Chapter 277

The Mu family all know that Shen Ze is Shen Diaolong.

In their view, Shen Ze, as a dragon god with power, is able to solve all problems.

Even if Wang Tianyuan led 10000 soldiers to invade, he still couldn't help Shen Ze.

Because Shen Ze is a Dragon God, an invincible and unbeaten general!

He is the existence of God, no one in the world can rival him!

It can't be said that this is the blind belief of the Mu family, because this is a consensus shared by the people of the state of dragon.

In the dining room, everyone still pushed the cup for the cup, ate and drank, chatted, and had a good time.

Shen Ze is still fighting with others, talking and laughing, very happy.

Qin Chao, who has made clear the situation outside the hotel, hurried back to the dining room and came to Shen Ze.

"Young master, Liu Yanshu came to the hotel with thousands of patrols to maintain public order."

"The old man Wang Tianyuan came to the hotel with ten thousand soldiers and surrounded the hotel three floors inside and outside. It's obvious that he's not good at it!"

When it comes to Wang Tianyuan, Qin Chao's eyes twinkle.

Obviously, Qin Chao is very upset about Wang Tianyuan's apparent offense to Shen Ze.

"It's just that people surround the hotel, not directly."

Shen Ze showed a look of seeing through, and a smile of disdain rose from the corner of his mouth. "It seems that Wang Tianyuan didn't dare to rebel. He just ran over and pretended to bluff people."

"Did the old man come to bluff?" Qin Chao was a little suspicious.

Shen Ze didn't explain his view much, but said: "don't pay attention to Wang Tianyuan, just think he is a clown and watch him perform."

Qin Chao would not doubt Shen Ze's judgment. He immediately nodded and said with a smile, "OK, I'll see him as a clown."

"I'll see how he performs."

Qin Chao smiles at Shen Ze, then turns around and walks away.

After Qin Chao left, Mu Ling came up to Shen Ze's ear and asked in a low voice, "brother Ze, Wang Tianyuan has been surrounded by people. How can you not be afraid at all?"

Shen Ze smiles, "what's to be afraid of?"

"Brother Ze, other people have ten thousand soldiers. There are a lot of people. If you really fight, you will not be able to fight!"

Looking at the little girl a very serious look, Shen Ze can't help but smile split his mouth: "fight this kind of thing, not many people can win."

"Although I have only one thousand men, they are all strong men who can fight many men, enough to deal with Wang Tianyuan."

When Mu Ling heard this, she remembered that Shen Ze's 1000 subordinates were all from the Silver Dragon carving, and every soldier in silver was extraordinary.


Muling nodded, "brother Ze can deal with Wang Tianyuan, so I don't have to worry."

Shen Ze rarely boasted, "your brother Ze is the invincible God of war. No matter when or under any circumstances, you don't need to worry about me."

Hearing the speech, Muling chuckled and cooperated with Shen Ze: "yes, brother Ze is so powerful that I don't need to worry about him at all."

Shen Ze is not narcissistic. He smiles and says nothing more.

After Qin Chao went out, he came back soon.

"Young master, you are right. Although Wang Tianyuan surrounded the hotel with his own soldiers, he did nothing else."

"It's really like running around to scare people."

"The old man really didn't have the courage to fight against you."

"In front of outsiders, he is extremely fierce, but in front of the young master, he can only pretend to be a grandson!"

After criticizing Wang Tianyuan, Qin Chao said to Shen Ze, "young master, Wang Tianyuan has just found me and told me that he wants to come in to see you. Do you want to see him?"

For Wang Tianyuan want to see himself, Shen Ze was not surprised, he did not hesitate, very simply said: "let him in!"


Qin Chao didn't want Wang Tianyuan to come in, but Shen Ze allowed him. Naturally, he didn't have any opinions. After answering the voice, he turned and left.

After a while, Qin Chao came in with Wang Tianyuan.

Seeing Wang Tianyuan in a unicorn suit walk into the dining room, people immediately cast their eyes on him.

Everyone closed their mouths, the noise disappeared, and the dining room fell into silence.

Qin Chao leads Wang Tianyuan to Shen Ze.

"Young master, marshal Wang is here." Qin Chao reported in a low voice.

At this time, Shen Ze was eating spareribs with his head down. He did not raise his head. His voice was a little vague and said, "Marshal Wang came to see me. What's the matter?"

Wang Tianyuan saw that Shen Ze was eating on his own. He looked down on him, which made his anger burn and his eyes twinkle.

Wang Tianyuan clenched his fist in his sleeve. He forced himself to calm down. Then he said in a deep voice, "I heard that the Grand Marshal is dining here, so I want to come here to have a drink with him."

Shen Ze chewed the pork ribs into his mouth, raised his head and gave Wang Tianyuan a smile, "I like drinking."

"Marshal Wang, please sit down!" Shen Ze said, raised his hand and motioned Wang Tianyuan to sit down.

When people at Shen Ze's table saw that Wang Tianyuan wanted to drink with Shen Ze, they all got up and left their seats consciously, and stayed away from here.

However, there is one exception. Muling is still sitting beside Shen Ze.

As Shen Ze's beloved "sister", she does not leave, no one dares to say anything, and no one has any opinions.

After the others got up and left their seats, Wang Tianyuan was not polite and swaggered to sit opposite Shen Ze.

After Wang Tianyuan was seated, Shen Ze said, "Qin Chao, call a box of Laobaigan on the hotel!"


Qin Chao answered, and then he called the waiter and put on a box of Laobaigan.

After drinking, Qin Chao takes the initiative to go to the other side of Shen Ze and pour the wine for him.

Shen Ze said with a smile, "Marshal Wang, we are all soldiers. We'll drink in a big bowl and have a good time."

Wang Tianyuan replied with no expression: "I will depend on the Grand Marshal."

Shen Ze immediately ordered: "on the big bowl."

Soon, two big white bowls with big heads were put on the table.

Qin Chao picked up the bottle and poured a bowl of wine for Shen Ze.

Wang Tianyuan picked up the bottle and poured himself a bowl of wine.

When the wine was full, Wang Tianyuan took up the big bowl and said to Shen Ze, "Grand Marshal, let's have a bowl first!"

"Good." Shen Ze readily agreed.

"I'll do it first."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Tianyuan raised his head and drank a bowl full of wine.


Seeing this, Shen Ze smiles heartily. Then he takes up the big bowl and drinks all the wine into his stomach.

Two people drink like this, impressively all is the soldier ministry son Lang's liquor quantity and the manner unfolds incisively and vividly.