Chapter 299

Shen Ze knows that Shi Chuan and Hou Guang are behind Zhao Xinghua's murder. At the moment, after Chen Ping's testimony, they are still sophisticating. His unhappiness is getting stronger and stronger.

Shen Ze's cold eyes glanced at Shichuan and houguang respectively, and then he said in his tone, "Shen will give you another chance. If you don't want the whole family to be buried with you, you will immediately take the initiative to admit your guilt and ambush them!"

Shen Ze's tone is very flat, but it is just like stating the facts, which makes people have no doubt about his words.

Although Shen Ze's voice was not big, it still spread to the audience.

After listening to what he said, everyone was awed by his cold feeling.

People have seen Shen Ze's iron hand, and know that he can really kill people.

Although Shen Ze didn't call him by his first name, we all know that his words were addressed to Shichuan and houguang.

If Shichuan and houguang don't take the initiative to plead guilty, they will be buried with their families. It can be said that they are both domineering and cruel, which makes people feel cold.

For a moment, everyone was very curious about the origin of Shen Ze, and dared to say such bold and arrogant words.

In everyone's eyes, Ishikawa and houguang are both big men with huge influence. They are not easy to deal with.

Even if you are a young man with some skills, you may not be able to compete with Ishikawa and houguang.

Shichuan and houguang are very clear about what Shen Ze said to them, because before Shen Ze spoke, they both noticed Shen Ze's cold eyes.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, both Shichuan and houguang's faces became more gloomy.

They are not fools. They all know that Shen Ze has determined that they are behind Zhao Xinghua's murder.

Take the whole family's life and threaten them both to come forward and plead guilty. What the hell should we do?

Obviously, Shichuan and houguang are not willing to take the initiative to admit their guilt.

Zhao Xinghua is Zhao Xingyang's brother and the family member of the country's heroes. If they take the initiative to admit that they are behind the murder of Zhao Xinghua, they will have to peel off their skin even if they don't die.

It's just that in the current situation, it's not that you don't want to stand up.

If you can't prove yourself, it's all in vain.

Shichuan knows that Shen Ze has the identity of Silver Dragon carving. He has a very big background. He knows that if he is identified by the other party as the behind the murder of Zhao Xinghua, it is impossible for him to get rid of the relationship and be alone.

Ishikawa frowned and began to think hard about countermeasures.

At this time, Hou Guang, who didn't know that Shen Ze had the identity of Silver Dragon carving, was a little flustered, but he managed to keep calm.

He plans to deny that he is behind the murder of Zhao Xinghua, and he doesn't plan to pay attention to what Shen Ze says.

In his opinion, even if Shen Ze believes that he is behind the scenes, as long as Shen Ze can't provide evidence, he can stay out of the affair.

The two behind the scenes of Zhao Xinghua's murder, one pondering over countermeasures, the other staying out of the affair, did not take the initiative to come forward and confess their crimes at the first time.

This makes Shen Ze completely impatient.

He stretched out his hand again. First, he caught Hou Guang in the challenge arena.


After waiting for light to fly down from the second floor, Shen Ze deliberately threw the former on the challenge arena.

Hou Guang suddenly fell all over his body, and his bones seemed to be broken. He vomited blood, curled up together and screamed.

Let wait for light into pain, Shen Ze and then is toward the stone Sichuan do grab action.

But this time, Shen Ze failed to catch Shichuan, because before he reached out, Shichuan's bodyguard Yuan Xiao stood in front of the latter.

Yuan Xiao used his own force to resist Shen Ze's grasp.

After resisting the capture of Shen Ze, Yuan Xiao felt that he had the strength to fight against Shen Ze, so he immediately stared at Shen Ze with sharp eyes and said in a strong and domineering voice, "young man, this is not the place where you can mess around!"

When Shen Ze heard the words, he disdained to smile.

Then he waved his hand to Yuan Xiao.


The next moment, people were surprised to see that Yuan Xiao was like a shell, his body ejected backward in a very exaggerated posture.


The speed of Yuan Xiao's shooting is so fast that the naked eye can't catch it at all. In the blink of an eye, Yuan Xiao's body has hit the hard wall.

Yuan Xiao's whole body was inlaid into the wall. He was dressed in rags, bloody and motionless.


Inside the boxing hall, there was a cold breath.

Seeing that Shen Ze just waved his hand, he made Yuan Xiao's life and death unknown. People were shocked and their faces were shocked.

This NIMA, with a wave, fans a martial arts master. How abnormal is this force?

The young man standing in the challenge arena with a negative hand, only in his twenties, how could he use such terrible force?

All of a sudden, Shen Ze's eyes were full of awe.

Yuan Xiao was fanned away by Shen Ze. To Shichuan, the straw in his heart seemed to be broken. There was a strong color of shock in his eyes, and a color of ashes on his face.

Before, Shichuan always thought that Yuan Xiao was his personal security. Even though he knew that Shen Ze had extraordinary force, he could feel at ease and would not worry about his life.

But who would have thought that Yuan Xiao, a great master of martial arts, was killed when Shen Ze waved his hand across the air!

At this moment, Shichuan regrets that he did something to murder Zhao Xinghua.

If he didn't discuss with Hou Guang to murder Zhao Xinghua, there would be no such things tonight.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

When Ishikawa was full of regret, Shen Ze stretched out his hand again and dragged him from the third floor to the challenge arena.

As before, Shen Ze still threw Shichuan on the challenge arena, breaking his bones and experiencing the feeling that life is not like death.