole Mu family to bury him."

"This kind of thing will happen in Haicheng. I feel that we will witness the local history in the next few days."

"Haicheng is not going to be peaceful recently. We'd better go out less and protect ourselves."

The whole Haicheng people are talking about Shen Ze and the four families of Zhou qiansun and Li.

Local news media and social platforms are also reporting and talking about these things.

For a while, Shen Ze became the focus of local people's attention in Haicheng, attracting the attention of the whole city.

But Shen Ze himself, who caused all this, did not pay attention to it.

Despite the flood, I am still.


At noon, Shen Ze and Qin Chao return to the Mu family mansion.

After getting off the bus, Qin Chao said to Shen Ze with a smile: "young master, I'm sure I've grasped the time accurately. It's just 12 o'clock. I'm sure I won't let you eat leftovers."

Shen Ze doesn't pay attention to Qin Chao. He raises his feet and goes straight to the Mu family mansion.

Qin Chao smiles and follows Shen Ze.

"Master Shen."

After stepping into Mu's mansion, all Mu's family members who see Shen Ze greet him in awe.

Mu's family also knew what happened in Qingqiu cemetery.

Previously, many people in the Mu family had doubts about Shen Ze's ability.

Now, seeing his power and his way of doing things, they no longer doubt Shen Ze's ability and respect and appreciate him from the bottom of their hearts.

Shen Ze accepted this calmly without any emotional change.