Chapter 312

As a young master of Yanjing, when Liu Peng came to Haicheng, he came to the countryside with a kind of arrogance.

As for Shen Ze's injury to his subordinates and his face in public, Liu Peng obviously couldn't accept it in his heart and wanted to get back face.

However, Shen Ze is at least a master level warrior. Liu Peng has no choice but to take Shen Ze by force, which makes him feel very frustrated and helpless.

Liu Peng stares at Shen Ze, who is still eating as if nothing had happened. He grinds his teeth in anger.

And because he didn't come up with a countermeasure, he was in place for a moment, without any action or words.

"Liu Shao, this boy is so crazy that he doesn't pay any attention to you. You must teach him a lesson!"

Deng Kun, whose right hand was broken by Shen Ze, after dressing the wound with his clothes, stood up angrily, glared at Shen Ze angrily and said, "Liu Shao, we must kill this boy to relieve our anger!"

When Liu Peng heard the speech, he glared at Deng Kun angrily.

This is at least a master level Wufu. Do you think it's a pig that can be slaughtered if you want to?

Noticing Liu Peng's warning eyes, Deng Kun angrily closed his mouth and did not dare to shout any more.

"Go and have a look."

Liu Peng waved to two people to check the young man in black who was blown away by Shen Ze. Then he turned to Shen Ze and said, "don't you want to explain what you just did?"

We all know that Liu Peng said this to Shen Ze. The implication is that Shen Ze must give him an explanation for what he did just now.

Shen Ze heard Liu Peng's words, but he still ignored them.

Liu Peng saw that Shen Ze still ignored him and regarded him as the air. There was a strong anger and jealousy in his eyes.

This guy, relying on his own ability, dare not pay attention to Liu Peng like this. He is really arrogant. He is too ungrateful!

Liu Peng frowned tightly and looked at Shen Ze's eyes.

"Ben Shao just wanted to invite this young lady to have a drink. He didn't do anything bad."

"Do you think you should give an explanation for the fact that you have injured two of Ben Shao's subordinates so rudely

"Although you are good at martial arts, you can find someone stronger than you with less strength."

"I advise you to give me an account, or you will bear the consequences!"

Liu Peng said that in the end, the threat is very strong.

His meaning is very clear. If Shen Ze doesn't give him an explanation, he will find a stronger warrior to teach Shen Ze.

With Liu Peng's family background, he can do it.

Liu Peng's words were very serious, and he didn't mean bluff at all.

But Shen Ze still ignored.

Liu Peng suddenly felt like a clown. He was very angry and angry. His face turned red and white, and his eyes became very gloomy and terrible.

"Liu Shao, this guy is too arrogant. Don't talk nonsense with him, just ask someone to deal with him!"

Deng Kun's hand was broken by Shen Ze, and he hated Shen Ze very much. He wanted to clean up Shen Ze immediately.

Because he has no ability to deal with Shen Ze, he can only incite Liu Peng to deal with Shen Ze.

"Liu Shao, if you don't clean up the kids in this small place today, how can you stay in Yanjing in the future?"

"This kid doesn't know what's good or what's bad, and he doesn't know what's interesting. He just doesn't have to clean up. Liu Shao doesn't need to say much. He just calls someone to do him!"

Liu Peng was very upset with Shen Ze. Deng Kun added fuel to the fire, and he made up his mind.

Seeing Liu Peng nodding, Deng Kun then suggested, "Liu Shao, please call Mr. Yu and ask him to call one of his bodyguards to clean up the boy."

"Even if the boy is good at martial arts, he should be a little lower than yugongzi's bodyguard. As long as one is called, he will be able to clean up the boy!"

Liu Peng thinks that Deng Kun has a point, so he takes out his mobile phone and dials Mr. Yu in Deng Kun's mouth.

After a while, the phone was through.

"Mr. Yu, I'm Liu Peng. Are you free now?"

The identity and status of that young master Yu seems to be much higher than that of Liu Peng. Liu Peng's voice is full of respect.

"What's the matter, just say it, don't talk nonsense!" Mr. Yu said impatiently.

"It's like this, young master Yu. I have a little conflict with a tough boy."

Liu Peng briefly said the situation, and even said his appeal, "yugongzi, I want to borrow a bodyguard from you to help me deal with each other for a while."

Liu Peng is the follower of this young master Yu. Although their relationship is not very good, they are just friends. They have some friendship.

It's not a big deal to borrow a bodyguard to deal with people.

Yugongzi did not hesitate, directly agreed, "where, I immediately called my bodyguard to go."

"Thank you, young master Yu."

Liu Peng first thanks the other party, and then tells the other party the address.

"All right, I'll send someone over at once."

After getting the address, Yu hung up.

After successfully borrowing the bodyguard from yugongzi, Liu Peng suddenly seemed to have the strength, and his decadence was swept away, and he turned into a high spirited man.

Seeing Liu Peng's appearance, Deng Kun went up and asked, "Liu Shao, can you borrow yugongzi's bodyguard?"

Liu Peng nodded, "borrowed it."

When Deng Kun heard the speech, his face suddenly showed the color of joy.

"As long as you borrow Mr. Yu's bodyguard, you will be able to clean up the boy."

Deng Kun was like a villain who suddenly got his ambition. He turned to Shen Ze and said coldly, "boy, you can't be rampant for long. When Yu's bodyguard arrives, you have to kneel on the ground and kowtow to beg for mercy!"

Shen Ze and Mu Ling both eat steak with their heads down, ignoring Deng Kun.

Deng Kun felt that he had the strength to fight on the cotton, which made him feel very angry but helpless.

"A boy who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth can really act like a bully!"

Deng Kun scolded, "you've been pretending to be here all the time. Don't run away!"

For Deng Kun's words, Shen Ze and Mu Ling are indifferent, silent, completely did not want to recognize the meaning of running away.

In their eyes, no matter who Liu Peng calls, it's useless.

Because in front of Shen Ze, the Dragon God, no one should worry!