Chapter 235

Qian Heng is just like an orator. The more he talks, the more energetic he is.

And the faces of the people around them are becoming more and more strange.

Some people want to laugh, but because Qian Heng's status is aloof, and he brings Wang Meng, the major general, they can only hold back.

Qian Heng was so engrossed that he didn't notice everyone's eccentricity, but Wang Meng, with keen awareness, noticed it.

Wang Meng found that people around him looked strange, and some people were still holding a smile, which made him feel like he and Qian Heng around him were clowns.

Aware of this, Wang Meng's eyebrows wrinkled and his eyes became a little gloomy.

The next moment, he suddenly moved.

With the speed of lightning, Wang Meng rushed to a man with glasses who was holding a smile.

Without saying a word, Wang Meng held out his right hand and grasped the latter's neck in the situation that the eyeglasses man didn't respond.

Wang Meng is tall and powerful. Like catching a chicken, he directly lifts the man with glasses into the air.

The glasses man's face changed greatly, his eyes were frightened, and he almost peed.

Wang Meng this behavior, let Qian Heng stop the speech, like others, have cast eyes to Wang Meng.

Because of Wang Meng's identity, the glasses man did not dare to struggle. He could only look at Wang Meng with fear and begging eyes. His lips trembled and asked in a low voice: "general, what are you doing with me?"

"Ben would like to know why you look strange and try to smile."

Wang Meng's eyes were sharply fixed on the glasses man's eyes. Word by word, he said ruthlessly: "answer this general truthfully. If you dare to tell half a word of a lie, it will make your head fall to the ground!"

These words, Wang Meng's strong and overbearing reflected incisively and vividly.

Wang Meng was a soldier, with the strong breath of iron blood.

This bloodthirsty breath, glasses man can personally feel, he obviously did not dare to doubt what Wang Meng said.

If he doesn't answer Wang Meng's question truthfully, Wang Meng will really make his head fall to the ground!

Although the man with glasses knew that the truthful answer would make Qian Heng unhappy, he didn't care so much at this time.

In order not to land his head now, he had no choice but to answer truthfully: "this pool of blood is not Shen Ze's, Mr. Qian made a mistake..."

"Not Shen Ze? I got it wrong? "

When Qian Heng heard the words, he frowned tightly. He looked at the man with glasses fiercely and asked: "this pool of blood is not Shen Ze's, whose is it?"

Glasses man immediately replied: "Wu Xuan's!"

"Wu Xuan? How could it be Wu Xuan? "

Qian Heng's face showed an expression of disbelief, but seeing that the glasses man didn't lie, he suddenly had a very bad idea in his heart.

Is it really Wu Xuan who turned into blood? And Shen Ze is still alive?

Thinking of this possibility, Qian Heng couldn't calm down and was in a state of confusion for a moment.

His face changed constantly, and his voice increased a few decibels: "glasses, do you mean Wu Xuan has turned into a pool of blood?"

The glasses man nodded.

Once again, he got a positive answer from the glasses man, and saw the expression that people around him agreed with him. Qian Heng felt a thump in his heart, and his whole face turned black in the twinkling of an eye, just like the bottom of the pot.

"How could that be? How is that possible? "

"Wu Xuan is a top master. He is invincible below the master. No one can help him. Who can turn him into a pool of blood?"

Qian Heng couldn't believe it. He doubted life for a moment.

He looks ferocious, staring at the man with glasses, hissing and asking: "who turned Wu Xuan into a pool of blood?"

Glasses man hung his head, mouth spit out two words: "Shen Ze."

"Shen Ze?"

Hearing the name, Qian Heng almost glared out his eyes.

Shen Ze turns Wu Xuan, the peak master, into a pool of blood. How can NIMA?

Qian Heng roared: "how can Shen Ze turn Wu Xuan into a pool of blood? How could he be so powerful? Is he a master of martial arts? "

No one answered Qian Heng. What we expressed was acquiescence.

Although people are also extremely shocked, Shen Ze will blow Wu Xuan to slag, also can't believe that the young Shen Ze will be a martial arts master.

But they saw it with their own eyes, and the facts told them it was true.

Don't believe also have to believe, can't accept also have to accept!

Seeing that everyone acquiesced, Qian Heng was as miserable as eating excrement.