Chapter 262

In that year's battle, millions of enemy troops suddenly came to the city, trying to open a gap from the western border of the Dragon Kingdom, invade and smash the Dragon Kingdom at one stroke.

At that time, Shen Ze refused to accept the orders of the Presbyterian Council to strictly guard the city and only defend it. He insisted on leading 300000 Qinglong troops to take the initiative.

In the eyes of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, even though Shen Ze is an invincible general and has never been defeated before, everyone agrees that he led 300000 Qinglong troops to attack the enemy's millions of troops, which is an egg hitting a stone and killing himself.

On the night of the war, almost all the people of the Dragon Kingdom didn't sleep. Of course, they couldn't sleep if they wanted to.

Because the people of the Dragon kingdom all know that once Shen Ze is defeated, the enemy army will enter the country and set off a huge war. At least, it is a sea of blood. At most, it is the destruction of the country.

This battle is about the fate of the Dragon Kingdom and the fate of thousands of its people. How can we not pay close attention to it all the time?

Of course, because of the great disparity between the enemy and ourselves, almost all of us are pessimistic.

Even the officials of the house of Lords and the leaders of the Presbyterian Church are pessimistic.

That night, the Presbyterian Council issued an order to prepare all parts of the Dragon kingdom for war. We can imagine how pessimistic the whole dragon kingdom was at that time.

That war touched the hearts of all the people of the Dragon kingdom.

That night, throughout the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, Kongming lanterns floated everywhere.

That night, the weather was bad, there were no stars and no moon, the whole world was dark.

But because one after another of the Kongming lanterns flew into the sky, dense, countless, and finally gathered into a starry sky, brilliant light lit up the whole dragon kingdom.

People stand in the bright starry sky, hands together, praying silently.

Shen Diaolong, you must win!

This is the voice and hope of all the people of the Dragon kingdom that night.

Countless people prayed for the young man.

That night was the most difficult and unforgettable one for all the people of the Dragon kingdom.

The news of the War didn't come, and people waited all night until dawn, when news finally came from the front line.

And this news is a very harsh first-class war readiness alarm over all cities.

The alarm of first-class combat readiness is sounded, which means that the whole country is in a state of combat readiness and that Shen Diaolong is defeated!

Aware of this, all the tension in the hearts of the string are broken, countless people emotional collapse, cry.

And just as the whole nation was grieving, another alarm rang over the city, and it lasted longer than before.

This warning sound means that the combat readiness is released!

This second alarm is the horn of victory!

Aware of this, the people who broke into tears turned to laughter, hugged each other and cheered.

What's the most exciting thing you've ever heard?

"Shen Diao dragon wins!"

This sentence is the most exciting one that people heard that day in their life.

That morning, the sun just rose from the East, warm and soft sunshine just lit up the world.

Over every city, doves of peace spread their wings.

The people who are shrouded in the morning glow, with bright and beautiful smile, shout the name of Shen Diaolong together.

What happened that night and that morning is the most unforgettable memory of a whole generation.

That battle undoubtedly pushed Shen Ze to the altar.

He was famous all over the world and became the first general in the world.

The first World War became the most brilliant star in this era, and will remain famous in history in the future!

The title of Dragon God was granted by the Presbyterian Council to Shen Ze after the Dingding war and under the voice of the whole people, combined with the actual situation and under some pressure.

Dragon God, with only a few words, represents the supreme glory, and the incomparable status and status of being below one person and above ten thousand people, sometimes even above everything.

Purple dragon sword is the sword of Dragon God.

Seeing the purple dragon sword is like seeing the Dragon God.

See dragon god do not kneel, kill no amnesty!

How dare you not kneel when you see the purple dragon sword?