Chapter 336

Liu Peng's dog legs stood up from the ground, and then they all looked at the four corpses on the ground with complicated eyes.

Qin Yu, his two bodyguards Jiang Hui, Tao gang and Liu Peng were all killed. What should we do?

What happened in front of them was a big thing for several people. They were confused and didn't know what to do.

Several people look at each other, are from each other's eyes to see the color of loss.

After a long silence in the restaurant, someone said, "shall we inform the Qin family and the Liu family, or shall we fly away from here and hide at once?"

Soon someone said, "this kind of thing can't be mixed up by us little characters. Let's leave here immediately and find a place to hide, just as if we don't know what happened today."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong is involved in these things. It's related to such a top-ranking person. It's really not something we can get involved in. Let's find a place to hide ourselves!"

"Yes, I'm in favor of that."

"I'm in favor of that, too."

We have reached a consensus.

After that, Liu Peng's followers were suddenly scattered.

They left the restaurant as if they were fleeing, and then they each found a place to hide.

Everyone in the restaurant left.

But Hu Wei, the owner of the restaurant, was obviously unable to leave.

When he returned to the restaurant and saw the bodies of Qin Yu and Liu Peng, Hu Wei was shocked.

Damn it, Qin Yu. How did they get killed?

The young man surnamed Shen killed Qin Yu so much?

Qin Yu and others died in Hu Wei's restaurant, which was a huge trouble for Hu Wei, making him want to cry.

How can such a bad thing be spread by oneself?

The young master of the Qin royal family in Yanjing died in his restaurant. Hu Wei had never encountered such a big thing before. He was a little confused for the first time and didn't know what to do.

After Hu Weisi thought about it, he finally chose to call the police and let the patrolman deal with it.

The death of Liu Peng, Jiang Hui and Tao Gang is insignificant, but the death of Qin Yu, the young leader of the Qin royal family, is of great importance.

The young master of the Qin royal family died in Haicheng, which was enough to cause a great shock to the whole Haicheng!

After the patrol came, he was shocked to learn that one of the dead was a young leader of the Qin family.

Because of the great importance, the inspector reported the matter to Xing mu, the director of the Inspection Bureau.

After receiving the report, Xing Mu rushed to the restaurant and dealt with it in person.

Under the leadership of Xing mu, the patrol Bureau blocked the news of the death of Qin Yu and others.

They take the bodies of Qin Yu and others, and take Hu Wei back to the patrol Bureau for investigation.

Qin Yu, the young master of the Qin royal family, died in Haicheng, which shocked Liu Yanshu, the mayor of Haicheng.

After learning the news, Liu Yanshu rushed to the patrol Bureau and met with Xing mu.

Liu Yanshu went to Xing Mu's office and met the latter.

"What's the matter?"

After sitting down, Liu Yanshu asked Xing Mu solemnly.

Xing Mu took a sip of tea, and then answered in a deep voice, "Qin Yu's death has something to do with Mr. Shen."

Liu Yanshu smell speech, brow immediately tight wrinkle together, face become more dignified.

"Is Qin Yu's death related to Shen Diaolong?"


Xing Mu nodded, then slowly said, "according to the restaurant owner's interrogation, this is the case."

"A playboy of Qin Yu's attendants went to the restaurant and met Mr. Shen and miss Mu Ling for dinner. When he saw that Miss Mu was beautiful, he decided to harass Miss mu. As a result, he had a dispute with Mr. Shen."

"Mr. Shen is very powerful and taught the Playboy a lesson. The Playboy was so angry that he found his big supporter Qin Yu."

"Qin Yu has called his two bodyguards to fight with Mr. Shen. The contradiction between the two sides intensified, resulting in death and injury."

After listening to Xing Mu's story, Liu Yanshu nodded, and then he said in a deep voice, "because a woman made such a big murder case, it's really enough!"

Liu Yanshu said with emotion, "Mr. Shen's temper is really big. Even the young masters of the Qin royal family say to kill them. It's a mess!"

"It's just that he killed people and made a big mess for Haicheng!"

"The young master of the Qin royal family died in Haicheng, and the Qin royal family will certainly blame him."

"We haven't been quiet for a long time in Haicheng. We're going to set off a huge wave again!"

In the end, Liu Yanshu's face showed a touch of complexity.

Xing Mu asked, "Mayor Liu, how do you deal with this?"

Liu Yanshu pondered for a moment and said, "it's better to report Qin Yu's death to the Qin royal family truthfully. As for Mr. Shen, he just turned a blind eye."

Xing Mu nodded, then said in a deep voice, "if the king of Qin knew that Qin Yu had died in Haicheng, he would certainly ask for a crime. At that time, we are afraid that it will be difficult to deal with it."

Liu Yanshu's face sank when he heard that, "whether it's Mr. Shen or the royal family of Qin, it's something we can't provoke. We're stuck in the middle, and it's hard to be a man."

Liu Yanshu couldn't help complaining, "since this big brother Shen came to Haicheng, we have had big things in Haicheng one after another."

"These big guys make trouble and let us small characters suffer."

Xing Mu nodded, "I want to resign from the position of the director of the patrol Bureau."

After listening to Xing Mu's words, Liu Yanshu said, "I also want to resign from the position of head of Haicheng!"

After a while of depression, Liu Yanshu and Xing Mu acted separately.

Both of them put their energy on Qin Yu's death.


Shen Ze and Mu Ling went out of the mall and went to the square outside the mall.

Mu Ling didn't know what Shen Ze would do with Qin Yu. She couldn't help but wonder, "brother Ze, what are you going to do with the young master of the Qin family?"

Hearing this, Shen Ze gave a faint smile to Mu Ling and said in a soft voice, "naturally, he was sent to meet his two bodyguards."

Muling asked, "do you mean you let Qin Chao kill him?"

Shen Ze nodded.

Learning that Shen zezhen asked Qin Chao to kill Qin Yu, Mu Ling's face was dignified.

"Brother Ze, the four royal families in Yanjing are all powerful monsters. If you kill the young master of the Qin royal family, I'm afraid you'll get into a lot of trouble?"

"It's going to get into some trouble, but it's not a big problem," Shen said

With his current status and power, Shen Ze is confident that the Qin family dare not do anything about him.

Shen Ze is a Dragon God, and Muling knows that the Qin royal family won't do anything about Shen Ze, but she is still worried.

"Brother Ze, if you kill the young master of the Qin royal family, it's equivalent to a blood feud with the Qin royal family. If they stand opposite your enemies, it's very bad for you!"

Shen Ze gave Mu Ling a reassuring look, and then he said, "a Qin royal family, I haven't paid attention to it. It's not worth worrying about."