Chapter 334

Qin Yu knelt on the ground and didn't move. He fell into silence and didn't say anything for a long time.

"If you don't want to lick it, I'll have to do it!"

Qin Chao has no patience to dally with Qin Yu. Seeing that Qin Yu hasn't moved for a long time, he squats down and puts the dagger on Qin Yu's neck.

Feeling the coolness from his neck, Qin Yu suddenly tightens his body and mind.

Qin Yu's eyes were full of fear. His lips trembled and he said, "brother, don't mess with me..."

"Ha ha..."

Qin Chao sneered twice, and then he held the Dagger's hand with a force.

Although Qin Chao didn't use much power, the dagger was very sharp.


The dagger cut the skin on Qin Yu's neck, a bloodstain appeared, and the blood overflowed.

The pain of skin tearing comes from the neck, and Qin Yu's heart and liver tremble violently.

"Brother, I don't want to die. Please don't kill me..."

Qin Chao sneered, "you didn't do what I asked you to do. Why should I follow your will and not move you?"

Seeing that Qin Chao is serious, Qin Yu obviously has no fluke mentality. At the moment, he knows very well that if he doesn't follow Qin Chao's meaning, Qin Chao will kill him.

Qin Yu, who had been scared to death, didn't think much about it. He just said, "I can do what you want me to do."

"Oh? Is it true or not? " Qin Chao raised his eyebrows.

Qin Yu immediately replied, "really."

Qin Chao nodded, then said carelessly, "OK, you lick your shoes now."

When Qin Yu heard the speech, his eyes immediately fell on a pair of black boots Qin Chao was wearing.

Looking at the dusty black boots, Qin Yu frowned, and his face became ugly.

It was more difficult for him to lick the black boots full of dust and mud than to let him die.

At the moment, Qin Yu impressively thinks that it's better to let him die than to let him lick Qin Chao's shoes.

However, Qin Yu, who hasn't enjoyed enough glory and wealth, and is still full of thoughts about the world, obviously doesn't want to die like this.

As the young master of the Qin family, the successor of the head of the Qin family in the future, he will be full of wonderful scenery for the rest of his life. How can he give up all this?

If he died like this, Qin Yu would be very unwilling. Even if he died, he would die in his eyes!

Among the two choices of death and licking Qin Chao's shoes, Qin Yu finally chose the latter.

After hesitating for a long time, Qin Yu clenched his teeth as if he had made up his mind. His voice was extremely hoarse and low. "I can lick your shoes, but can you promise not to kill me afterwards?"

Qin Chao sniffed the words and said with a noncommittal smile, "as long as you lick my shoes clean, I won't kill you."

Qin Yu raised a pair of red eyes, staring at Qin Chao's eyes, "how can I believe you?"

Qin Chao met Qin Yu's eyes and said coldly, "your life is now in my hand. You have no qualifications and rights that you don't believe in."

Qin Chao's tone is flat, but it is full of a sense of hegemony and strength.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Qin Yu's eyebrows wrinkled deeper and his face became more ugly.

At the moment, his life is really controlled by Qin Chao. He has no right and qualification to question.

Aware of this, Qin Yu can only choose to bow his head and admit his life, "OK, I believe you can do what you say for the moment."

"If you can't do what you say, I won't spare you even if I turn into a ghost!"

Qin Yu didn't dare to say the last sentence, but secretly said it in his heart.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense. If you want to lick my shoes clean, just lick them." Qin Chao said impatiently.

Qin Chao's attitude makes Qin Yu very upset, but he can only swallow his anger.

Qin Yu said in a deep voice, "take away your dagger first."

Qin Chao shrugged carelessly, and then he took away the dagger very simply.

"I'll give you five minutes to lick my shoes. If you can't, I'll cut off your head!"

After Qin Chao took back the dagger, he spoke lightly and stood up slowly.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Qin Yu's eyes were full of humiliation and anger.

There was an evil spirit in his heart, but he didn't dare to attack it.

Because of the time limit, Qin Yu is obviously unable to linger.

His eyes were fixed on Qin Chao's black boots. After all kinds of struggles and tangles, he finally clenched his teeth, slowly bent down his head and put his mouth to the black boots.

Qin Yu closed his eyes, forced fantasy is not to lick shoes, but to lick food.

Then, Qin Yu, like a dog, began to lick Qin Chao's black boots.

Qin Chao lowered his head and watched Qin Yu lick his shoes.

Seeing that Qin Yu finally gave in and licked his shoes, his face was filled with a smile of conspiracy.

At the same time, he sneered at Qin Yu.

If you want to lick my shoes, what qualification do you have to say that my master is not qualified to carry your shoes?

Such spineless things as you don't deserve to carry my master's shoes, even lick my master's shoes!

It took Qin Yu four minutes to lick Qin Chao's black boots clean.

After finishing this thing, Qin Yu felt disgusted and kept retching there.

"It's a good lick. I think you're a little master of the king of Qin. You're very suitable for licking shoes."

Qin Chao is cheap and good at selling himself. As he sneers, he lifts up his black boots, which have been licked bright, and wanders in front of Qin Yu's eyes.

For this kind of behavior of Qin Chao, Qin Yu's heart is surging up with the intention of killing.

"You son of a bitch, don't fall into my hands in the future, or I will cut you to pieces!"

Qin Yu hated Qin Chao and made a poisonous oath in his heart.

Although Qin Yu didn't say it and didn't show hostility, Qin Chao, with keen insight, still sensed the killing opportunity from Qin Yu.

Qin Chao naturally knew that it was Qin Yu who had killed him, but he was not surprised and didn't care.

"Now it's time to get down to business."

Qin Chao's eyes flashed. While he spoke coldly, he felt the dagger again.