Chapter 253

Shen Ze didn't move, but gave Qin Chao a look.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao have been together for a long time and have a very tacit understanding.

Qin Chao nodded to Shen Ze. Then he started and walked towards the gate of the cemetery.

Today, the Mu family treat Shen Ze as their own.

Seeing that Wang Tianyuan, the commanding commander of the military and a powerful war zone, came to Shen Ze with great enthusiasm, the faces of Mu's family all showed a touch of worry.

Although I know Shen Ze's strength is not bad, he can use it with great power.

But Wang Tianyuan is a real giant like a pillar of the country. He is in charge of 300000 Kirin troops. He has the power of life and death. He is powerful and can easily dominate one side.

Mu's family is worried that Shen Ze can't cope with Wang Tianyuan.

Of course, not all mu family members think so.

Mu Ling doesn't think so. She doesn't worry that Shen Ze can't cope with Wang Tianyuan.

His brother Ze is Shen Diaolong, who is in power. There is no one in the Dragon kingdom that he can't deal with.

I'm not afraid at all.

Mu Ling turned her head and asked Shen Ze in a confused voice: "brother Ze, you are the number one person in the Ministry of war. Does Wang Tianyuan not know that you are Shen Diaolong? How dare he come to your trouble? "

Shen Ze replied, "he didn't know my original name was Shen Ze."


Muling nodded and then said, "why don't you tell him that you are Shen Diaolong and let him go?"

Shen Ze calm said: "I have something to deal with him, he came to me, just to deal with."

"All right!"

Muling nodded and said nothing more.

At this time, the worried muyunfeng came to Shen Ze. He suggested: "master Shen, do you want to stay out of the limelight for a while?"

Shen Ze said calmly, "no, I can handle it."

Seeing that Shen Ze was so confident and determined, Mu Yunfeng was worried, but he said nothing more.

Shen Ze didn't pay attention to Wang Tianyuan at all. He immediately suggested, "let's continue the business here."

"Good." Mu Yunfeng nodded.

Later, Shen Ze and Mu Ling began to continue the memorial ceremony for mu Yunbin.

Wang Tianyuan knew that Shen Ze was in the cemetery. He yelled, but no one came forward. This made him more angry, and his anger was even stronger.

In a rage, Wang Tianyuan said: "Shen Ze, you can't get out again. I'll kill all the people here!"

Wang Tianyuan's words immediately caused a stir.

Obviously, the dignitaries of Haicheng who came to attend the funeral didn't want to be affected by the fish pond, and they were innocent of Wang Tianyuan's blood.

Just when the scene made people panic, Qin Chao came to Wang Tianyuan.

Wang Tianyuan thinks that Qin Chao is Shen Ze. He stares at Qin Chao and asks in a harsh voice: "are you Shen Ze?"

Qin Chao looked at Wang Tianyuan playfully and said, "Shen Ze is my young master."

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Wang Tianyuan's face became a little ugly. He angrily scolded him and said, "you're a bad dog. You dare to talk to me. Don't you take me seriously?"

Qin Chao laughs and thinks that his young master really doesn't take you as an old man.

Seeing that Qin Chao still dares to smile, Wang Tianyuan takes out his pistol and wants to kill Qin Chao.

At this time, Wang Qingsong and 30 people in silver came to the entrance of the cemetery.

Without saying a word, the soldiers in silver took out their guns and pointed them at Wang Tianyuan and others.

Wang Tianyuan brought more than a dozen soldiers to see this, naturally also raised their guns, aimed at Qin Chao.

All of a sudden, the two sides became a confrontation.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became very tense and depressing, just like the eve of the storm.