Chapter 284

After helping Xu Qiang to sit down on the bench, Liu Rong asked anxiously, "how are you, Qiangzi?"

Xu Qiang's consciousness at the moment has been a little fuzzy. He wants to talk to Liu Rong and say that they will send him to the hospital, but his mouth, apart from spitting blood foam, can only make a whine sound.

With his tongue broken, Xu Qiang is now speechless.

"Brother's tongue is broken!"

And Xu Qiang opened his mouth, careful Xu Xiaohua was surprised to see that Xu Qiang's tongue was broken.

The little girl's eyes widened in horror, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

"Broken tongue?"

Liu Rong went to Xu Qiang's mouth and looked at it carefully. Seeing that Xu Qiang's tongue was really broken, she turned pale with fright.


At this time, the speechless Xu Qiang was in a hurry to tell Liu Rong that they would send him to the hospital for treatment.

"Send me to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Xu Xiaohua first reacted and said in a hurry.

"OK, take it to the hospital!"

Liu Rong came back and nodded.

Later, Liu Rong's mother and daughter drove Xu Qiang back to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Xu Qiang was in a coma because he lost too much blood.

After rushing to the hospital nonstop, Xu Qiang was directly sent to the operating room.

After sending Xu Qiang to the operating room, Xu Xiaohua calls Xu Qiang's father, Xu Liang, the head of Xifeng village, and tells the latter about Xu Qiang.

Xu Liang, who works in the soil, went to the hospital as soon as he knew about it.


After dealing with Xu Qiang, Shen Ze returns to the Zhao family courtyard.

He went straight into the hall and looked at Chen Zhifang kneeling on one side, sobbing and burning paper money, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Shen Ze didn't know how to comfort the woman, so he didn't say anything.

He went forward silently, knelt down beside Chen Zhifang and burned the paper money.

Before long, Qin Chao came back with a new black and white photo of Zhao Xingyang.

Shen Ze takes Zhao Xingyang's black and white photo frame from Qin Chao and sets it up in person.

After the things are in place, Shen Ze immediately takes three sticks of incense and lights them, ready to worship Zhao Xingyang.

As Shen Ze, he shouldn't have knelt down to worship. Qin Chao knows this, but since he was reprimanded for dissuading Shen Ze from kneeling down to worship mu Yunbin last time, he doesn't dare to say more this time.

Qin Chao silently watched Shen Ze make a sacrifice to Zhao Xingyang. Then he took three sticks of incense to light up and made a sacrifice.

Later, Shen Ze and Qin Chao knelt beside Chen Zhifang and burned paper money together.

Obviously, for a while, Shen Ze and Qin Chao have no intention of leaving.


After Xu Liang arrived at the hospital, Xu Qiang was quickly out of danger and came to life after the treatment and treatment of the doctor.

Xu Qiang was immediately sent to the ward. Xu Liang, Liu Rong and Xu Xiaohua went to the ward immediately.

Seeing Xu Qiang's appearance, Xu Liang felt both distressed and angry.

Xu Qiang is good. How can he suddenly become like this?

Which son of a bitch did this to him?

Xu Liang's heart is lit up a nameless fire.

After Xu Qiang had a rest for a while, Xu Liang asked Xu Xiaohua to bring paper and pen.

Xu Liang handed the paper and pen to Xu Qiang, and then he asked, "Qiangzi, who has done you such a terrible harm?"

Hearing Xu Liang's inquiry, Xu Qiang suddenly thought of Shen Ze, and his eyes suddenly showed the color of fear.

"If you dare to provoke the Zhao family again, I'll kill your family!"

When Xu Qiang thought of the cruel words Shen Zelin said to him when he left, he was awed and did not dare to tell Xu Liang about the tragic things Shen Zelin had done to him.

He is afraid that Xu Liang will go to Shen Ze for revenge after he learns that Shen Ze has done him harm, thus provoking Shen Ze again.

Shen Ze is a soldier, but he doesn't kill people in the blink of an eye. He is also a martial arts expert. It's not the Xu family that can provoke him.

Xu Qiang is afraid that the Xu family will cause trouble to Shen Ze again and will be destroyed, so he shakes his head at Xu Liang and doesn't want to tell Xu Liang the whole story.

Seeing Xu Qiang shaking his head and unwilling to say who made him look miserable, Xu Liang and Liu Rong, as well as Xu Xiaohua, frowned, and his face became a little ugly.

"Qiangzi, how can you shake your head?"

"Tell me who did this to you, and I'll take revenge on you!"

Although Xu Liang is the head of Xifeng village, a little cultural, he has a big temper.

In his heart, he was indignant and wanted to avenge Xu Qiang.

The tongue was broken, several bones were broken, and the whole body was hurt. It was so miserable that Xu Qiang didn't feel angry. It was a fake.

