Chapter 233

In an instant, Wu Xuan changed from a living person to a pool of blood.

All the people who saw this scene were thrilled, their eyes seemed to stare out, and their faces were full of disbelief.

The whole hall was dead silent.

Wu Xuan, who is known as an invincible master and famous throughout the Dragon Kingdom, died suddenly?

No bones!

But for what they saw with their own eyes, people couldn't believe what happened in front of them.

All the people were so shocked that they were numb and did not respond for a long time.

At this time, Qin Chao, who had already made tea, came to Shen Ze with a cup.

"Young master, drink tea."

Qin Chao respectfully opened his mouth and handed the cup to Shen Ze.

Shen Ze's face did not change. He reached for the cup and took a big drink immediately.

"Yes, the smell of tea is coming out."

After drinking the tea, Shen Ze gave a soft compliment.

"My tea making skills should be improved."

Qin Chao laughed and boasted. Then he gazed at Shen Ze and asked in a low voice, "young master, are you fully recovered?"

Shen Ze shook his head, said: "only recovered 7788."

Qin Chao gave Shen Ze a thumbs up and said, "if you can only recover your skills, you can turn a peak master into a scum in an instant. Young master is a bull!"

At the moment, the whole hall is very quiet.

Qin Chao's words were heard by other people on the scene.

The crowd continued to be speechless and shocked.

This NIMA, Shen Ze's Kung Fu only recovered 7788, which made Wu Xuan, the peak master, a scum in an instant. If all his kung fu recovered, how powerful would it be?

Looking at the young man sitting on the chair from the beginning to the end, his words and deeds are light, and everyone's eyes are in awe, and his mood is complex.

Wu Xuan claimed that he was invincible under the master. No one could help him if the master didn't come out.

Shen Ze turns him into dregs. Does that mean Shen Ze is a great master?

However, in his early twenties, he became a great master whose military value reached its peak.

Is this guy really special? He's a monster. He's not human!

"It's impossible!"

"How could that be?"

"None of this is true..."

When the whole audience fell into silence again, suddenly a sharp and harsh voice rang.

Following the reputation, we were surprised to see that Sun Jie seemed to be crazy, and his mouth was full of chatter, showing an appearance that he didn't want to believe in reality.

Obviously, seeing Shen Ze blow Wu Xuan to pieces with his own eyes gives Sun Jie a great stimulation.

Today, Sun Jie came here full of confidence, very confident that Wu Xuan, the peak master, can easily kill Shen Ze, thus avenging the blood feud of the sun family.

But he never thought that Wu Xuan didn't do any harm to Shen Ze. Instead, he was blown to pieces by Shen Ze.

This overturned Sun Jie's cognition and made him doubt his whole life.

Even Wu Xuan can't kill Shen Ze. Who can kill Shen Ze?

Shen Ze is actually a master of martial arts, belonging to that kind of invincible monster!

It seems that there is no way to get revenge for the blood feud of the sun family!

Sun Jie can't accept all this, but the reality is so bloody and cruel, no matter whether he accepts it or not.

Sun Jie was both stimulated and hit. For a moment, his nerves were abnormal, just like he was crazy.

Looking at the crazy Sun Jie, there was a sigh in everyone's heart.

It's unbelievable that the local leaders of Haicheng are going crazy.

As one of the five top families in Haicheng, Sun Jie, the owner of the sun family, is the kind of high-ranking existence that can call the wind and rain. When was he so embarrassed?

People like Sun Jie will be driven crazy by others one day, which is something we dare not think about.

But it's true, even if it's unbelievable.

In addition to sighing, they also felt deeply.

In your eyes, a very powerful person may not be worth mentioning in other people's eyes.

In your eyes, the invincible person may also be trampled on by others.

The world is changeable, and no one can tell.

"Young master, do you want to teach this son a lesson?"

Qin Chao's eyes are not good at staring at Sun Jie, who is talking and asking.

Shen Ze lowered his head and his eyes fell on the teacup. He didn't even look at Sun Jie. He said faintly, "he's almost a waste man. Don't pay any attention to it."

"What a bargain, old thing!"

Qin Chao felt a little sorry. In his opinion, Sun Jie, an old man, asked Wu Xuan to kill Shen Ze today. For this act, Sun Jie should have died 10000 times.

"Shen Ze, I'll kill you!"

Sun Jie, who was talking in the same place, didn't know if he suddenly had the wrong tendon. With red eyes and crazy look, he rushed to Shen Ze.

"Crazy, crazy!"

When people on the scene see Sun Jie yelling to kill Shen Ze and rushing towards Shen Ze, they all think that Sun Jie is really crazy.

Shen Ze can blow Wu Xuan, the top master, to pieces in an instant. Sun Jie is not good at martial arts, so he wants to kill Shen Ze with his bare hands. Isn't he trying to kill Shen Ze with his eggs and stones?

At this time, Sun Jie lost his mind and was almost crazy.

All he wanted now was to rush up and swallow Shen Ze alive.

Of course, it is impossible for Sun Jie to achieve his wish.

When he was two meters away from Shen Ze, Qin Chao came forward, wrote down the split, and knocked Sun Jie to the ground with a bang. He fainted on the spot.

Since then, sun Jiezhen has become a lunatic and spent the rest of his life in a muddle.