Chapter 266

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Wang Tianyuan's eyes showed a strong sense of murder and anger.

Obviously, Wang Tianyuan was very upset with Qin Chao's sarcasm, but he still endured it.

Wang Tianyuan's hand, hidden in his sleeve robe, clenched into a fist, then loosened.

Then, he tried to keep calm and said against his heart: "I have great respect for the Dragon God. If your young master can get the sword of the Dragon God, it means that your young master and the Dragon God are friends."

"Dragon God's friend is Ben Shuai's friend. Naturally, we don't need to worry about the grudge between Ben Shuai and your young master."

"We don't have to make things too ugly. Let's take a step back and open up the world."

After listening to Wang Tianyuan's words, Qin Chao complained in his heart that the old man was so hypocritical that he lied a lot.

You old man, when you forced the young master to kneel down and spoke ill of him behind his back, how can you have the face to say that you respect him?

Qin Chao sneers at Wang Tianyuan. With a cold hum, he once again mercilessly exposes Wang Tianyuan's true thoughts.

"If you're afraid of my young master, just say it, don't speak so high sounding!"

Qin Chao has a sneer on his face. When he says these words, he is very loud, so that people around him can hear them clearly.

Wang Tianyuan saw Qin Chao pestering him and taunting him in public again and again, which made him lose face, and his face became very ugly.

Wang Tianyuan was criticized like this. His subordinates, Huang Bo and others, naturally felt humiliated and bowed their heads.

Wang Meng, Wang Tianyuan's son, was very angry and resentful.

That day, Wang Meng was humiliated by Qin Chao in the Mu's mansion. He always hated Qin Chao.

At the moment, Wang Meng saw Qin Chao sneering at Wang Tianyuan, and he couldn't help it. He said angrily, "my father is handsome and powerful. No one is afraid of him!

After all, Wang Meng is younger and more energetic. Although he saw Qin Chao take out the purple dragon sword, he didn't worry so much. He yelled at Qin Chao and said, "boy, do you think my father is afraid of your young master? What nonsense! It's ridiculous

Qin Chao listened to Wang Meng's words and sneered.

He didn't even look at Wang Meng. Instead, he looked at Wang Tianyuan sarcastically and said, "if Marshal Wang is not afraid of my young master, he will wait here for my young master to come out. Don't be a turtle and run away."

Wang Meng seems to be on the same line with Qin Chao. As soon as Qin Chao's words fall, he doesn't wait for Wang Tianyuan to express anything. He excitedly says, "boy, I repeat, my father Shuai is not afraid of your young master. He won't be a turtle and run away!"

"On the contrary, your young master did not dare to come out to see my father Shuai all the time. He seemed to be afraid of my father Shuai and chose to be a turtle with a shrunken head!"

Qin Chao still didn't look at Wang Meng. Instead, he laughed at Wang Tianyuan whose face became more and more ugly and said, "Marshal Wang, your son is as stupid as a straw bag. You can't see the coffin without tears!"

Qin Chao's eyes became very playful: "we'll see later, who is the turtle with a shrunken head!"

Being said by Qin Chao to be stupid, Wang Meng is furious.

He looked at Qin Chao '

"Don't think you can take out the purple dragon sword, just think you are Shen Diaolong. You are just a cheap dog. I will make you regret what you have done sooner or later!"

The second generation of bullshit soldiers dare to scold me at such a time. Is it true that I have no temper?

With a flash of anger in Qin Chao's eyes, he suddenly turned around, stared at Wang Meng and said, "do you believe that I will make you regret what you just said?"

Looking at Qin Chao's fierce look, Wang Meng felt guilty, but he still said, "don't act like a bully in front of me. I'm not scared. You can't scare me!"

"I pretend to be NIMA!"

Qin Chao scolded, suddenly opened the lid of the wooden box and pulled out the purple dragon sword.

"I will use the purple dragon sword today to cut off your head!"