Chapter 314

In Liu Peng's opinion, Hu Wei is just a second-class figure in Haicheng. Even if Shen Ze beats Hu Wei, he is just a first-class figure in Haicheng.

Liu Peng's eyes were suspicious, and he asked in a deep voice, "Hu Wei, are you telling me that it's true or not?"

Hu Wei looked back at Shen Ze and said, "Liu Shao, the girl sitting at the same table with Shen Ze is named Muling. She is the daughter of Mu family, the first family in Haicheng."

"One thing is quite certain is that Shen Ze helped the Mu family and eradicated the four Li families."

"As for Shen Ze's killing of Wang Tianyuan's own son, his fighting with Wang Tianyuan, and his relationship with Shen Diaolong, I've heard from others. I'm not sure."

After listening to the second half of Hu Wei's speech, Liu Peng was greatly relieved. Then he insisted, "even if that boy has some skills, he can't fight Wang Tianyuan and have something to do with Shen Diaolong."

"Hu Wei, what you heard should be hearsay, not true."

Hu Wei also felt that those things were too unrealistic. After listening to Liu Peng's words, he agreed, "Liu Shao is right. I'm all hearsay. I really can't be taken seriously!"

Liu Peng snorted coldly and said coldly, "even if that boy has some ability, I don't believe he can beat me!"

Hu Wei flattered Liu Peng and said, "Liu Shao is the noble son of Yanjing, and few people can compete with you."

Liu Peng gave a cold smile, then he seemed to suddenly think of something in general, his face showed a triumphant color, "behind me there is a big tree, Master Yu, no one should worry."

Hu Wei knows that Liu Peng's son Yu is one of the four royal families in Yanjing, Qin Yu, a young master of the Qin family.

As a son of the royal family and a young master of the Qin family, Qin Yu has a great reputation in Yanjing.

Of course, Qin Yu's family and background are so terrible that he has great power.

And Liu Peng can rely on Qin Yu this big tree, obviously has the huge dependence.

"Liu Shao's back is against the big tree of Master Yu, so he should be able to deal with Shen Ze easily."

Although he knew Shen Ze was unusual, Hu Wei came to such a conclusion.

Because in his opinion, Liu Peng has Qin Yu's support. As far as the whole dragon kingdom is concerned, few people can challenge him.

Even if Shen Ze could destroy the four big families of Zhou Qian and Sun Li, it was only in Haicheng after all. Compared with those big families in Yanjing, it was not worth mentioning at all.

"Hu Wei, if you can't handle it, just watch it!"

"I've called one of yugongzi's bodyguards to come here."

"When Master Yu's bodyguard comes, I'll have to kill him."

Liu Peng said with a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

"OK, Liu Shao."

Hearing Liu Peng say that he called one of yugongzi's bodyguards to come, Hu Wei was shocked. After a moment, he nodded.

Liu Peng turned around and looked coldly at Shen Ze and Mu Ling.

"Boy, you pretend in front of me. I'll make you kneel down and beg me later to see how I can deal with you."

Binghan's jealous eyes swept from Shen Ze, and then Liu Peng's eyes fell on Mu Ling again. He said to himself in his heart again, "you little girl, don't give me face. When the time comes, I'll clean up that boy and I'll clean you up again."

"You little girl can't escape from Ben Shao. Ben Shao will have fun with you."

After saying these words in his heart, Liu Peng's mouth stirred up an evil and insidious smile.

Shen Ze and Mu Ling did not know what Liu Peng thought or what the latter planned.

After eating the steak, drinking the juice, sitting and enjoying the scenery outside the window for a while, they suddenly had a plan to leave.

Shen Ze suggested, "ling'er, let's go!"

Muling nodded and agreed, "OK."

"Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Ze got up from his seat.

Mu Ling immediately rose from her seat.

Then, the two stood shoulder to shoulder and walked towards the door of the restaurant.

No matter Shen Ze or Mu Ling, just like what career just didn't happen, they just planned to leave without looking for Liu Peng's trouble.

And they don't go to trouble with others, but they don't have to be smart and don't go to trouble with them.

Liu Peng has been paying attention to the movement of Shen Ze. Seeing that Shen Ze and Mu Ling are walking out of the restaurant together, he orders Hu Wei for the first time, "Hu Wei, please call several people and stop the boy and the little girl!"

Hu Wei smell speech, face dew embarrassed color, "Liu Shao, I call a person to go, can't stop that Shen Ze."

"That Shen Ze is at least a master level martial arts master. We'll stop him to seek death."

In the end, Hu Wei had a bitter face.

"What a waste!"

Liu Peng opened his mouth and scolded Hu Wei for being a waste. Then he said to some of his followers in an indisputable tone, "I don't care what you do, you go and stop the dog men and women for me!"

"Liu Shao, we're afraid we can't either..."

Liu Peng's dogs have just witnessed Shen Ze's power. Naturally, they know that they can't stop Shen Ze and Mu Ling.

Liu Peng's doglegs not only looked embarrassed like Hu Wei, but also showed fear and fear in his eyes.

Obviously, they are very afraid of Shen Ze, let alone stop him.

Seeing that his followers did not dare to stop Shen Ze and Mu Ling, Liu Peng's face became extremely ugly. He was so angry that he scolded, "they're all a bunch of shit. What's the use of raising you?"

A few doglegs smell speech, all is bashful ground dropped head.

His subordinates couldn't help but Liu Peng. In his hurry, he stood up and yelled at Shen Ze, "boy, stop for me!"

"The matter between you and Lao Tzu has not been settled, you can't go!"

When Shen Ze heard the speech, he suddenly stopped.