Chapter 286

Chatting is what Qin Chao is good at. After entering the hall, Qin Chao tells Chen Zhifang about Zhao Xingyang's work in the army.

Shen Ze accompanied him and listened in silence.

Zhao Xingyang joined the army at the age of 16. After two years of collective training, he was assigned to the Qinglong army in the western war zone.

At that time, Shen Ze and Qin Chao, who had just arrived in the Qinglong army, said that they were assigned to a class by chance, and several of them got married.

Since then, Shen Ze has been the leader of several brothers because he is both civil and military.

Under the leadership of Shen Ze, Zhao Xingyang made great progress in both literature and martial arts.

The brothers who came out of their class have made remarkable progress in the western war zone.

Although Qin Chao's five brothers can't compare with Shen Ze, they are still much higher than others.

Qin Chao and Zhao Xingyang are Shen Ze's subordinates from the beginning to the end.

After Shen Ze later took charge of the Qinglong army, Qin Chao and Zhao Xingyang, who were both valiant and unrivalled, were assigned to the vanguard camp as the first and second commanders.

Qin Chao is the one who knows Zhao Xingyang best in the Qinglong army, so he can tell Chen Zhifang about Zhao Xingyang easily.

Of course, Qin Chao's brain is very smart. In order to make Chen Zhifang happy, he always chooses interesting things or things that Zhao Xingyang has done.

And this has indeed played a certain effect, Chen Zhifang listened with relish, his face has been with that kind of spontaneous pride and gratification.

As parents, who don't want to see their children stand out in the world?

How can Chen Zhifang not be happy to learn that her son has made so many contributions and won so many honors? How can we not be happy?

"I remember when Xingyang left home to join the army that day, he told me with a smile that he would make great achievements and make a face for the people in his hometown."

Qin Chao's story reminds Chen Zhifang of the past. The woman's eyes are reminiscent, and her face is full of pride.

"Xingyang has done it. He has really made great achievements. He can give a long face to the people in our hometown!"

Shen Ze and Qin Chao nodded heavily when they heard the speech. They were surprised to know Zhao Xingyang's simple and ordinary wish.

In their eyes, Zhao Xingyang is more than just able to make the folks in his hometown long face?

In the battle of Dingding, Zhao Xingyang, as the deputy commander of the vanguard camp, led the children of the vanguard camp to take the lead in the battle. He opened a way for the Qinglong army to March smoothly and laid the foundation for the final victory of the war.

In that battle, 30000 pioneers were killed and wounded, which can be described as extremely tragic.

Although Qin Chao and Zhao Xingyang survived in the end, they were also injured and suffered from persistent diseases.

Zhao Xingyang's contribution in the Dingding war was enough to make a face for all the people of the Dragon kingdom.

Shen Ze said seriously, "aunt, Xingyang is a hero of the country. I will let the people of the Dragon Kingdom remember his name and be proud of him."

When Chen Zhifang heard the speech, she nodded to Shen Ze. She was smiling with tears and didn't say anything.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao chatted with Chen's mother for a while. Chen Su Su and Chen Xinghua, who had already reported their funeral, went back to Zhao's yard.

"Xinghua, Susu, these two brothers are your brothers in arms."

"This is my second son, Zhao Xinghua, and my youngest daughter, Zhao Susu."

Chen Zhifang introduced them to Shen Ze and Zhao Xinghua for the first time.

Both sides nodded with a smile as a sign of greeting.

Later, Zhao Xinghua went to Chen Zhifang's side, calm face, asked in a low voice: "Niang, I just heard that Xu Qiang and Xu Liang's father and son ran to our house to make trouble, nothing happened?"

Referring to Xu Liang's father and son, Chen Zhifang's face suddenly became a little ugly. She said in a deep voice, "Xu Qiang wanted the wedding house we bought in the county. I didn't agree, so he deliberately picked something up."

"Fortunately, elder brother Shen stopped him in time, and nothing happened to him."

Zhao Xinghua and Zhao Xingyang are similar. Although they are honest, they are very bloody.

"At this time, the father and son of the Xu family dare to make trouble. Are we really good bullies?"

"Next time they dare to come, I'll beat them all over the place!"

After indignantly saying these words, Zhao Xinghua turned and bowed to Shen Ze, "thank you brother Shen for your help."

Shen Ze waved his hand to Zhao Xinghua.

Chen Zhifang said to Zhao Xinghua, "Xinghua, you and Su Su go to buy a la carte and come back. We'll leave two elder brothers at home for a snack tonight."

Shen Ze plans to stay here tonight, so when Chen Zhifang says that he and Qin Chao should have a lunch at Zhao's house, he doesn't hesitate.


Zhao Xinghua nodded, then took Zhao Susu out to buy vegetables.

Not long after Zhao Xinghua's brother and sister left, a young man in military uniform came into Zhao's yard, holding an urn wrapped in a blue dragon flag.

Yang Jian, a young man in military uniform, is a soldier of Qinglong army. The urn in his hand is Zhao Xingyang's.

Shen Ze, who is staying in the hall, sees Yang Jian coming with Zhao Xingyang's ashes box. He goes out for the first time and takes Zhao Xingyang's ashes box into his hand.

After handing the urn to Shen Ze, Yang Jian immediately kneels down on one knee in front of Shen Ze.

Shen Ze said nothing but waved.

The young man in military uniform, knowing what he was doing, turned around and left.

Shen Ze then walked into the hall with Zhao Xingyang's urn in his arms.

Seeing Zhao Xingyang's ashes box, Chen Zhifang burst into tears and covered her mouth.

Fearing that Chen Zhifang was too sad, Qin Chao immediately stepped forward and held the former.

Shen Ze went to the coffin and lifted the lid with one hand and put Zhao Xingyang's urn in with the other.

Of course, the blue dragon flag wrapped in Zhao Xingyang's urn was also put into the coffin.

The sons of the Qinglong army will be put into the coffin with the Qinglong flag after their sacrifice, which represents a kind of glory and symbol.

When Zhao Xingyang's urn is put into the coffin, Chen Zhifang's mood collapses. In a twinkling, she becomes a tearful person.

Looking at Chen Zhifang's sad and painful appearance, Shen Ze and Qin Chao feel uncomfortable.

The most painful thing in this life is that white hair people give black hair people away.

At this moment, Chen Zhifang is very sad.

Fearing that Chen Zhifang would cry, Shen Ze motioned Qin Chao to help Chen Zhifang go back to his room to have a rest.

Qin Chao understands, and then patiently persuades Chen Zhifang to go to the bedroom.

After Chen Zhifang was helped back to his room to have a rest, Qin Chao went to the hall again and accompanied him to the hall.

Time passes unconsciously.

In the evening, Zhao Xinghua and his sister came back with vegetables.

As Chen Zhifang was resting in his room, Shen Ze cooked a home dinner himself.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Shen Ze had just finished their meal when a thin young man in white short sleeves came to the Zhao yard.

White short sleeve youth did not worry about Zhao's funeral, directly rushed into the hall, found Zhao Xinghua.

"Zhao Xinghua, you still have one last fight to fight. The boss asked me to inform you and let you go back to the club as soon as possible."