Chapter 328

After listening to Qin Yu's order, Jiang Hui and Tao Gang, who were injured but had been relieved, were shocked.

Qin Yu wants to break out of here in front of Shen Ze, the top martial artist.

Can this fuckin 'work?

For Qin Yu's decision, Jiang Hui and Tao gang were shocked by the fact that they were beating drums in their hearts.

Before that, both of them had dealt with Shen Ze and knew how terrible Shen Ze was.

Even if the three of them are masters of martial arts and join hands, they still have no chance of winning in front of Shen Ze.

As a warrior, both Jiang Hui and Tao Gang clearly know that there is a big gap between the master level and the master of martial arts.

And the gap is like a gap, which can not be filled by more people.

What's more, Shen Ze is a Dragon God. How can he disobey the meaning of the Dragon God, or even fight against the Dragon God?

Jiang Hui and Tao Gang felt for the first time that Qin Yu had given an order impulsively. They were very thoughtless and could not respond.

Jiang Hui and Tao Gang pretended that they didn't hear anything and didn't respond to Qin Yu.

Without the response from Jiang Hui and Tao Gang, Qin Yu was stunned.

When he came back, he was very angry.

Qin Yu turned his head and glared at Jiang Hui and Tao gang. Then he said angrily, "can't you hear what Laozi said?"

"I want you to kill me from here together with me!"

"If you don't follow Laozi's will and let Laozi be abandoned here today, you won't have good fruit to eat!"

"If you don't want to die, do as Laozi says at once!"

Jiang Hui and Tao gang are Qin Yu's bodyguards. If something happens to him, Jiang Hui and Tao gang can't be separated.

Although Qin Yu is angry at the moment, what he said is true.

After listening to Qin Yu's words, Jiang Hui and Tao Gang's face suddenly changed. For a moment, they didn't know what to do.

The two were in a dilemma.

If we kill together with Qin Yu from here, we will not only offend Shen Ze, but also make Shen Ze fight and kill himself.

If he doesn't kill Qin Yu from here, Qin Yu will be cut off by Shen Ze.

Qin Yu was abandoned, not only Qin Yu would hate them, but also the Qin royal family would blame them for their poor protection of Qin Yu.

As Qin Yu said, both Qin royal family and Qin Yu can take their lives.

Although both Jiang Hui and Tao gang are masters of martial arts, they are obviously unable to cope with the difficulties of the Qin family.

If Qin yutie wanted to kill them afterwards, they would never survive.

No matter if you do it or not, you may be killed. How can you do that?

For a moment, Jiang Hui and Tao gang were just like the grasshoppers on the hot pot, very anxious and irritable.

Seeing that Jiang Hui and Tao gang were still hesitating and kneeling on the ground, Qin Yu was so angry that he said, "Grass Mud Horse, are you deaf or can't understand what Laozi said? Get the hell out of here

"It's ridiculous of you to be such a master!"

Like watching a play, Qin Chao stands aside. Looking at Qin Yu's silence, Jiang Hui and Tao Gang show a strong ironic smile on his face.

"Laugh at your mother!"

Seeing Qin Chao's sneer, Qin Yu is furious. He just pinches his fist and smashes it at Qin Chao's face.

Qin Yu is a master of martial arts at the early stage. He is much better than Qin Chao, who is only a master after tomorrow.

Qin Chao couldn't react to Qin Yu's sudden attack and the speed of his fist.


Soon after that, when Qin Yu's fist, which can open the boulder, was about to hit Qin Chao's face, a delicate breath came out of the air and bombarded Qin Yu's fist.


There was a dull noise.

Qin Yu's fist is like hitting on a mass of cotton, soft and hard.

Because of the subtle breath, Qin Yu's fist was smashed into the air.

Both Qin Yu and Qin Chao know that Shen Ze did it.

In this regard, Qin Yu's mood became extremely bad, and his face was gloomy, as if he could drip ink.

Qin Chao saw that Qin Yu was just like eating excrement. He was so miserable that he laughed and said, "I didn't move when I was standing in the same place. Why didn't you hit me? Are you too useless?"

"I will kill you!"

Qin Yu was in a bad mood. Being ridiculed by Qin Chao, he suddenly entered a state of violent walking.


Then Qin Yu broke out again.

A terrible force poured out of him, like a huge wave sweeping towards Qin Chao.

This force is obviously beyond Qin Chao's resistance.

If he was bombarded by this force, Qin Chao would be destroyed on the spot.

Qin Yu wants to kill Qin Chao to death!

Qin Chao also felt the horror of this force, but because Shen Ze had just helped him resist Qin Yu's fist, this time he was prepared and not afraid at all.

Qin Chao looks at Qin Yu as if he is watching a monkey show. He looks indifferent and has a disdainful smile on his mouth.

For Qin Yu's attack on Qin Chao this time, Shen Ze obviously helped to block it.

He didn't do anything. After the terrible force poured out of Qin Yu's body, it suddenly dissipated strangely before touching Qin Chao's body.

It's like a fog, suddenly blown away by the wind.

The thunder is loud and the rain is small.

The previous shock of terror soon restored calm, as if nothing had happened.

His attack on Qin Chao is easily resolved by Shen Ze. Qin Yu feels extremely resentful and frustrated, and a deep sense of powerlessness arises in his heart.

He and Shen Ze are not at the same level at all. How can he resist?

In front of Shen Ze, he is really like a soft persimmon!

Previously, Qin Yu also thought that he, Jiang Hui and Tao Gang could join hands to leave the restaurant under Shen Ze's eyes.

But at this time, he had doubts about what he had just thought.

In front of Shen Ze, the martial arts master, he can't leave today!

Realizing this, Qin Yu felt a sense of despair.