Chapter 325

"Master Yu, help me!"

Liu Peng saw that Shen Zesi didn't let him go. In a panic, he suddenly asked Qin Yu for help, hoping that the latter could save his life.

But at the moment, Qin Yu does not want to help Liu Peng. Instead, he wants Liu Peng to die immediately!

What happened tonight is due to Liu Peng.

If Liu Peng hadn't provoked Shen Ze, there would be no such things tonight.

Qin Yu is awe struck by Liu Peng, who not only makes a big deal of his own, but also involves him in it, making him not only endure endless humiliation, but also suffer the danger of his life.

As a result, Qin Yu has a grudge against Liu Pengxin. How can he help Liu Peng?

Of course, he can't help himself now, even if he wants to help Liu Peng.

Although he was the minority leader of the Qin royal family, his status and status were very high, he belonged to the master of human beings, and he had terrible power, all of these were not worth mentioning in front of Shen Ze.

Qin Yu's meaning obviously can't influence Shen Ze's meaning.

His words work in front of others, but have no effect in front of Shen Ze!

Qin Yumo is silent, and Jiang Hui and others are watching coldly.

Liu Peng, who failed to ask for help, suddenly collapsed.

Without force, he knew that if he was targeted by Qin Chao, he would never have a chance to live.

Out of his survival instinct, Liu Peng stood up and was ready to run away.

And just as Liu penggang turned to run, Qin Chao appeared behind him like a ghost.


A cold light came on.

Qin Chao took the knife off and wiped Liu Peng's neck with great speed.


A knife in the past, Liu Peng's throat is suddenly broken, a stream of hot blood splashed out.

Liu Peng widened his pupils and looked frightened. He covered his throat with his hands. After a whimper, he fell to the ground.

After Liu Peng fell to the ground, his body twitched a few times, and then there was no movement.

Obviously, Liu Peng died.

Seeing Qin Chao kill Liu Peng with his own eyes, Qin Yu and others are all afraid and uneasy.

Sure enough, Shen Diaolong is the living king of hell. He has the power of life and death. He will kill one person if he says he will!

Qin Yu and Jiang Hui are both worried that Shen Ze will kill them, and they are worried that they will become the next dead.

After Qin Chao killed Liu Peng, he didn't even look at the latter. He just killed Liu Peng, but he didn't get rid of his anger.

Qin Chao then turned to look at Shen Ze, and asked coldly, "master, who's next to take him on the road?"

When Qin Chao said this, Qin Yu and others were all in a cold sweat, nervous and stiff.

They did not want to be the next one on the road. They prayed secretly that Shen Ze would not choose them.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze just raised his eyes and took a light look at the latter. He didn't say anything.

Then he turned his eyes to Qin Yu.

Aware that Shen Ze's eyes fall on him again, Qin Yu thinks that Shen Ze is going to send him on the road next. He is so scared that his hands and feet are cold and his body is shivering.

However, Shen Ze has no plan to kill Qin Yu.

Looking at Qin Yu, who has been so scared that he can't control his emotions, the corners of Shen Ze's mouth are filled with a radian of disdain.

With such a thing, how could he say that Shen Ze didn't deserve to carry his shoes?

Thinking of this, Shen Ze couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Shen Ze said faintly, "it was you who spoke in Yanjing celebrity circle, saying that the Dragon God is not worthy to carry shoes for you?"

Shen Ze asked this question abruptly, which made Qin Yu afraid all the time.

Qin Yu was so frightened that his body trembled violently and his courage almost broke!

After learning that Shen Ze is Shen Diaolong, Qin Yu suddenly thinks of the time when Shen Ze was just famous. In order to highlight himself, he spoke in Yanjing celebrity circle, saying that he was just a little famous at that time. Compared with his peers, Shen Ze was eighteen thousand miles behind him, and he didn't even have the qualification to carry shoes for him.

At that time, Qin Yu was praised and supported by many people when he made these words.

For a period of time, Shen Diaolong didn't deserve to carry shoes for Qin Yu, and became a joke, which spread among the upper class celebrities in Yanjing.

Because Qin Yu's family has a great career, they all give the Qin royal family face and praise Qin Yu one after another, so it is logical to belittle Shen Ze.

This matter lasted for a long time, until Shen Ze became the God in the battle of Dingding and ascended to the top.

From then on, no one dares to say that Shen Ze is not, and no one dares to say that Shen Ze is not worthy of Qin yuti's shoes.

Even Qin Yu himself did not dare to say that again, and strongly warned others not to talk about it.

This matter then became a taboo topic in the circles of celebrities in Yanjing, and no one dared to talk about it any more.

Qin Yu is also a man with his tail between his legs. He never mentions that Shen Ze is not fit to carry his shoes.