He also wants to take revenge, and he wants to teach Shen Ze and Chen Zhifang a hard lesson. He wants to return a tooth for a tooth and export his evil spirit.

But he didn't dare.

For Shen Ze, Xu Qiang is now out of instinctive fear.

Therefore, Xu Qiang shook his head to Xu Liang again and refused to write that it was Shen Ze who caused him to do so.

Seeing that Xu qiangtie had no idea who had hurt him, Xu Liang's face sank again and again.

At this time, Xu Qiang took up his pen and wrote on the paper.

Xu Qiang's words are just like others. They are crooked and not beautiful at all.

Xu Qiang wrote these words on the paper.

"I don't know what happened this time. You don't care."

Seeing these words written by Xu Qiang, Xu Liang's look became a little dignified.

What kind of person Xu Qiang is, Xu Liang, naturally they are very clear.

According to Xu Qiang's character, he will definitely get revenge if others hurt him like this.

Now, how do you choose to admit your fault, to swallow your anger and not to retaliate?

Xu Liang's eyes were startled, and they suddenly guessed that the other party should not be ordinary people, which made Xu Qiang afraid to take revenge.

Xu Qiang has expressed the meaning of no longer pursuing, Xu Liang, they naturally can't say anything more.

Of course, the tone in Xu Liang's heart has not yet been swallowed.

In his opinion, this matter can not be so easy to forget.

He must find out the person who has harmed his son. Even if he can't do anything about him, he must ask and make it clear!

Xu Liang's temperament is more urgent. After seeing that Xu Qiang is not in a big way now, he doesn't stay in the ward for long and plans to go back to the village to investigate things.

After instructing Liu Rong and Xu Xiaohua's mother and daughter to take good care of Xu Qiang, Xu Liang left the hospital in a hurry with a wrinkled old face.

After returning to Xifeng village in a hurry, Xu Liang began to inquire from family to family. He suddenly wanted to ask if anyone had seen who had harmed Xu Qiang.

Unfortunately, when Shen Ze started with Xu Qiang, some people witnessed the whole process.

A middle-aged man named Huang Feng next door to the Zhao family witnessed the scene of Shen Ze attacking Xu Qiang.

Maybe it's because Xu Liang is the head of Xifeng village, and Huang Feng intends to make friends. So after Xu Liang asks, he tells Xu Liang what he saw.

Xu Liang is surprised to learn from Huang Feng that Shen Ze made Xu Qiang look like that, and that Shen Ze is a guest of the Zhao family. Now he is in the Zhao family yard.

Xu Liang didn't know Shen Ze, and he didn't know the origin of Shen Ze.

He was angry and didn't think much about why Xu Qiang didn't dare to tell him that Shen Ze had harmed Xu Qiang.

Xu Liang couldn't swallow the tone in his heart, and he wanted to find a way for Xu Qiang.

Later, Xu Liang impressively relied on the identity of the village head to find five strong farmers from the village.

A group of six people, or with a hoe, or with a chopper, or with a big stick, came to the yard of the Zhao family.

Xu Liang, they make a lot of noise, kneeling in the hall burning paper money of Shen Ze they, is suddenly aware of.

Shen Ze, Qin Chao and Chen Zhifang turn their eyes on Xu Liang and others standing in the yard.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao both frown when they see Xu Liang with guys in their hands, and the murderer appears in their eyes.

They dare to make trouble in Zhao's house. They are really playing lanterns in the latrine and looking for shit!

Chen Zhifang and Xu Liang both know each other.

First, Xu Qiang, a young man, came to the Zhao family to look for trouble. Now, Xu Liang, an old man, brought people to pick up trouble. This made Chen Zhifang look ugly and angry.

This Xu family is deceiving people too much!

Chen Zhifang bit his silver teeth and struggled to get up from the ground.

This woman, who has always been very soft on weekdays, went to the door of the main room, glared at Xu Liang and others, and sternly scolded, "who let you come to my house like this? Get out of here, all of you

In the face of Chen Zhifang's reprimand, Xu Liang and others seem to have not heard it and did not pay any attention.

Xu Liang, with a hoe in his hand, stamped the hoe heavily on the ground. Then he coldly said to Chen Zhifang, "Chen Zhifang, I'm not here for you. You go away!"

After scolding Chen Zhifang, Xu Liang said angrily, "I'm looking for that son of a bitch who hurt my son!"

"Which son of a bitch hurt my son? If you dare, get out at once

As soon as Xu Liang's words came to an end, Qin Chao came out of the hall with Uzi in his hand.

Qin Chao went straight to Xu Liang, then raised his hand and put Uzi on Xu Liang's forehead.

"Old man, if you dare to shout again, I'll shoot you!"

Xu Liang

All of you: --