Chapter 255

"Huang Bo, you should investigate which war zone those people in silver are from."

After the order of transferring troops to Haicheng, Wang Tianyuan immediately gave Huang Bo an order to investigate Wang Qingsong and them.

Huang Bo made an investigation in advance. After listening to Wang Tianyuan's words, he immediately replied, "Wang Shuai, those people in silver are not soldiers belonging to the Ministry of war, they should be a private team."

Wang Tianyuan heard the words and frowned. "Do you mean those silver clad men with arms are Shen Ze's private army?"

Huang Bo nodded to Wang Tianyuan.

"What's the origin of that boy? There's a private army. "

A dignified color appeared in Wang Tianyuan's eyes.

Wang Tianyuan knows very well that people who can afford to support a private army are by no means ordinary people.

It's impossible to be rich or powerful.

Huang Bo's look also became a little dignified, "Wang Shuai, according to the investigation, that Shen Ze is the son of Shen family of Yanjing royal family."

"Is that boy the son of Shen family of Yanjing royal family?"

Wang Tianyuan hears speech, picked eyebrow in surprise.

"If that boy is really the son of Shen family of Yanjing royal family, it's not surprising that he can use private army."

Speaking of this, the dignified color in Wang Tianyuan's eyes became more intense.

As one of the four local royal families in Yanjing, Shen's power is more than half of the country.

Shen Ze has the identity of a son of the Shen family, which makes it a lot more difficult to deal with.

"Wang Shuai, I have another important information about Shen Ze's identity to report to you."

Wang Tianyuan doesn't like dawdling: "speak quickly!"

Huang Bo said: "Shen Yu, Shen Ze's father, failed in the internal struggle of seizing power in the family. He had almost no real power in the Shen family."

"As a matter of principle, Shen Yu lost power, and Shen Ze could not use much of the Shen family's strength."

Wang Tianyuan asked, "are all these news true?"

Huang Bo vowed: "it's all true, there is no false news!"

Wang Tianyuan raised a sneer from the corner of his mouth: "if he is a poor young master, he doesn't have to worry about so much. He can deal with it as he should."

Wang Tianyuan is a rough man with a simple mind. His style is usually simple and rough.

As Wang Tianyuan's deputy, Huang Bo is a very intelligent person.

Obviously, he didn't think about Shen Ze's affairs as simply as Wang Tianyuan did. Instead, he was worried. He felt that dealing with Shen Ze's affairs would involve too much, and might make a big mistake.

Huang Bo suddenly felt that it was not the time to start directly. Instead, he needed to be cautious and not so rash.

Huang Bo has other ideas, but he is a subordinate. He can't influence Wang Tianyuan's ideas, so he can only help Wang Tianyuan deal with things as well as he can.


Wang Tianyuan and they returned to the SUV, but still did not leave, but blocked outside the gate of the cemetery.

Wang Qingsong and others naturally did not withdraw, but the town guarded the gate of the cemetery, always on guard against Wang Tianyuan and others.

Mu Yunbin's funeral has almost been completed, and those who are not relatives and friends can naturally leave.

But because there was Wang Tianyuan blocking the entrance of the cemetery, no one dared to leave.

No one knows what Wang Tianyuan thought, and whether he really made up his mind to kill all the people in the cemetery.

If Wang Tianyuan, the commander-in-chief of the first army holding the power of life and death, was shot when he went out, who would he talk to?

No one dares to take such a risk. They can only endure the anxiety and stay in the cemetery honestly.

Of course, everyone's eyes converge on Shen Ze.

Wang Tianyuan came for Shen Ze, and the matter between them should be dealt with after all.

Everyone was surprised to hope that Shen Ze would come forward and deal with it as soon as possible.

No matter whether the result is good or bad, it is better than this kind of fear, I don't know how to end.

Naturally, Shen Ze is aware of people's expectations, but he pretends to be unaware of nothing and does his own thing.

Before long, Qin Chao returned to Shen Ze.

"Young master, the old man Wang Tianyuan plans to transfer the Qilin army."

Qin Chao got the news of Wang Tianyuan's army transfer from the lone wolf, and he reported it to Shen Ze.

"Looking at his posture, it seems that he wants to send a large army to annihilate us."

When he said these words, Qin Chao was not nervous at all. On the contrary, he seemed to be telling a joke with a playful face.

Shen Ze hears speech, cold hum, Mou color becomes very cold.

"Wang Tianyuan, an old man, wants to transfer troops to the city without authorization. Do you really think that the Qilin army is his private army?"

Shen Ze is discontented with Wang Tianyuan's attempt to transfer the Qilin army into the city, and he is angry.

Qin Chao took a look at Shen Ze, who looked a little ugly. He suggested in a low voice, "young master, let Wang Tianyuan transfer the Qilin army to the city, and then make an issue of it and take off his military power."

Shen Ze didn't think much. He shook his head and denied: "no, if armed forces enter the city, the consequences will be very serious. We can't risk the safety of the people."

Then, Shen Ze decisively ordered: "immediately give an order in the name of the Grand Marshal of our army department to stop the Qilin army from entering Haicheng."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Shen Ze has made up his mind. Qin Chao won't say anything more. He immediately takes orders and then goes.

Shen Ze is the commander of the Ministry of war. He is one level bigger than Wang Tianyuan. He is a Grand Marshal.

As a Grand Marshal, Shen Ze is able to mobilize the whole army.

The Qilin army led by Wang Tianyuan naturally belongs to it.

Shen Ze, the Grand Marshal, is not only the commander of the army in name, but also has real power and great prestige. No one in the whole army dare to disobey his intention.

He issued an order in the name of Grand Marshal, and flatly rejected Wang Tianyuan's order to transfer the Qilin army to Haicheng.

As a result, the Kirin army failed to enter the city.

When the order was rejected, Wang Tianyuan received the news very quickly.

Huang Bo, who received the news, reported it to Wang Tianyuan: "Marshal Wang, the Grand Marshal rejected your order to transfer the Qilin army to Haicheng."

"Marshal rejected Laozi's instruction?"

After hearing Huang Bo's words, Wang Tianyuan's face suddenly became very ugly and said, "Damn it, how did Shen Diaolong suddenly jump out and reject Laozi's instructions?"

"I'm just sending some people to the city. What does Shen Diaolong do for me? He is disgusting me on purpose

Wang Tianyuan has always regarded Shen Ze as a younger generation. He is always unconvinced that Shen Ze is the Grand Marshal of the army. Facing Shen Ze, he is always the first and the second.

The whole army knows that Shen Ze and Wang Tianyuan will not deal with them.

At the moment, Wang Tianyuan is very dissatisfied and displeased to learn that his order has been rejected by Shen Ze, but he is helpless and unable to change it.

Mom, I'm so weak today!

First of all, he was angry with Shen Ze, and now he was angry with Shen Diaolong. Wang Tianyuan was dumb and suffered from eating Coptis.