Moreover, for fear that Shen Ze would retaliate against him, he was also frightened for a long time.

And because Shen Ze disdained to pay attention to Qin Yu, it was like a seal, which made Qin Yu and others gradually forget.

When we know that Shen Ze is Shen Diaolong, Qin Yu's long-standing memory has been drawn out.

As a result, he was very worried and afraid that Shen Ze would bring up the old story again and put the old grudges on today's account.

Qin Yu has been praying that Shen Ze won't think of that thing, or don't plan to deal with it.

And what worried him the most, after all, happened.

Shen Ze's old story is obviously to clear up the past!

After listening to Shen Ze's inquiry, Qin Yu was in a state of confusion for a moment, and he didn't know how to answer.

At the beginning, the reason why he said Shen Ze didn't deserve to carry his shoes was to show that he was the son of heaven.

Qin Yu doesn't dare to answer truthfully. At the moment, he is racking his brains, thinking about how to answer Shen Ze, in order to avoid Shen Ze blaming him as much as possible.

"When you were in Yanjing celebrity circle, you said that my master was not worthy to carry your shoes? Are you Qin Yu, the son of a bitch of the Qin family? "

Qin Chao knew the story between Qin Yu and Shen Ze. From Shen Ze's inquiry, he suddenly guessed Qin Yu's identity.

For Qin Chao's question, Qin Yu's face changed and he didn't say anything.

Seeing that Qin Yu acquiesced, Qin Chao suddenly looked cruel and his eyes twinkled.

Qin Chao clenched the bloody dagger in his hand, raised his feet and walked towards Qin Yu.

From the corner of his eye, I can see that Qin Chao is coming towards him. Qin Yu is so scared that his face turns white. There is a strong color of fear in his eyes.

Qin Chao goes straight to Qin Yu, and then he looks down at Qin Yu while playing with the blood stained dagger.

He looked contemptuous and said with great disdain, "how could you have the face to say that my master is not worthy to carry your shoes for you?"

Qin Yu's face turned red and he looked very embarrassed. Facing Qin Chao's question, he was speechless.

"Dare to say that my master is not worthy to carry shoes for you, you are really capable!"

Qin Chao gave a cold smile, and the corner of his mouth curved with cruelty. Moriran said, "I think it's necessary to cut off your two feet, so that you can't wear shoes in the future!"

As soon as Qin Chao's words came to an end, Shen Ze, who didn't make a sound for a while, said with a faint smile, "that's a good idea."

Qin Yu heard that Qin Chao said it was necessary to cut off his two feet. Shen Ze then agreed, which made his heart twitch.

Qin Yu's face turned red. He was afraid that Shen zezhen would cut off his feet, so he had to defend himself.

Qin Yu's lips trembled and said, "Lord Dragon God, I was drunk at the beginning, so I said those rebellious nonsense."

"That's not my intention. Don't take it seriously!"

After forced sophistry, Qin Yu immediately added, "over the years, I've been expressing my repentance for what I said at the beginning, and I've always wanted to personally apologize to the Dragon God."

"Today, I just have this opportunity. I want to apologize to the Dragon God and admit my mistake for my bluster at the beginning."

Qin Yu said every word with sincerity and solemnity.

But Shen Ze is indifferent, and Qin Chao is showing a sneer.

Qin Chao said sarcastically, "you kid, you really have a set of lies to tell. Do you really think we are three-year-old children and can let you cheat and muddle through?"

After a cold smile, Qin Chao immediately scolded and said, "who the hell didn't know that you wanted to step on my master, expand your influence and increase your reputation?"

"It's ridiculous of you to say you're drunk and defend yourself."

"It's not that my master doesn't deserve to carry shoes for you, but that you don't deserve to carry shoes for my master!"

Qin Yu is so embarrassed that he wants to find a hole in the ground.

Qin Yu knew that he could not go on sophistry, and then he could only kowtow again to admit his mistake.

"Lord Dragon God, I was young and frivolous at that time. I didn't mean to offend you. I hope you can forgive me!"

Shen Ze is not a small bellied person. He took Qin Yu's words that he didn't deserve to carry his shoes as a joke. He didn't pay attention to it and didn't want to go to Qin Yu to settle the matter.

However, it seems that there is God's will. Today, he met Qin Yu and had some disputes with him.

Therefore, he plans to forget the old and new grudges.

Shen Ze is completely indifferent to Qin Yu's confession and begging for forgiveness.

Shen Ze looked at Qin Yu indifferently and said coldly, "if you want the Dragon God to forgive you, you can cut off your feet."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Yu's face turned pale again, just like the ghost's face, looking very gloomy and terrible.

"Boy, cut off your feet quickly. If you linger again, I'll do it!"

As Qin chaoleng opens his mouth, he throws the bloody dagger to Qin Yu.